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G.O.S Quick Mount

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G.O.S Quick Mount is a simple but very useful scripted system allowing the players to intuitively and quickly mount vehicles, and while not perfect, it allows further improvements to to accomodate any groups. A lot of players in our community (and around the whole Armaverse) make mistakes because of the confused Action Menu while trying to get in vehicles (wrong seat is selected, charges are set, inventories are open, etc..). It can sometimes become critical, if charges are detonated, or a vehicle is immobilized due to precious time being lost in a process that should be as simple as getting in your car in real life. To avoid this, we developed a simple one-key system dedicated to get in and get out of vehicles, which completely bypasses the Action Menu, although the usual get in actions are preserved in case of malfunctions. All you have to do now is hold a key, walk up to the white line and that's it, you're in !



1. Technical Description

The system is based around a HOLD key, assigned to Get Out (Common keys, default - V). Once held, the player points at the vehicle he wants to get into, and the system shows which seats are available and where to advance himself to start getting in. Once in, to dismount, press V again, or to eject, press Vx2.

The system uses the script command action to mount vehicles. The entry points are based on the memory points of the selected vehicles, and verify if the selected seat is empty, the vehicle is not enemy. If the base memory points are overlapping, the player will always get in first as Driver/Pilot, Gunner, Commander and finally Cargo.

In case the get in points are cannot be reached (too high, too low, inside the vehicle), config values are available for each type of seat.







2. How To Use

All you have to do is make sure your Get Out key is assigned. Remember, if you choose to let it on V, you need to reassign Get Over key to something else (like Vx2).

Once ingame, press and hold your Get Out, get close to a vehicle and point at it to see the available seats. Once a seat chosen, walk to the vertical line to initiate boarding.

To get out press the key again (engine native get out function) or Vx2 if you assigned an Eject key. Once out, you can use the system again. That's it ! No useless scrolling, no waiting at the door of the vehicle, everything is quick and painless.

The HOLD key avoids any accidental boarding while moving around the vehicle. You can also use the custom key assignement User Action 10 instead of Get Out if you're really not into modifying existing keybinds.


3. Modding

Any vehicle can have it's own get in points in case you are not satisfied with the default memory points. All you have to do is find a relative position to the vehicle (use modelToWorldVisual), then use the following parameters :

class CfgVehicles {
	class MyVehicle {
		GOS_QM_DriverCustom[] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,3}}; // Allows multiple entry points
		GOS_QM_CargoCustom[] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,3}}; // Allows multiple entry points
		class Turrets {
			class MainTurret {
				GOS_QM_GunnerCustom[] = {1,2,3}; // Allows a single entry point per turret
				GOS_QM_CommanderCustom[] = {2,3,4}; // if the turret has subsequent turrets, this point is used

GOS_QM_DriverCustom : Entry points for driver/pilot. Must be in the vehicle root class.

GOS_QM_CargoCustom : Entry points for cargo. Must be in the vehicle root class.

GOS_QM_GunnerCustom : A single entry point for the turret. Must be in the turret class. Only a single point is allowed for performance reasons.

GOS_QM_CommanderCustom : A single entry point for the subsequent turrets of the selected turret. Only a single point is allowed for all subsequent turrets, for performance reasons.


If possible, when using custom entry points, disable the preciseGetInOut config parameter for better visual integration.


4. Script variables

GOS_QM_DetectDis : At which distance the system starts detecting a vehicle is pointed, and drawing the get in points. Default, 30 meters.

GOS_QM_Height : At which height from the get in point will the icon be drawn. Default, 1.6 meters.

GOS_QM_MountDis : At which distance from the entry point the player is considered to be close enough to start boarding. Default, 0.65 meters.

GOS_QM_OVERRIDE : Set this variable to FALSE to shutdown all scripts from the GOS_QM.

GOS_QM_getInPoints : Shows all current available entry points. Do not modify this variable, it gets overriden by a loop on each frame.


