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Door gunning animation? What happened

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Does anyone know what ever happened to this feature? If anything came about of it? Like what? As much as I love telekinesis door gunning I do also like holding the weapon :P 



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I was wondering the same thing myself-it's several months since those pics were released..

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Sorry I don't know what you guys are talking about. What don't you like?

What chopper is it? Clue me in some more and I can run tests.

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Chopper is the Huron/Chinook from the Heli DLC, but I would assume that when added it would also apply to all the helicopters with door guns.

Right now you sit in the door-gunner seat of any helicopter with your hands on your lap and control the miniguns with your mind (no hands touching the weapon) which looks really strange, while this pic shows the character holding the actual weapon. 

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i think feature wise this is already possible and easy to activate. i'm guessing the problem is making it look good while keeping the current turn range of the gun.

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i think feature wise this is already possible and easy to activate. i'm guessing the problem is making it look good while keeping the current turn range of the gun.


Well they already have the hands holding the weapon when it comes to turrets and like the Armed Offroad, so the hands thing is there. All they'd need now is a system where when you turn the weapon to the left/right your body leans forwards with the turn so it looks more natural kinda thing. 

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What the OP was referring to was a couple of teaser pics released by BI devs several months ago showing heli gunners actually holding the miniguns instead of sitting near them and moving them with their minds as happens now. We assumed this feature would be coming in an update, but since then nothing has been said about it.

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Yeah I just ran tests and even adjusted the FOV config file to maximum fisheye, and although I could see the gun grips, the gunners hands weren't on them, they were in his lap!

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Yep, that's why this would be great to have added in an update- as you can see in the image it was planned/ or at least working, in the 1.58 stable update, but never got in- I hope it is something they do add in soon though, it's really noticeable once you first see it and if it's a quick add-in would be a good detail, even if it was delayed until Jets DLC for whatever reason. 

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Does anybody know how to do this, I've been trying to add this to my black hawk but the gunners hands and feet are stretched out. I've tried to find any documentation possible on how to do this but this thread is all that I could find. 

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