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ACE 3 Medical training dummy

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Heya there guys,


i've found this script on youtube which is originally made by "Acoward gaming" and i am now trying to implement this into my training missies for me and my friends .. however i've hit a snag and it is not working ..


anyone got an idea as too why ?


{if ((typeOf _x == 'b_survivor_F') && (!isPlayer _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach allUnits; 
[MedicalData,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; 
sleep 5; 
_group1=createGroup west; 
'b_survivor_F' createUnit [getmarkerPos 'Med_train1', _group1,'pat1=this; dostop pat1']; 
[pat1, 0.2, "leg_r", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1, 0.2, "leg_l", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1, 0.5, "body", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1, 0.1, "head", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1, 0.2, "hand_r", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1, 0.3, "hand_l", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; 
[pat1] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advancedSetDamage; 
[MedicalData,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; hint 'Your patient is ready';

i hope to hear a solution from you guys soon .





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How did u implement the script? Where do you execute it? What exactly are these ace functions doing? what should the script do? What is not working? What is the .rpt file saying? Wouldnt it be better to ask in an ace forum where the guys are who know more about ace?

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5 hours ago, sarogahtyp said:

How did u implement the script? Where do you execute it? What exactly are these ace functions doing? what should the script do? What is not working? What is the .rpt file saying? Wouldnt it be better to ask in an ace forum where the guys are who know more about ace?


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i don't have the RPT with me ATM but the rest is as followed:


the script is implemented on a Data Terminal as excecute SQF, it's located in the missions folder.


the ace functions is basically the types of wounds it inflicts on each part of the body , this is randomised by the script.


the problem lies in the spawning of the unit , Arma errors say it is in Line 4,


_group1=createGroup west;

this part.


i basically got this from


i will post the RPT tonight once i get home

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Please post the whole error message for the "_group1....." message. This only shows the line, but not if there is a missing variable, etc.

If you get error message, just post the whole message, because the error is not one small line from the error message :)


EDIT: Just recognized, that you seem to implement the script via the editor init line?

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i got this working...


i will post small test mission later

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{if ((typeOf _x == "B_Survivor_F") && (!isPlayer _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach allUnits;
deleteVehicle pat;
[MedicalData,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate;
sleep 5;
_group1=createGroup west;
'B_Survivor_F' createUnit [getmarkerPos 'patientSpawn',_group1,'pat=this; dostop pat'];
[pat] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advancedSetDamage;
pat setUnconscious true;
[pat,selectrandom [0.25,0.5,0.75],selectrandom ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"],selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
[pat,selectrandom [0.25,0.5,0.75],selectrandom ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"],selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
[pat,selectrandom [0.25,0.5,0.75],selectrandom ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"],selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit;
[MedicalData,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate;
hint 'Medical Mannequin is ready';


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