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Error: missing '}' (SOLVED)

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So I spent the last 3 hours of my day trying to find out what is missing in the config file but every time I find a solution it would just come up with  missing '}'

this is quite infuriating to be honest cause sometimes when I place the missing '}' the game will load but none of the assets will even appear!


My other mods will appear though but for this one it strangely just wont work and I nearly broke my mouse from the frustration in this damn error! (Sorry guys if I sound rude I just cant restrain myself from this god forsaken error)


https://gyazo.com/c9711b928d584ca9e1a7d6efad6d53b4 (Here is the error picture)


Here is the full code:

class CfgPatches
	class APF

class UniformSlotInfo 
    slotType = 0; 
    linkProxy = "-"; 

class cfgFactionClasses 
    class ASCRU
        displayName = "ASCRU"; 
        priority = 3; // Position in list. 
        side = 2; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. 
        icon = ""; //Custom Icon 
	    class ASPD
        displayName = "ASPD"; 
        priority = 3; // Position in list. 
        side = 2; // Opfor = 0, Blufor = 1, Indep = 2. 
        icon = ""; //Custom Icon 

class CfgFaces
	class Default
		class Default;

	class Man_A3: Default
		class WhiteHead_04;
                class GreekHead_A3_02;

		class Haikaros: WhiteHead_04
                        displayname="Haikaros"; // Between the quotation marks, add the name of your face. This is how it will appear in the Virtual Arsenal etc. This can also begin with the prefix '$STR' (e.g. "$STR_New_Face_01"); but that's for localization purposes, I won't get bogged down in those details here. I only mention it, in case you see it elsewhere and wonder what it's all about.
                        texture="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_co.paa"; // This is a very important line! Be sure to check it for typos. An example path to the texture file could look something like this: "\Resist\Heads\Data\Steinacher_co.paa". This would mean, we have a PBO entitled 'Resist', with a folder in it entitled 'Heads', and a folder in that entitled 'Data', and, finally, in that, a .paa file entitled 'Steinacher_co.paa'. I would recommend adding the '_co' suffix for the main colour texture you've created. 
                        head="DefaultHead_A3"; // The actual model for your custom face. For instance, if you used Stavrou's head, with the pony tail, the physical shape of the head would be different and therefore, would have a different entry here. Most just use the default head defined here.
                        identityTypes[]={Haikaros}; // This is used to identify which units will have your custom face by default; you can leave it alone, it's not really important for what you're trying to achieve.
                        author="Cydoemus"; // Your name goes here :) 
                        material="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros.rvmat"; // This is another very important line! Depending on just how good you want your face to look, you may want to add a custom RVMAT, with accompanying specular (SMDI) and normal map (NOHQ) textures. Though a vital part of custom faces, I really can't go into too much detail here, as it's quite an in-depth subject and an art form in its own right! If you've only made minor changes to an existing face texture, you should be able to get away with inheriting the standard RVMAT - which you can do by deleting this line entirely. 
                        textureHL="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros_co.paa"; // Path to texture for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialHL="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros.rvmat"; // Path to material (RVMAT) for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        textureHL2="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros_co.paa"; // Second path (anyone know why there's an HL2?) to texture for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialHL2="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros.rvmat"; // Second path (anyone know why there's an HL2?) to material for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialWounded1="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury.rvmat"; // Path to a wounded face texture. I'd recommend using the same path as the 'material=' path for your face, if you want an easy ride. Add a wounded texture if you fancy getting a bit more creative.
                        materialWounded2="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury.rvmat"; // Second path to a wounded face texture (again, not too sure why we have two; though I'm sure some bright spark will let me know! :D)

