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No dust on any Surface, part II

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Salute again, I just cant get any kind of dust on my surfaces to work. Tried almost everything. Richt now, I try to call the original Altis classes, 

here is my config:

class CfgSurfaces
 class Default{};
 class Water{};
 class GdtConcrete;
 class GdtSoil;
 class GdtRock;
 class GdtDirt;
 class GdtDesert;
 class GdtGrassDry;
 class GdtStony;

 class schuebz_beton: GdtConcrete
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_beton_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.11;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 1.1;
  lucidity = 2.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.6;
			// schuebz_trockengras_*  Zeile 584
 class schuebz_trockengras: GdtGrassDry
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_trockengras_*";
  character = "schuebz_trockengrasclutter";
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.6;
  lucidity = 2;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.75;
			// schuebz_gras_*  Zeile 590
 class schuebz_gras: GdtGrassDry
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_gras_*";
  character = "schuebz_grasclutter";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_tot_*
 class schuebz_tot: GdtSoil
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_tot_*";
  character = "schuebz_totclutter";
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.15;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.5;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.5;
			// schuebz_sand_*
 class schuebz_sand: GdtDesert
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_sand_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.12;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.9;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_nadelwald_*  
 class schuebz_nadelwald: GdtDirt
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_nadelwald_*";
  character = "schuebz_nadelwaldclutter";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;

what the hell am I doin wrong?

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I had to check and it turns out I also have the same problem. I know I had dust working some builds ago when I set the values in my cfg. Now it only works on roads. Which i don't want it to.



reading through this.


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I do not know if it has to do with the dust problem but...

i think that the cfgsurfaces.hpp is wrong.....

must be like this

class CfgSurfaces
 class Default{};
 class Water{};
 class schuebz_beton: Default //GdtConcrete
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_beton_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.11;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 1.1; 
  lucidity = 2.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.6;
			// schuebz_trockengras_*  Zeile 584
 class schuebz_trockengras: Default //GdtGrassDry
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_trockengras_*";
  character = "schuebz_trockengras_char"; // Points to a corresponding CfgSurfaceCharacters entry, which defines the clutter on this surface.
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.6;         // Amount of dust vehicles will create on this surface (higher value = more dust)     dust = 0.75;    //High amount of dust, used for GdtStratisDryGrass
  lucidity = 2;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.75;
			// schuebz_gras_*  Zeile 590
 class schuebz_gras: Default //GdtGrassDry
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_gras_*";
  character = "schuebz_gras_char";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_tot_*
 class schuebz_tot: Default //GdtSoil
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_tot_*";
  character = "schuebz_tot_char";
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.15;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.5;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.5;
			// schuebz_sand_*
 class schuebz_sand: Default //GdtDesert
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_sand_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.12;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.9;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_nadelwald_*  
 class schuebz_nadelwald: Default //GdtDirt
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_nadelwald_*";
  character = "schuebz_nadelwald_char";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class schuebz_trockengras_char
			names[]={"schuebz_trockengrasclutter"}; //from your cfgclutter.hpp clutter for this surface
	class schuebz_gras_char
	class schuebz_tot_char
	class schuebz_nadelwald_char

also i think that the characters that you have is wrong. i see clutters linked to your cfgsurfaces. you need clutter names from your clutter.hpp to cfgsurfacecharacters

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Clutter etc is perfectly working on my map, its just the damn dust. Now I tried this and still no dust:




