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Proxy not showing in Model Viewer ?

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I'm new to O2 Modelling and i'm having a little problem while working on my vehicle.

I added a proxy driver, but I can't see it in the Model Viewer, so I have to restart my game 10000x times if I want to place it correctly on the driver seat.

Do you know why i can't see it ? 

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Have you enabled proxy view? View -> Show proxy objects

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What about driver model you use, is it unbinarized? If it is binarized you won't be able to see it as far as I remember. I don't have any other ideas what it may be.

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  On 10/26/2016 at 12:01 PM, riten said:

Have you enabled proxy view? View -> Show proxy objects



This only works for what you see in ObjectBuilder, not Buldozer. In regards to your question, click on the reddish-like square button on Object Builder and make sure you have 'Hide Proxies' ticked off or else it won't show your proxies. Also, make sure you are defining your proxies in your config.cpp. Here is an example of my config.cpp for a vehicle I've made:


driverAction = driver_offroad01; /// what action is going the driver take inside the vehicle. Non-existent action makes the vehicle inaccessible
cargoAction[] = {passenger_low01,passenger_low01,passenger_low01};
getInAction = GetInLow; /// how does driver look while getting in
getOutAction = GetOutLow; /// and out
cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInLow"}; /// and the same for the rest, if the array has fewer members than the count of crew, the last one is used for the rest
cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"}; /// that means all use the same in this case


Hope this helps!

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in objectbuilder, create proxy, browse to a3\data_f\proxies and see what fits best. you can actually leave that proxy in your model, just make sure you dont give a action to that proxy in config. if you want to try another pose, just rename the existing proxy, browse and try next

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