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Vehicle !alive Help

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I have a convoy and was using !alive for the trucks so i know it has been ambushed but if i shoot the drivers out it will never carry on the code any sugg on how to solve this issue ?  the guys are in a group  _aiGroup


i nmeed a way to know if any driver has been shot in the vehicles

waitUntil {(!alive _leadtruck) or (!alive _maintruck) or (!alive _reartruck) };


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You'll need to check if that particular unit is alive, not the truck. When the driver dies, the truck does not.

waitUntil {!(alive driver _leadtruck) or !(alive driver _maintruck) or !(alive driver _reartruck)};

However, if the convoy is ambushed and none of the drivers are killed, the code will not carry on. You may want to check if the units/trucks become damaged rather than killed.

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Going a step further,

init.sqf or wherever:

TAG_flag_DriverKilled = false;

_drivers = units _aiGroup select {assignedVehicleRole _x isEqualTo "DRIVER"};

_x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{TAG_flag_DriverKilled = true}];

} forEach _drivers;

Now you only need to check if TAG_flag_DriverKilled is true.



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is there a way to work of if a Vehicle has stopped i.e taken enough damage it will not move but not destroyed ?



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