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helicopter - flyinHeight borks waypoints?

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Hi guys,


I want to do a mission where an AI huron (that I've call huron) flies at a reasonable height to a waypoint and then we jump out. Pretty easy eh? Yep not with BIS dumb AI.


If I put in any flyinHeight number ie huron flyinHeight 500; then the AI huron can't even track to one simple waypoint without going way off course or circling about. It'll only manage it at it's own default fly height which is too low.


I've tried setting pilot skill to 100, behaviour to safe even though there's nothing firing at it and increasing the placement radius of the waypoint to 500. But no change if I use flyinHeight.


Is there a way to do what I'm trying to achieve?



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Place inside the vehicle's(or pilot) INIT box

this SetBehaviour "Careless"

If the pilot felt enemy presence, it will fly in a circle.

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Hey guys did all that but still the same result.


NM Instead of getting the heli to fly through the triggers I've just made the heli hover on the same spot way up high and just set each trigger some seconds apart to open rear door, say get ready, turn red light to green jump light.... then off we go.


Thanks anyway  :)

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As per my Ai compilation list


under the Helicopters & Jets section lists 1 & 2


Does AI air transport not work by AI??


Confusing AI heli waypoint behavior



How good is AI helo landing?



These will have your answer, anything regarding AI issues or how to do something, might likely have already been asked, use my AI thread as a resource, I'm sure the mods

would appreciate it if you found your answer without having someone ask about yet another how to Ai this or that when the list has it. Hope that helps!

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Thanks mate but didn't see anything popping out there and tbh I can't be bothered spending anymore time on something that should be the basic building blocks of the editor. An AI moving to one waypoint... shows it still has some major flaws.

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You'll probably want to script it then.


Tree height and ai pilot altitude



That has info in it for your height and rappelling.

Giving up because something isn't working is your loss, the info is out there, and what you want to do can be done and has been done, my resource has the info, you just need

to know what to look at and im helping you find relative threads and or scripts to achieve that, you giving up is a waste of everyone's time including your owns fighting that it should already be in the game.

       It is in the game theres a certain way to do it, its a learning process, if everything were easy then it would get boring, something complex takes a bit of time and persistence, but you make the call,

you to make it work I will be there for you and seek out resources and or threads to help you succeed here, up to you dude.

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