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Configuring animations for a custom skeleton ?

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I have a 3D model with bones and animations. I would like to learn how to config it as a non human player on A3. 

I know the main steps of the config : 

  • CfgSkeleton
  • CfgModel
  • CfgMoves
  • CfgVehicles

I have some problems with the third one. CfgMoves seems really difficult to understand.

I already tried to check how it's done in A3 for rabbits, sheeps, and even in some mods like Reign of Jurassic and Jurassic Arma from mcruppert and bad benson.

But each time, the config is huuuge and i don't think that i need everything in it. 


Could someone explain me, step by step how to handle that, or at least link me to a tutorial that i didn't see ? 

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Remember to weight the points ;)


Thank you for your answer.

I may be wrong but it this tutoriel , it's said that when the points are weighted well, you can see the animation correctly in OB,

And in my case, the animation is perfect in OB





So i'm not sure that the pb comes from the weights

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inside your model.cfg change



isDiscrete = 1;


isDiscrete = 0;

not entirely sure how it works but by setting it to 0 solved similar issues for me in the past.

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I can confirm that it's far better with isDiscrete = 0



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Aah. Yes. That would normalise the weights to 1. As in a hard surface mesh where you don't want blends between weights. :)

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Aah. Yes. That would normalise the weights to 1. As in a hard surface mesh where you don't want blends between weights. :)


ah right. so it's for hard surface. kind of thought so but didn't want to spread any more confusion than this mostly undocumented topic already does. thx for the info!

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Are you sure that every point has a weight? And have you used mirror in some cases, seems like it's happenin in the middle of the object? Or maybe you have some doubles in the model

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ah right. so it's for hard surface. kind of thought so but didn't want to spread any more confusion than this mostly undocumented topic already does. thx for the info!



Based on the information available, that's how I read it. :)


BI wiki quote:


1 stands for discrete skinning values (0 or 100 % for each vertex of every selection), 0 stands for non-discrete (each vertex may have different skinning values for selections - animations have just partial effect on that vertex)


In practical terms 0-100% = No influence at all, or full influence on every vert in a named selection.


Great for a tank,car or something robotic. Not so good for something more organic.


I don't really know if it actually normalises the weights based on that value.


Are you sure that every point has a weight? And have you used mirror in some cases, seems like it's happenin in the middle of the object? Or maybe you have some doubles in the model



I had a look at the source files myself, and exported it to P3D. The rtms play fine and the mesh deforms as it should. I can't be 100% sure, but I think it's more of a config issue than anything else. Perhaps a mismatch between the bone hierarchy in the rtm and the model.cfg.

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