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Add needed rank to to execVM "my code";

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So first off here's my code that I would like to add:  if (_rank >= 30) then {

player spawn {

  _pilot = _this;
    private _price = 25000;
  if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then {
    [25000,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash;
    _jet = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F", [4113.665,800.764,1200], [], 0, "FLY"];
    _jet setDir 0;
    _jet setVelocityModelSpace [0,150,0];
    _pilot moveInDriver _jet;
    removeUniform _pilot;
    removeBackpackGlobal _pilot;
    removeHeadgear _pilot;
    _pilot forceAddUniform "U_O_PilotCoveralls";
    _pilot addBackpackGlobal "B_parachute";
    _pilot addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O";
    _jet addAction ["Re-Arm Jet", "scripts\Rearm_Jet.sqf"];
    hint format ["%1 \nYou have brought A10 Good Luck!",name _pilot];
  } else { hint format ["%1 \nYou don't have enough money!",name _pilot] };

I've tried a few ways with adding this but with fail. The code just wont run, even after  changing my xp in the datebase to match rank 30 ( 45000). 


Heres the getRankInfo.sqf

_xp = _this;
_rank = 0;
_nextrankxp = 0;
if (_xp >= 250000) then
	_rank = 50;
	_nextrankxp = 0;
if (_xp >= 230000) then
	_rank = 49;
	_nextrankxp = 250000;
if (_xp >= 210000) then
	_rank = 48;
	_nextrankxp = 230000;
if (_xp >= 190000) then
	_rank = 47;
	_nextrankxp = 210000;
if (_xp >= 170000) then
	_rank = 46;
	_nextrankxp = 180000;
if (_xp >= 150000) then
	_rank = 45;
	_nextrankxp = 170000;
if (_xp >= 140000) then
	_rank = 44;
	_nextrankxp = 150000;
if (_xp >= 130000) then
	_rank = 43;
	_nextrankxp = 140000;
if (_xp >= 120000) then
	_rank = 42;
	_nextrankxp = 130000;
if (_xp >= 110000) then
	_rank = 41;
	_nextrankxp = 120000;
if (_xp >= 100000) then
	_rank = 40;
	_nextrankxp = 110000;
if (_xp >= 90000) then
	_rank = 39;
	_nextrankxp = 100000;
if (_xp >= 85000) then
	_rank = 38;
	_nextrankxp = 90000;
if (_xp >= 80000) then
	_rank = 37;
	_nextrankxp = 85000;
if (_xp >= 75000) then
	_rank = 36;
	_nextrankxp = 80000;
if (_xp >= 70000) then
	_rank = 35;
	_nextrankxp = 75000;
if (_xp >= 65000) then
	_rank = 34;
	_nextrankxp = 70000;
if (_xp >= 60000) then
	_rank = 33;
	_nextrankxp = 65000;
if (_xp >= 55000) then
	_rank = 32;
	_nextrankxp = 60000;
if (_xp >= 50000) then
	_rank = 31;
	_nextrankxp = 55000;
if (_xp >= 45000) then
	_rank = 30;
	_nextrankxp = 50000;
if (_xp >= 40000) then
	_rank = 29;
	_nextrankxp = 45000;
if (_xp >= 37000) then
	_rank = 28;
	_nextrankxp = 40000;
if (_xp >= 34000) then
	_rank = 27;
	_nextrankxp = 37000;
if (_xp >= 31000) then
	_rank = 26;
	_nextrankxp = 34000;
if (_xp >= 28000) then
	_rank = 25;
	_nextrankxp = 31000;
if (_xp >= 25000) then
	_rank = 24;
	_nextrankxp = 28000;
if (_xp >= 22000) then
	_rank = 23;
	_nextrankxp = 25000;
if (_xp >= 19000) then
	_rank = 22;
	_nextrankxp = 22000;
if (_xp >= 16000) then
	_rank = 21;
	_nextrankxp = 19000;
	if (_xp >= 14000) then
	_rank = 20;
	_nextrankxp = 16000;
	if (_xp >= 12000) then
	_rank = 19;
	_nextrankxp = 14000;
	if (_xp >= 10000) then
	_rank = 18;
	_nextrankxp = 12000;
	if (_xp >= 9000) then
	_rank = 17;
	_nextrankxp = 10000;
	if (_xp >= 8000) then
	_rank = 16;
	_nextrankxp = 9000;
	if (_xp >= 7000) then
	_rank = 15;
	_nextrankxp = 8000;
	if (_xp >= 6200) then
	_rank = 14;
	_nextrankxp = 7000;
	if (_xp >= 5400) then
	_rank = 13;
	_nextrankxp = 6200;
	if (_xp >= 4800) then
	_rank = 12;
	_nextrankxp = 5400;
	if (_xp >= 4200) then
	_rank = 11;
	_nextrankxp = 4800;
	if (_xp >= 3600) then
	_rank = 10;
	_nextrankxp = 4200;
	if (_xp >= 3100) then
	_rank = 9;
	_nextrankxp = 3600;
	if (_xp >= 2600) then
	_rank = 8;
	_nextrankxp = 3100;
	if (_xp >= 2100) then
	_rank = 7;
	_nextrankxp = 2600;
	if (_xp >= 1700) then
	_rank = 6;
	_nextrankxp = 2100;
	if (_xp >= 1300) then
	_rank = 5;
	_nextrankxp = 1700;
	if (_xp >= 900) then
	_rank = 4;
	_nextrankxp = 1300;
	if (_xp >= 600) then
	_rank = 3;
	_nextrankxp = 900;
	if (_xp >= 300) then
	_rank = 2;
	_nextrankxp = 300;
	_rank = 1;
	_nextrankxp = 100;

