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Saving terrain height edits?

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Hi guys,

Is it possible to save terrain edits made in bulldozer onto my terrain height map png file or in some other way, so I don't lose my little edits? Whenever I remove the terrain mapframe and recreate it to reflect texture changes, the terrain height is reset to what it pulls from my height map png. I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology here.


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Are you pressing rebuild terrain, every time you update your surface /sat map? Because you don't need to do that, just choose export sat / surface

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4 hours ago, zippy3251 said:

Hi guys,

Is it possible to save terrain edits made in bulldozer onto my terrain height map png file or in some other way, so I don't lose my little edits? Whenever I remove the terrain mapframe and recreate it to reflect texture changes, the terrain height is reset to what it pulls from my height map png. I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong terminology here.


Yeah -- DO NOT hit Rebuild Terrain, that will recreate the landscape from your original source terrain.  Instead, just save your map. When you update your sat or mask images you don't have to Rebuild.  Just save your project and the changes will be saved.   After I sculpt my terrain and make significant changes to it I hit File --> Export --> Terrain Heightmap and then if I'm sure I'm satisfied with the changes, replace the Source terrain model with the new one every so often.  (Keep an archive version of the original elsewhere though).

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Ermagherd I didn't even know there was a rebuild terrain button, let alone not having to use it.. Durrrr. I've been deleting the terrain mapframe, having Tb crash a couple times, and then making a new mapframe and re-scaling and smoothing the whole map. Friiiiiiiick This will save me so much time. Thanks guys!

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I'm feeling pretty dumb here, but I can't seem to find the 'rebuild terrain' option. i understand that I'll eventually keep messing myself up if I use this, but as of now it would still be handy. I'm sick of manually recreating my terrain mapframe.

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Rebuild terrain is in your mapframe properties, under the processing tab.



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