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doc. caliban

How to manipulate map markers before the MP briefing map screen?

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I have the following that runs in the init.sqf:

	if (_x find "gz" == 0) then {
		_x setMarkerAlpha 0;
} forEach allMapMarkers;

The intended markers have their alphas set to 0 when viewed in-game, but they are still visible at the MP briefing map.


Where should I run the code so that it will take place before the briefing map?


Thank you,



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What I do is creating the markers when needed, instead of hiding them at start. 

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Thank you for the replies, guys.  Busy day today, so I may not get to try things until tomorrow.


Quick note: The markers are numerous area markers that are manually laid out as part of using Gaia AI scripts.  I usually just set their alpha to 0 myself just before exporting the mission to MP, but sometimes I forget.  The script is a failsafe for that.


Thanks again!



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Guys, sorry... I'm a dummy.


I had the code running after this line: waitUntil {time > 0};


DUH.  No wonder it wasn't working.  All is well now.  I really appreciate your replies though as now I'm learning about some of the things you brought up.





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