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Cleanup script that only deletes Player deaths

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Is this possible? I've been looking around and all the cleanup scripts I've seen work on all units. I'm making a mission that doesn't continuously spawn new enemies or anything, so it'd be nice to keep the enemy bodies there for immersion while periodically deleting just the BLUFOR player bodies.

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2 hours ago, BlacKnightBK said:

you can add an event handler once a player dies the body gets deleted.

Still figuring out how to use event handlers. In a trigger:

OnAct :_playerkilled = player1 addEventHandler ["killed", {deleteVehicle player1;}]

But won't that delete the player after they respawn? And how do you give it a delay?

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The vanilla system can do just that




Configure in description.ext, ive never had much luck getting it to work in editor, only by description.ext.


alternatively something like this could help


addMissionEventHandler [
		params ['_killed','',''];
		if (isPlayer _killed) then {
			addToRemainsCollector [_killed];


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