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A hoax?

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If they can hack into your computer i'm sure they can shut down a site.  Still interesting...:)

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It does make an interesting short spook story biggrin.gif like the ouija board stories u hear from time to time wow.gif

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Come the 8th of March a picture shall be released of a mountain with

'i OwnZ jOO all!!!!!!11'

spray-painted in massive red letters on the side. Of course, the only person who could have possibly done this would be the forums own Anti-Christ, and it obviously means that OFP is taking over the world! Quick! Shoot yourself now and save yourself! Quick moderators! Close this thread! The word 'military' has not been mentionhed and its not about a military subject!(not to my knowlage that is)

Oh noooo! Here comes the CIA in the black vans!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Nov. 07 2002,09:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes that story/website is true and i'm queen of England wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Welcome to the boards your majesety tounge.gif

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Pictures of a Russian Flame tank prototype for their new military equipment , to accompain their T-80U

Maybe a secret Russian army base? with nuke's and stuff

Or maybe some kind of dragon flyer prototype

or maybe...

BIGFOOT!!! biggrin.gif

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This falls into the category of too offtopic for offtopic.

Closing smile.gif

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