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Today we release DesolationRedux v0.3.0. This is a major rewrite of much of the SERVER and CLIENT code. This mod was started by a bunch of friends that wanted to make a mod, but were unsure at the time how to go about it. 2 years later, there were some glaring fixes needed. Thanks to Razer remaking a ton of the server side code, and helping fix up part of the client files, Legodev for reworking his Libredex, and myself reworking many of the client file configs and models, we can now move forward with a bunch of new features. These past issues really prevented us from adding new things to the mod, so had to be addressed.

Now this will not just be an optimization update. We do have new content in that you should be able to enjoy. I suggest reading through the change logs.There is some great stuff there.

The follow on updates shouldn't take as long as this one did. Hopefully we can get some of the things in that we have been holding back on, and also start to see more community plugins available. Until then, here are your change logs for DesolationREDUX v0.3.0

Client Files

Added: Pumpkin and Apple icons.
Added: More edible food.
Added: Sounds for door breaking.
Added: Ability for zombies to break down and open doors (Fixes ghosting through buildings).
Added: Sounds for generator.
Added: Portable Light Item.
Added: Hospital Bed object.
Added: Hospital Sink object.
Added: Hospital Gurney object.
Added: Bike Frame, Bike Wheel, Bike Chain as parts for crafting a Bike.
Added: Action for crafting a Bike.
Added: Icon for M500 shotgun.
Added: Action for opening a can.
Added: Opened can foods.
Added: cz750, m4_300, and revolver magazine icons.
Added: Cutting animations for Shears.
Added: A2 uniform ports now work for players.
Added: HiddenSelectionTextures to storage crates.
Added: Level 2 player house Version 2.
Added: Skeleton model for body decomposing.
Added: Land_school_01 object.
Added: UN Billlboard textures.
Added: Action to cut / remove zip ties.

Fixed: Accessory icons.
Fixed: Weapon effect code.
Fixed: Broken prop p3d paths in zombies.
Fixed: Zombie uniforms no longer disappear when they are killed.
Fixed: Set max zeroing to 100m in m500.

Tweaked: Accessory mode.cfg's to fix skeleton error.
Tweaked: House Level 3 preview inventory increased to 8000.
Tweaked: DSR_Moto physx.hpp to fix duplicate fuel class.
Tweaked: Painkiller icons.
Tweaked: Haku was here.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Weapons configs.7:31 PM 4/10/2018
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Zombies configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Actions configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Anims configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Apparel configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Creatures configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Items configs.
Tweaked: Complete remake for DSR_Musics configs.
Tweaked: Moved weapon animations to DSR_Anims.
Tweaked: Moved zombie animations to DSR_Anims.
Tweaked: Changed all player house damage namedProperty to NO.
Tweaked: DSR_Object splint config.
Tweaked: Changed 3rd camera position.
Tweaked: Intro weather and time.
Tweaked: Flashlight light intensity, distance and angle.
Tweaked: mk12,cz805,m24,DMR and SVD icons.

Removed: Extra TGA files.
Removed: Duplicate textures in DSR_Weapons.
Removed: Zombie uniforms from BIS_Arsenal.

Server Files

Fixed: Removed "No Wall" message when jumping.
Fixed: Zombies can no longer run inside houses.
Fixed: Surrender bug where the surrender animation could still be seen from player B's
viewpoint, even though Player A lowered their hands.
Fixed: "Delete" in AdminTool now removes the object from DB.
Fixed: Fixed restart function in AdminTools.
Fixed: DB object lock status.
Fixed: Zombies should no longer yell "AREA CLEAR".
Fixed: Unit stops when holstering axe instead of diving.
Fixed: Server monitor now starts 5 minutes after restart.
Fixed: Unit load-out saving.
Fixed: Decreased "12Gauge_Buck" bullet spread.
Fixed: Everyone can now unlock/lock all doors if they know the code.
Fixed: Unit voice pitches.
Fixed: Temporary fix to make crates not disappear when lifting them.
Fixed: Black screen appears immediately when trying to turn NVGs on if there is no battery item in the inventory.
Fixed: Ability to check target's UID with AdminTools.
Fixed: If target is in vehicle when teleporting, the unit will now move inside that vehicle. (AdminTools)
Fixed: Ability to get water from the object, "misc_trunk_water".
Fixed: Removing vehicle parts from a vehicle now requires a toolbox in your inventory.
Fixed: Mined rocks goes now to nearest groundHolder if available.
Fixed: Zombie's uniforms no longer disappear when they die.
Fixed: Weapon attachments will save, and will stay on the weapon after restart.