		class Haikaros_Death: WhiteHead_04
                        displayname="Haikaros (Death)"; // Between the quotation marks, add the name of your face. This is how it will appear in the Virtual Arsenal etc. This can also begin with the prefix '$STR' (e.g. "$STR_New_Face_01"); but that's for localization purposes, I won't get bogged down in those details here. I only mention it, in case you see it elsewhere and wonder what it's all about.
                        texture="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury_co.paa"; // This is a very important line! Be sure to check it for typos. An example path to the texture file could look something like this: "\Resist\Heads\Data\Steinacher_co.paa". This would mean, we have a PBO entitled 'Resist', with a folder in it entitled 'Heads', and a folder in that entitled 'Data', and, finally, in that, a .paa file entitled 'Steinacher_co.paa'. I would recommend adding the '_co' suffix for the main colour texture you've created. 
                        head="DefaultHead_A3"; // The actual model for your custom face. For instance, if you used Stavrou's head, with the pony tail, the physical shape of the head would be different and therefore, would have a different entry here. Most just use the default head defined here.
                        identityTypes[]={Haikaros}; // This is used to identify which units will have your custom face by default; you can leave it alone, it's not really important for what you're trying to achieve.
                        author="Cydoemus"; // Your name goes here :) 
                        material="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury.rvmat"; // This is another very important line! Depending on just how good you want your face to look, you may want to add a custom RVMAT, with accompanying specular (SMDI) and normal map (NOHQ) textures. Though a vital part of custom faces, I really can't go into too much detail here, as it's quite an in-depth subject and an art form in its own right! If you've only made minor changes to an existing face texture, you should be able to get away with inheriting the standard RVMAT - which you can do by deleting this line entirely. 
                        textureHL="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros_co.paa"; // Path to texture for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialHL="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros.rvmat"; // Path to material (RVMAT) for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        textureHL2="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros_co.paa"; // Second path (anyone know why there's an HL2?) to texture for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialHL2="\APF\Heads\Data\hl_haikaros.rvmat"; // Second path (anyone know why there's an HL2?) to material for hands and legs (HL). You shouldn't need to change this.
                        materialWounded1="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury.rvmat"; // Path to a wounded face texture. I'd recommend using the same path as the 'material=' path for your face, if you want an easy ride. Add a wounded texture if you fancy getting a bit more creative.
                        materialWounded2="\APF\Heads\Data\Haikaros_Injury.rvmat"; // Second path to a wounded face texture (again, not too sure why we have two; though I'm sure some bright spark will let me know! :D)


class CfgVehicles 
    //*****             Units                *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class B_Soldier_F; 
    class Items_base_F;
		class ASCRU: B_soldier_F {
        author = "Cydoemus"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Counter-Terrorist"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"LanguageGRE_F", "Head_Greek", "G_GUERIL_default"}; 
        genericNames = "GreekMen"; 
        faction = "ASCRU";
	    camouflage = 0.8;
		sensitivity = 3.5;
		detectSkill = 30;
        model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01"; 
        uniformClass = "ASCRU_Fatigues";
		side = 2;
		class Wounds {
			tex[] = {};
			mat[] = {"A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_epb\blufor\data\clothing1_dirty.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\civil\data\c_poloshirt.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\common\data\coveralls.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\ia_soldier_01_clothing.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla2_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Gamma\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla2_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Gamma\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla2_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla3_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla4_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_EPB\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla4_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_EPB\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla4_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla_6_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla_6_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla_6_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\officer.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\officer_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\officer_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat"};
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Uniforms\Data\U_ASCRU_co.paa"}; 
        weapons[] = {"W_Mk20_Police","Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"W_Mk20_Police","Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {""}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {""};
        linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
		class ASPD: B_soldier_F {
        author = "Cydoemus"; 
        _generalMacro = "B_soldier_F"; 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Policeman"; 
        identityTypes[] = {"LanguageGRE_F", "Head_Greek", "G_GUERIL_default"}; 
        genericNames = "GreekMen"; 
        faction = "ASPD";
	    camouflage = 0.8;
		sensitivity = 3.5;
		detectSkill = 30;
        model = "\A3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01"; 
        uniformClass = "ASPD_Fatigues";
		side = 2;
		class Wounds {
			tex[] = {};
			mat[] = {"A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth2_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth3_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_cloth4_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_epb\blufor\data\clothing1_dirty.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\Data\clothing1_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\civil\data\c_poloshirt.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\c_poloshirt_injury.rvmat", "A3\characters_f\common\data\coveralls.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\coveralls_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\ia_soldier_01_clothing.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla2_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Gamma\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla2_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Gamma\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla2_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla3_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Civil\Data\hunter_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_epb\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla4_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_EPB\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla4_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_EPB\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla4_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\guerrilla\data\ig_guerrilla_6_1.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla_6_1_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Bootcamp\Guerrilla\Data\ig_guerrilla_6_1_injury.rvmat", "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\data\officer.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\officer_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\officer_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat"};
        hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Insignia"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Uniforms\Data\U_ASPD_co.paa"}; 
        weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; 
        respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; 
        magazines[] = {""}; 
        respawnMagazines[] = {""};
        linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
        respawnLinkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"}; 
class cfgWeapons 
    //*****            Uniforms              *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
    class ItemCore; 
    class UniformItem; 
	class arifle_Mk20_F;
	class HeadgearItem;
    class Uniform_Base: ItemCore 
        class ItemInfo; 
    class ASCRU_Fatigues: Uniform_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Fatigues [ASCRU]"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; //suit pack
		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\data\suitpack_soldier_opfor_co.paa"};  
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "ASCRU";
            uniformType = "Neopren";			
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 50; 
	    class ASPD_Fatigues: Uniform_Base 
        scope = 2; 
        displayName = "Fatigues [ASPD]"; 
        picture = "-"; 
        model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; //suit pack
		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; 
        hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\data\suitpack_soldier_opfor_co.paa"};  
        class ItemInfo : UniformItem { 
            uniformClass = "ASPD";
            uniformType = "Neopren";			
            containerClass = "Supply50"; 
            mass = 50; 
	class W_Mk20_Police: arifle_Mk20_F 
		displayName="Mk20 5.56m (Police)";


