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looking for a AI Caching system

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Hallo guys.


I triede 2 systems but are looking for a newere one ore mabye just a updatet version.


I triede :



ZBE_Cache AI & Vehicle caching script/addon






AI Caching and Distribution System



DO you know of eny others i need to look at ??

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This is the only other one I know about which was on my AI Compilation list.


SimpleCachev2 for AISSP (AI Spawn Script Pack) SP/MP
by Na_Palm
A revisited version of the simpleCache script included in AI Spawn Script Pack which does not require to execute any
controlled militarize and fillHouse script before.



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I use this 

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
[] spawn
blacklistArray = [];
private "_unit";
while {True} do 
		_unit = _x;
			if !((_unit isKindOf "Air") || ((vehicle _unit) isKindOf "Air")) then			
				if (({isPlayer _x AND (_x distance _unit) < viewDistance} count playableUnits) != 0)
					_unit enableSimulationGlobal True;
					_unit enableAI "ALL";
					_unit hideObjectGlobal False;
					_unit enableSimulationGlobal false;
					_unit disableAI "ALL";
					_unit hideObjectGlobal true;
		} forEach ((AllUnits + Vehicles) - blacklistArray);
	sleep 5;


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