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Hey there!


I was wondering if there was a way to pack scripts into a mod and initialize them whenever the player beginns a mission in single or multiplayer. If tried it with this:

class CfgVehicles
	class Land;
	class Man : Land
		class UserActions
			class acms
				condition="this == player";
				statement="[] execVM ""ACMS\init.sqf""";
	class All {};
	class Static: All {};
	class Building: Static {};
	class NonStrategic: Building {};
	class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {};
	class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {};

and also with this:

class cfgvehicles
class Logic;

    class ACMS_Name  : Logic
        displayName = "ACMS";
        icon = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa";
        picture = "\ca\ui\data\icon_functions_ca.paa";
        vehicleClass = "Modules";

        class Eventhandlers  {
            init = "(_this select 0) execvm ""init.sqf"" ";


which is a part of this forum topic: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=35205.0


It would be okay if the player would have to Press a button like F7 or smth like that but not have to change anything in the mission.


I don't know any other way to do this. I am new in the modding scene altough i know the basics and more of scripting.


I really do hope that someone can help me with my prolem. :)

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I guess you're looking for the following way to add actions or the like to the Man class:


class CfgVehicles
        class Land;
        class Man: Land
                class EventHandlers
                        class UNS_radio_man
                                init = "_this call uns_radio_addaction";


Another path would be to add a module that does implement the needed logic, but then you need to sync units or groups against the module as mission editor.



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Thank you for the reply! Now I've used your version but changed some of the text to look like this:

class CfgVehicles
        class Land;
        class Man: Land
                class EventHandlers
                        class Init
                           init = "[]execVM "init.sqf"";

But now when I start Arma with the Mod i geht the Error Message


File acms\config.cpp, line 9:'/CfgVehicles/Man/Eventhandlers/Init.init':'.' encountered instead of '='


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Try to use single quotes around init.sqf:


init = "[]execVM 'init.sqf'";
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Thank you for the reply! It partially worked ^^.Now I don't get any error messages anymorge but it seems like the init.sqf is not getting initialized. I'm gonna explain a bit more what my intentions are so you can understand my problem a bit better (hope it helps ^^). this is what is in my init.sqf:

vehicle player addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", {_projectile = _this select 1; _enemy = _this select 2; [_projectile, _enemy] execVM "newassignment.sqf";}];

So. What i wanted to do is that when the player starts a mission (without having to initialize anything in the editor or smth like that), this init script gets activated so when the player gets shot with a missile the newassignment.sqf gets executed (All of the scripts would work. I have tested that). But when I activate the mod and start a mission, absolutely nothing happens when I get shot with at with a tracking missile.


Hope that this helps and also hope that you can help me. :P


Edit: Jetz am Schluss is mir aufgefallen, dass du auch "schätze ich mal" Deutscher bist also können wir ja jetz Deutsch reden, da es vllt einfacher wäre ^^

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Do all of the players start off in vehicles?


If not, then you are adding the EH to the players (men/women etc)


btw:  don't use "init.sqf" as a script name.  It could confuse Arma, as it already looks for init.sqf when the mission starts, so maybe call your script "Mike_init.sqf" or something like that

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The players are in vehicles. I now have used this in my "Mike_init.sqf":

player globalChat "Test";
vehicle player addEventHandler ["IncomingMissile", {_projectile = _this select 1; _enemy = _this select 2; [_projectile, _enemy] execVM "weaponfire.sqf";}];

but still nothing happens :/. I now feel like I'm one of the most stupid people on earth :dontgetit:

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The biggest problem with event handlers is the fact that it's too specific on when they are executed, while your question is too global to give a perfect answer.


And for some reason there are no (scripted) events available which trigger on mission load and/or player spawn (like init.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf in a mission).


However there is way!!!!


add this to your config.cpp in the addon (addon.pbo)

class CfgFunctions
	class myTag
		class myCategory
			// call the function upon mission start, after objects are initialized.
			class postInit
				postInit = 1;
				file = 'functions/postInit.sqf';


// execute all scripts to non-player objects

// make sure the player is in-game and available
waitUntil {!isNull player};

// execute any scripts you want to the player


Of course you can extend this to anything you want, although it really depends on WHAT and WHEN.






https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/player (see comments)

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