_output = [_rank, _nextrankxp];

and this is the database getPlayerStats.sqf


if (isServer) then
	//check if player exists in db
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_uid = getPlayerUID _unit;
	_name = name _unit;
		_query = format ["SELECT id,uid FROM player WHERE uid = '%1'", _uid];
		while{!isNil("serverRunningQuery") && serverRunningQuery} do { 
		sleep 0.5;//busy wait
		serverRunningQuery = true;
		_get = nil;
		while {isNil("_get")} do {
		_get = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query];
		if (_get == "") then {
			_get = nil;
		sleep 0.5;
		if ((count (toArray(_get))) < 6) then { //if user doesnt exist in database
			_query = "INSERT into player (uid, name, xp, kills, deaths, ammo, weapons, items, assignitems, headgear, goggles, vest, vestitems, uniform, uniformitems, backpack, packitems, handgunitems,
			primarywep, secondarywep) VALUES(";
			_query = _query + "'" + (_uid) + "'," + "'" + (_name) + "'" + ",0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)";

			_return = nil;
			while {isNil("_return")} do {
				_return = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query];
				if (_return == "") then {
					_return = nil;
				sleep 0.5;

		//get saved stats from server
		_query = format ["SELECT xp,kills,deaths FROM player WHERE uid = '%1'", _uid];
		_get = nil;
		while {isNil("_get")} do {
			_get = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension format ["Arma2NETMySQLCommandAsync ['MyDataBaseName', '%1']", _query];
			if (_get == "") then {
				_get = nil;
			sleep 0.5; 
		serverRunningQuery = false;
	//This converts the string to an array
	_get = call compile _get;

	//only select the inner array, throw away this outer array shell
	_get = _get select 0;
	_get = _get select 0;

	_string = _get select 0;
	_xp = parseNumber _string;
	_string = _get select 1;
	_kills = parseNumber _string;
	_string = _get select 2;
	_deaths = parseNumber _string;
	player_stats_add = [_xp,_kills,_deaths];
	owner _unit publicVariableClient "player_stats_add";
	player_stats_got = 1;
	owner _unit publicVariableClient "player_stats_got";

Any help would be great. Just spent 6hrs trying to add this with no luck. Please don't let me try sleep on a loss LOL

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Also this is how its updating my  RscTitles


using call command getRankInfo.