Added: Gathering items from apple trees.
Added: Combat log system.
Added: Deconstruction for walls.
Added: BIS Arsenal to AdminTools.
Added: Portable lights to loot tables.
Added: Bike crafting.
Added: DB now stores the weapon name, player name, and the distance they were killed from.
Added: Added a can opening action.
Added: Ability to pack tents.
Added: Ability to edit spawned player's headgear, uniform, vest, backpack and goggles.
Added: Ability to gut animals.
Added: Ability to zip-tie players and open their inventories.
Added: Ability to disassemble bike.
Added: Ability to cut wires.
Added: Ability to set max amount of each vehicle type.
Added: Ability to set random fuel/damage to spawned vehicles.
Added: Ability to place portable lights.
Added: Ability to spawn crates with AdminTool.
Added: Ability to add dead bodies around a helicopter crash.
Added: Ability to place and turn on/off generators (Lights up all portable lights within 16 meters).
Added: Ability to set plugin version in "config.cpp".
Added: Portable lights to loot tables.
Added: New function to pluginMaster: "BASE_fnc_getCfgNumber" .
Added: Some small bugs in Libredex like a broken return value in Libredex termination.
Added: Scheduled time based restarts.
Added: New variable: "DS_var_nextSync" .
Added: Version checker to DB plugin.

Optimized: Flip Object code.
Optimized: Item Fill code.
Optimized: Refueling code.
Optimized: Remove parts code.
Optimized: Repair parts code.
Optimized: Replace code.
Optimized: Refuel vehicle code.
Optimized: Refuel request code.
Optimized: Holstering code.
Optimized: Jump code.
Optimized: Autorun code.

Updated: Moved getLoot and setLoot from desolation plugin to PluginManager ("BASE_fnc_getAllCargo" and "BASE_fnc_setAllCargo") .
Updated: Moved "HeliCrashes" as it's own plugin.
Updated: Moved Airdrops as it's own plugin.
Updated: Moved looting system as it's own plugin ("LootSystem") .
Updated: Moved "shuffleArray" from Desolation plugin to "pluginMaster" .

Removed: AltisExpansion (Configs moved to "LootSystem" plugin) .

# Legodev's stuff
Added: Update character and update object are now quiet methods to speed up synchronization between the server and the database
(To detect any issues you either need to use the debug Libredex or switch back to the non quiet async method in the server files by changing PROTOCOL_DBCALL_FUNCTION_QUIET_ to PROTOCOL_DBCALL_FUNCTION_UPDATE_OBJECT and the same of the CHAR function).

Added: Possibility to limit the amount of objects returned by dumpObject
(To use this feature, you have to define the offset and the amount of objects you want to have and keep fetching while increasing the offset until you get an empty array).


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We have released version 0.3.2.  Client file wise, this was mostly cleanup and adding localization features.  Many of the in game item and object descriptions are now available in English/Russian to assist the large Russian portion of the community.  Server files have had a large bit of work done including fixes to melee, glitchPunisher, and crafting.  Hope you all enjoy.

Client Files Changelog v0.3.2

    Added: Localization for dsr_ui config
    Added: Name/Init/Damage attributes to EditMapConfig function
    Added: Book 1
    Added: Fuel Barrel as buildable item
    Added: dsr_ammo_base & dsr_magazine_base classes
    Added: cfgBuildables and cfgVehicleParts to stringtables

    Fixed: Magazine .hpp file names

    Tweaked: Damage is now stored into vehicle parts as ammo
    Tweaked: UI HUD Icons
    Tweaked: Ducttape updated to A3 version
    Tweaked: A3 objects moved to own config file

    Removed: Oilrig/NuclearTower buildings
    Removed: dsr_tire_part

Server Files Changelog v0.3.2

    Added: Weapon progress level now effects weapon handling.
    Added: New animations for drinking and eating.
    Added: Ability to block building on marker areas. (Marker name's has to be: "BlockedBuildingArea_0","BlockedBuildingArea_1",etc...).
    Added: Eating cooked meat now increases your blood level.
    Added: Bans, Kicks, and other AntiCheat warning messages are now stored to built in log and .rpt.
    Added: Added warning message if libredex.dll is not found!
    Added: AI Markers to AdminTools
    Added: Improved anticheat and added new features like TP check!
    Added: "tacs_bacpacks" addon to mission.sqm files.
    Added: Knife to loot tables.
    Added: Ability to disable spawnpoint selection menu. (When false unit will be spawned to a random zone).
    Added: Player stance and grass now effects the distance on zombie agro.
    Added: VehicleManager uses now .hpp files for configs.
    Added: Server password and load id are now sent in initServer as params.
    Added: New function: BASE_fnc_editString.
    Added: Ability to toggle autoRefuel from fuel pumps.
    Fixed: Required items are now checked before the repair/remove/.etc starts.
    Fixed: Player rating goes to positive when in a vehicle. (This way other players can get in, in the same vehicle)
    Fixed: Ability to melee zombies.
    Fixed: PluginManager's "Get" functions are now more user friendly. Also wiki for most functions are updated!
    Fixed: Removed old "dsr_ports" and "dsr_flashlight" addons from chernarus mission.
    Fixed: Animations for drinking and eating.
    Fixed: Timings in doAnimation functions.
    Fixed: DesoDB/ApmsDB no longer spams rpt when killing player with no uid.
    Fixed: Display of amount of spawned Vehicles.
    Fixed: Animal group size when despawning, is now saved correctly.
    Fixed: Ability to remove owned base buildings.
    Fixed: Airdrop message is now displayed when crate has been dropped.
    Fixed: Vehicle has no longer backpacks in it's inventory when spawned via admin menu.
    Fixed: Removed ability to lock watercathments and fireplaces.
    Fixed: On spawn player no longer changes unit! (now "player" script can be used in initClients)
    Fixed: Improved GlitchPunisher!
    Fixed: Fixing bikewheel uses now bikewheel instead of car wheel.
    Fixed: Updated southzagoria map as chernarus_2035.
    Fixed: Canceling building works correctly.
    Tweaked: Unit data is now set in DB_fnc_loadPlayer.
    Tweaked: Toolbox is no longer required when using tire repairkits.
    Tweaked: Locations are now created on client start function.
    Tweaked: Setup fresh unit loadout is now done performed by client.
    Tweaked: Changed DesoDB plugin name as ApmsDB
    Tweaked: All ai.s will not attack players.
    Tweaked: Zombie ratings are now -10k when spawned to make ai.s shoot them.
    Tweaked: Updated "Death Message" and "Unconscious" text type and font.
    Tweaked: DS_var_inCombat returns now false instead of null when not in combat.
Libredex Changelog
        - Added: Time log to the debugoutput of libredex
        - Added: Dumping the sql querys to the debuglog
        - Rebased Unix/Epochtime of libredex to the July 18, 2016 as base time, by subtracting 1468800000 from the real time to fix an precision loss of because arma converts the value.
SQL Changelog
        - Added: Killinfoview table.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls,