5. License

You can freely modify, delete, or add to any part of this addon without the need to notify me, as long as you mention the original author, G.O.S KiTooN in the credits.

Feel free to add the config values for default vehicles in case you find any inappropriate entry points for your content.

Feel free to publish and share this mod anywhere you like.


6. Download Linkhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42110053/%40GOS_QuickMount.rar

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Awesome addition. Just wondering if the pop-up display is supposed to rapidly flicker, or if something is wrong on my end. Visually, it looks like I'm supposed to push the 'v' key and the display will stay up, but instead I'm holding it down and every time a new 'v' is registered it turns the display off and on again. Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks again. 

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I'll have a look, thanks for reporting that. Might be a key conflict. Would you mind sending me your profile settings ?

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New mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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You man, are awesome ! You allow us to dramatically bring down our minimum time of boarding when extracting with a chopper, reduced to 45s to an expected 15s for a twelve men squad. Also I wanted to thank you for the easy-modifying system, we are using retextured vanilla vehicles and so I'm able to optimize the different entry points to perfectly match with our boarding procedures. The ultimate solution for a long time quest for reduced vulnerability of the team and chopper !


I'm currently searching for a way to modify the entry points for FFV seats, particularly on the Zamak. In your small doc there is no reference to this type of slot, how can I modify it ?

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Thanks, glad you guys like it :)


Well, basically, an FFV seat is considered as a turret, so all you have to do is find it in the config, and give it a relative coordinate (I would suggest to try it out using worldToModel first), like this :

class Truck_02_transport_base_F : Truck_02_base_F { 
  class Turrets : Turrets {
    class CargoTurret_01 : CargoTurret {
        GOS_QM_GunnerCustom[] = {1,-10,-1};
    class CargoTurret_02 : CargoTurret_01 {
        GOS_QM_GunnerCustom[] = {-1,-10,-1};

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Thanks, good to know, I will check this out...... as soon as I succeed to understand a new problem that I got ;)


Here is the problem :

We have a retextured version of the CH-49 Mohawk, I made modifications to its config in ordrer to modify the ramp cargo entry point that was totally fucked up (1.5m above ground surface, unreachable...). And I wanted to slightly move the others entry points for lateral doors. This lead me to that :

class LM_MOHAWK : I_Heli_Transport_02_F
	GOS_QM_CargoCustom[] = {[2.15,2.399,-3.573],[0,-5.151,-3.573],[-2.2,4.649,-3.573]};
        //other stuff...

but when entering the game, I get a script error, as showed on this capture :



(sorry, I'm french, so is for the game...)


Do I missed something, or is this really a problem inside the mod ? I had a brief look on the notified error but I haven't really digged into it.


EDIT : just checked, same problem when configuring a retextured Zamak for custom GetIn entry points, but in the GetCargo.sqf so I think I'm missing something, somewhere...






In the same time, I would like to bring to everyone a small script that is VERY VERY useful for finding relatives coordinates to use with your mod ;)


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I see, there's an error in the documentation (fixed by now), the arrays weren't stored properly (using brackets instead of braces).


Try like this :

GOS_QM_DriverCustom[] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,3}};
GOS_QM_CargoCustom[] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,3}};

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Oh man, after months spent on config, how can I missed this ? Thank you, now all is working as expected ! Let's go for FFV !

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Hey KiTooN, you may notify in your post that the user can bind the user action 10 if he don't want to use the standard get out key ! ;) In fact, ArmA is full of keys, particularly when playing with mods like ACE, and in this type of situation it is hard to find a way to bind all the actions needed. And when the vault key need to be another one than standard V in order to avoid vaulting each time you want to enter a vehicle, things get a bit complicated... With user action 10, which can be bind on any key, preventing your system to work when pressing the get out key, it's much easier ! Vault and get out are still on standard V, and the quick mount key simply become Shift, as we are supposed to use it when boarding rapidly, for example.

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