Now after looking at this I am unsure if I should be using _rank = player stats select 0 call getRankInfo;

witch I tried 


	_rankinfo = player_stats select 0 call getRankInfo;
	uiNamespace setVariable ['playerrank', _rankinfo select 0];
	uiNamespace setVariable ['playernextrank', _rankinfo select 1];
	uiNamespace setVariable ['playerkills', player_stats select 1];
	uiNamespace setVariable ['playerdeaths', player_stats select 2];
    //update controls. ONLY uinamespace from this point
    with uiNamespace do
		//_output = format ["Server restart: %1 min", _tL];
        //statsstime ctrlSetText _output;
        //statsstime ctrlCommit 0.1; 
		_output = format ["Rank: %1   XP: %2/%3", playerrank, playerxp, playernextrank];


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You could go for a more readable approach, into init.sqf:

getNextRankAndXP = {

params ["_xp",["_debug",true]];

_levels = [[0,1000],[1000,2000],[2000,3000],[3000,4000],[4000,5000],[5000,6000],[6000,7000],[8000,9000],[9000,10000]];
_getrank = (_levels apply {_xp > _x select 0 AND _xp <= _x select 1});

_rank = (_getrank find true) + 1;
_nextRankXP = if (_rank < count _levels) then {_levels select ((_getrank find true) + 1) select 0} else {0};
if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Input: %1 = %2",_xp,[_rank,_nextRankXP]]};

To call simply:

_output = [random 10000] call getNextRankAndXP;


With 0.0274 ms it's running a bit slower than your if then else abomination (0.0178ms) but more readable and easier to expand.

Returns 0 as next rankXP when max rank has been reached, otherwise it returns the xp value needed for the next rank.

Some outputs:

Input: 9414.63 = [9,0]
Input: 5918.12 = [6,6000]
Input: 8890.21 = [8,9000]
Input: 4067.06 = [5,5000]


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1 hour ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

You could go for a more readable approach, into init.sqf:

getNextRankAndXP = {

params ["_xp",["_debug",true]];

_levels = [[0,1000],[1000,2000],[2000,3000],[3000,4000],[4000,5000],[5000,6000],[6000,7000],[8000,9000],[9000,10000]];
_getrank = (_levels apply {_xp > _x select 0 AND _xp <= _x select 1});

_rank = (_getrank find true) + 1;
_nextRankXP = if (_rank < count _levels) then {_levels select ((_getrank find true) + 1) select 0} else {0};
if (_debug) then {systemchat format ["Input: %1 = %2",_xp,[_rank,_nextRankXP]]};

To call simply:

_output = [random 10000] call getNextRankAndXP;


With 0.0274 ms it's running a bit slower than your if then else abomination (0.0178ms) but more readable and easier to expand.

Returns 0 as next rankXP when max rank has been reached, otherwise it returns the xp value needed for the next rank.

Some outputs:

Input: 9414.63 = [9,0]
Input: 5918.12 = [6,6000]
Input: 8890.21 = [8,9000]
Input: 4067.06 = [5,5000]


Sorry mate new to this and you lost me ?

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_output = [random 10000] call getNextRankAndXP;


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2 minutes ago, ROTAHOE said:

_output = [random 10000] call getNextRankAndXP;


How exactly can I help you? You just posted how to call the function, random 10000 is just a placeholder and to be replaced with your _xp value.

This outputs the next rank and the xp needed for the next rank, exactly like the function you posted earlier.



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I got done what was needed with 

player spawn {

 _pilot = _this;
 private _price = 25000;
      if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then {
  		_info = player_stats select 0 call getRankInfo;
		_rank = _info select 0;
      if (_rank >= 50) then {
      [25000,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash;
      _jet = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F", [4113.665,800.764,1200], [], 0, "FLY"];
      _jet setDir 0;
      _jet setVelocityModelSpace [0,150,0];
      _pilot moveInDriver _jet;
      removeUniform _pilot;
      removeBackpackGlobal _pilot;
      removeHeadgear _pilot;
      _pilot forceAddUniform "U_O_PilotCoveralls";
      _pilot addBackpackGlobal "B_parachute";
      _pilot addHeadgear "H_PilotHelmetFighter_O";
      _jet addAction ["Re-Arm Jet", "scripts\Rearm_Jet.sqf"];
      hint format ["%1 \nYou have brought A10 Good Luck!",name _pilot];
     } else { hint format ["%1 \nYou don't have enough money!",name _pilot] 

 But interested on your input

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My function was just a suggestion, if you already got it working all is well.



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Sorry those functions work fine, it was just this script ^ adding a needed rank i.e 50 

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Thank you for posting mate :cheers:

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