After a long hiatus, the DesolationREDUX dev team would like to present to you, DesolationREDUX v0.41!! @Razer , @legodev , @Kegan Hollern , and @[2301] B.A.D. have been working the majority of this past year nearly completely reworking the core of Desolation. The code now runs better, and allows the guys to move forward with some cool new features we have been wanting for a long time. I think you all will like the things that have been added, and should really be excited for what's to come in the next big announcement. With that said, here is your DesolationREDUX v0.41 changelog.




For more plugins


Added: Rework for APMSDB.

Added: Saving objects turret magazines.

Added: Simpleobject saving support.

Added: Detection for object changes (Update objects when only rquired).

Added: Clan support.

Added: Saving world data.

Added: Init custom scripts on object on DB load.

Added: Debug rpt logging.


Added: Fist melee system.

Added: Fishing.

Added: Cooking.

Added: BBQ grill.

Added: AI Support.

Added: Support for player spawn position. (Shore,Road,House).

Tweaked: Adjusted melee system hit detection.

Tweaked: Changed custom dynamic simulation to use BIS's system.


Added: Ghillies help you now.

Optimization. Zombies no longer run inside houses. Zombies should not be able to go trough doors anymore. Ai.s will now shoot zombies. Overall better AI.


Tweaked: Improved detection.

Updated all mission files.

SERVER OWNERS: If you using custom make sure to add the spawn locations. (desolation\config.cpp). - Also add the spawn screen images inside the mission folder!

Added: Livonia map support.

Removed: AntiSideChat plugin.

Changelog for Libredex

Added: Base support for clan system. -

Added: Explicit update of object usage time for broken mysql instances. -

Added: Read/write file support (limited to whitelisted files in the config). -

Added: Strings that exceed the max length of the text field are discarded (typically only happens in relation to cheater inventories). -

Added: Functions to (un)whitelist players from ingame. -

Added: Function to link an object to a new world (required for server traveling with vehicles)


Added: Small and Large fish icons. Added: DIY bullets. (9mm,56,762,127).

Added: Key items (With unique keyid's). Added: Server transfer code.

Added: Server ability to add up to 6 spawn points.

Added: Support for cooking.

Fixed: Zombies attack range not working.

Tweaked: Increased zombies attack range.

Tweaked: Better output for 3DEN functions.

Removed: Obsolete ammo class for 44 cal revolver.

Removed: Mi-8 and heli_medium from files.

Removed: m500. (Issues with animations).

Removed: TACS.

ATTENTION SERVER OWNERS: DB wipe is not NEEDED... but is HIGHLY suggested to do so. Changes to the tables are required. No easy script available for that, so if you know what you are doing, go for it. If not, wipe.


  With all that said, there are some exciting news for the future of Desolation/APMS. APMS is the framework upon which Desolation was built. It is a unique plugin system created for Arma 3 that allows the use of server side plugins, much like client side MODs for Arma. Desolation is made with dozens of these plugins, able to easily add or remove to suit the server owners needs. To allow for this system to be used more widely, APMS has had a large rework that separates itself more from Desolation, allowing for modders to use it now for their own purposes.


  On top of that work, The guys have done something we have dreamed about having for a very long time. In the current dev build of Desolation, there now lies the workings of a Server Transfer System. It's still very rudimentary, and will need a few months to work out and polish, but will allow server owners to now link multiple worlds together. Players will have the ability to move between maps (cherno to utes to Tanoa, etc) with all their character info/gear/vehicle, without the need for logging out, and logging back in to another server. Simply go to the transfer section, transfer is initiated, you load into the new map moving and facing the direction you were going, and you keep playing. The possibilities this brings are endless, and I can't wait to show it.

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