	class InventoryItem_Base_F;
		class AMICH_ASCRU : HeadgearItem {
		scope = 2;
		author = "Cydoemus";
		weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
		displayName = "AMICH [ASCRU]";
		picture = "";
		model = "\APF\Headgears\amich";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Headgears\Data\H_ASCRU_co.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem {
			mass = 40;
			uniformModel = "\APF\Headgears\amich";
			modelSides[] = {3, 1};
			armor = 4;
			passThrough = 0.5;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo {
				class Head {
					hitpointName = "HitHead";
					armor = 10;
					passThrough = 0.5;
		class AMICH_ASCRU_D: HeadgearItem {
		scope = 2;
		author = "Cydoemus";
		weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
		displayName = "AMICH (Down) [ASCRU]";
		picture = "";
		model = "\APF\Headgears\amichdown";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Headgears\Data\H_ASCRU_co.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem {
			mass = 40;
			uniformModel = "\APF\Headgears\amichdown";
			modelSides[] = {3, 1};
			armor = 4;
			passThrough = 0.5;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo {
				class Head {
					hitpointName = "HitHead";
					armor = 10;
					passThrough = 0.5;
		class AMICH_ASCRU_S: HeadgearItem {
		scope = 2;
		author = "Cydoemus";
		weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
		displayName = "AMICH (Scrim) [ASCRU]";
		picture = "";
		model = "\APF\Headgears\amichscrim";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Headgears\Data\H_ASCRU_co.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem {
			mass = 40;
			uniformModel = "\APF\Headgears\amichscrim";
			modelSides[] = {3, 1};
			armor = 4;
			passThrough = 0.5;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo {
				class Head {
					hitpointName = "HitHead";
					armor = 10;
					passThrough = 0.5;

	class AMICH_ASCRU_B : HeadgearItem {
		scope = 2;
		author = "Cydoemus";
		weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
		displayName = "AMICH (Bare) [ASCRU]";
		picture = "";
		model = "\APF\Headgears\amichbare";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\APF\Headgears\Data\H_ASCRU_co.paa"};
		class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem {
			mass = 40;
			uniformModel = "\APF\Headgears\amichbare";
			modelSides[] = {3, 1};
			armor = 4;
			passThrough = 0.5;
			hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo {
				class Head {
					hitpointName = "HitHead";
					armor = 10;
					passThrough = 0.5;

If anyone could help il be extremely grateful! Thank you all for reading and for your help!


Cheers lads and have a splendid day!


EDIT: Solved! I just missed a '}' at the end of the file and also a '};' in faction classes :D

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Your cfgWeapons seems to be missing one } at the very end, I think.

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33 minutes ago, Greenfist said:

Your cfgWeapons seems to be missing one } at the very end, I think.

I'm going to check it out asap! thanks for your help!


il edit my post if it works :)

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class ASCRU  in cfgFactionClasses is missing a }; and as Greenfist said you're missing one from right at the end of the config to close class cfgweapons

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30 minutes ago, m1lkm8n said:

What program are you packing your mod with?

PBO manager :)


43 minutes ago, da12thMonkey said:

class ASCRU  in cfgFactionClasses is missing a }; and as Greenfist said you're missing one from right at the end of the config to close class cfgweapons



1 hour ago, Greenfist said:

Your cfgWeapons seems to be missing one } at the very end, I think.

Yep that was the problem! Thanks to you and greenfist I managed to get my stuff inside the game :D I cant believe how a simple mistake caused hours of the day!


Cheers lads thank you all who helped and commented!

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theres the problem use pboproject and it will give you better error logs 

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