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AntisocialChump (DayZ)

How to make AI hold before trigger?

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Hi! I am making a mission where after you walk through an area (trigger) it tells a tank to start moving to a position... But how do I make the tank not wander around before the trigger is activated?? I tried using the hold waypoint but it asks for an amount of time to hold and I don't know if there is a way to make it stop holding and start moving once the trigger is activated.  Thanks!


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Sync the trigger to the hold waypoint and set the trigger type to switch.

Also make sure the trigger is actually activating.



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The name has been changed from Switch to Skip Waypoint in the editor. But remains "Switch" when creating it in script.



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Place a simple trigger. set fuel to 0 for the tank in editor . When your trigger is activated (server only, it'sbetter): tank1 setfuel 1;

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