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AimSway Script

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Arma Scripters,


Trying to debug this little script I am adding to our teams mission.

We use Ghost missions and this is a parameter within the mission.


I added in description.ext

class PARAM_AimSway
	title = "Player Aiming Sway:";
	values[] = {100,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
	texts[] = {"default","0","0.1","0.2","0.3","0.4","0.5","0.6","0.7","0.8","0.9","1.0"};
	default = 2;

I added a initplayerlocal.sqf

if !("PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue == 100) then {
	call fnc_ghst_aimsway;
	player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {call fnc_ghst_aimsway}];


//Aim Sway Mod
fnc_ghst_aimsway = {
	params ["_player","_coef"];
	_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue) / 10;
	_player setCustomAimCoef _coef;
	_player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.2 + _coef;

I have made the latest changes and the script is working well.


Any other suggestions for optimizing, for my learning would be great.


Thanks for any help.



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could it be that the shown error message is not generated while running the shown version of your script sa_aimsway.sqf ???


the error message shows this:

private ["player","_coef"];

but in your script it is:

private ["_player","_coef"];


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In your fn_functions.sqf you are using "player" instead of "_player", which will most likely cause that error.

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Changed everything to player and _player and get this error. Only when I pick the parameter of default value.

17:02:45 Error in expression <
private ["_player","_coef"];
_player = _this select 0;
_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway">
17:02:45   Error position: <_this select 0;
_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway">
17:02:45   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this
17:02:45 File C:\Users\Jason Reed\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[SA]Reed\mpmissions\SATemplate_6%2e0%20Bravo.Tanoa\SA\scripts\sa_aimsway.sqf, line 5

THanks for looking

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Your error comes from using this in initPlayerLocal.sqf:

	player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {call fnc_ghst_aimsway}];

Should be this:

	player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this call fnc_ghst_aimsway}];

Also try using params instead of private and _this select n.



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Also in init.sqf you are not passing anything to sa_aimsway.sqf

Overall you are mixing _player and player quite a lot, which doesn't look quite right.


Now that I think about it, in initPlayerLocal.sqf you call fnc_ghst_aimsway and addEventHandler, while in your sa_aimsway.sqf you do pretty much the same thing again.

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So, which is better, calling from the init or initplayerlocal?


It does seem , the same thing is happening twice.


I'm noob to scripting and trying the trouble shoot this is not easy, as I don't understand some of it.


Grumpy or Clayman,

if you were going to add iny our mission, how would you do it?


I have adjusted the code to reflect the latest change, which isn't much, still trying to figure out how to accomplish the param


still getting error

7:54:37 Error in expression <
private ["_player","_coef"];
_player = _this select 0;
_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway">
 7:54:37   Error position: <_this select 0;
_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway">
 7:54:37   Error Undefined variable in expression: _this
 7:54:37 File C:\Users\Jason Reed\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[SA]Reed\mpmissions\SATemplate_6%2e0%20Bravo.Tanoa\SA\scripts\sa_aimsway.sqf, line 5




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Is this the way I should use the params for the function?

//Aim Sway Mod
fnc_ghst_aimsway = {
	params ["_player","_coef"];
	_coef = ("PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue) / 10;
	_player setCustomAimCoef _coef;
	_player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.2 + _coef;


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I figured it out I think.


I changed the fn_function.sqf to the above post and deleted the sa_aimsway.sqf.


No more errors and it still mitigates sway.




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Is there any way I could optimize it anymore?


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I dont get the idea behind optimizing your script to get a 10th of a second less runtime. If I understood what you do then it is executed on respawn only and therefore it dont need agressive optimizing I think.


But one thing I do everytime I write a script is:

Store a value as variable if u need to calculate it (or return it by function) a second time.


You could do that with this

"PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;

because you do that all the time. You could store it in a global variable which you fill only on mission start.


Same thing is the dividing by 10. If you do that more than one time on a script run then store the result as a value (maybe local this time) and use this value for the second time you need ist.

Storing is (mostly) faster than calculating

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9 minutes ago, sarogahtyp said:

I dont get the idea behind optimizing your script to get a 10th of a second less runtime. If I understood what you do then it is executed on respawn only and therefore it dont need agressive optimizing I think.


But one thing I do everytime I write a script is:

Store a value as variable if u need to calculate it (or return it by function) a second time.


You could do that with this

"PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;

because you do that all the time. You could store it in a global variable which you fill only on mission start.


Same thing is the dividing by 10. If you do that more than one time on a script run then store the result as a value (maybe local this time) and use this value for the second time you need ist.

Storing is (mostly) faster than calculating

How would I do this? I am new to scripting, so I am trying to learn as I go.

Thank you for any links to the above suggestions, so I can learn.

Thanks for the help.



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In your initPlayerLocal.sqf:

GL_param_aimsway = "PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;

now you can substitute everywhere in your scripts this

"PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue

whith that:



your function would look like this then:


//Aim Sway Mod
fnc_ghst_aimsway = {
	params ["_player","_coef"];
	_coef = GL_param_aimsway / 10;
	_player setCustomAimCoef _coef;
	_player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.2 + _coef;


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Yes sir,

Thank you for the teach. IS this how my initPlayerlocal>sqf will look?



if !("PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue == 100) then {
	call fnc_ghst_aimsway;
	player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this call fnc_ghst_aimsway}];

GL_param_aimsway = "PARAM_AimSway" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;



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