class DefaultClutterClutter;
class Clutter	
class schuebz_BigFallenBranches_pine: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.0;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_BigFallenBranches_pine02: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine02.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.0;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_BigFallenBranches_pine03: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine03.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.0;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_GrassGreenGroup: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.6;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.7;
    scaleMax = 1.3;
   class schuebz_GrassDry: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDry.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.5;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.8;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_GrassDryGroup: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDry_group.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.65;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.65;
    scaleMax = 1.3;
   class schuebz_GrassDryMediumGroup: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDryMedium_group.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.7;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.8;
    scaleMax = 1.3;
   class schuebz_ThornKhakiSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornKhaki.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_ThornKhakiBig: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornKhaki.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.7;
    scaleMax = 0.9;
   class schuebz_ThornGreenSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornGreen.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.5;
   class schuebz_ThornGreenBig: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornGreen.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.7;
    scaleMax = 0.9;
   class schuebz_ThornGraySmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornGray.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_ThornGrayBig: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThornGray.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.8;
    scaleMax = 1.2;
   class schuebz_PlantGreenShrub: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrPlantGreenShrub.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.5;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.1;
   class schuebz_PlantGermaderGroup: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrPlantGermader_group.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.35;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.9;
    scaleMax = 1.5;
   class schuebz_WeedBrownTallGroup: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrWeedBrownTall_group.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.9;
    scaleMax = 1.45;
   class schuebz_WeedGreenTall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrWeedGreenTall.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.8;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_PlantMullein: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrPlantMullein.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.35;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.7;
    scaleMax = 1.15;
   class schuebz_ThistlePurpleSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThistlePurple_small.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.1;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.9;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_ThistleSmallYellow: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThistleSmallYellow.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_ThistleYellowShrub: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrThistleYellowShrub.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.7;
    scaleMax = 1.1;
   class schuebz_GrassTall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Grass_Tall_Dead.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 1.0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_GrassGreen: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Grass_Green.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 1.0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.85;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
    surfaceColor[] = {0.431,0.475,0.267};
   class schuebz_GrassDry2: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Grass_Dry.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 1.0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_GrassBrushHighGreen: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Grass_BrushHigh_Green.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.8;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_GrassBunchSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Grass_Bunch_Small.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.8;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.8;
   class schuebz_ThistleHighDead: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_High_Dead.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 1.0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.4;
    scaleMax = 0.8;
   class schuebz_ThistleHigh: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_High.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.6;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_ThistleSmallYellow2: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Small_Yellow.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.9;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornGreen: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Green.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornGreenSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Green.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.25;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.4;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornBrown: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Brown.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1.2;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornBrownSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Brown.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.25;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.7;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornGray: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Gray.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 1.1;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_ThistleThornDesert: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Thistle_Thorn_Desert.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.4;
    scaleMax = 1.4;
   class schuebz_PlantGreenSmall: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Plant_Green_Small.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.7;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1.1;
   class schuebz_FlowerCakile: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Flower_Cakile.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.4;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 0.8;
   class schuebz_FlowerLowYellow2: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_Flower_Low_Yellow2.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.4;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_GrassCrookedDead: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_GrassCrooked.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.6;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.8;
    scaleMax = 1.3;
   class schuebz_GrassTalltwo: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_GrassTall.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.8;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.75;
    scaleMax = 1.15;
   class schuebz_GrassLong_DryBunch: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_GrassLong_DryBunch.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.8;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.9;
    scaleMax = 1.5;
   class schuebz_GrassDesertGroupSoft: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 1.0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.6;
    scaleMax = 1.1;
   class schuebz_SeaWeed1: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_SeaWeed1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.4;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_SeaWeed2: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_SeaWeed2.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_Coral1: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Coral1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.0;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_Coral2: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Coral2.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.0;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_Coral3: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Coral3.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.1;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 0.5;
   class schuebz_Coral4: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Coral4.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.1;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.3;
    scaleMax = 1.0;
   class schuebz_Coral5: DefaultClutterClutter
    model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_Coral5.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.05;
    swLighting = 0;
    scaleMin = 0.2;
    scaleMax = 0.6;
			// ArmA2 Clutter
	class schuebz_Grass: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_GrassGreen_EP1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.75;
    scaleMax = 1.25;
   class schuebz_GrassTallA2: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassTall.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.4;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.75;
    scaleMax = 1.25;
   class schuebz_GrassAutumn: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassAutumn.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.2;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 1;
    scaleMax = 1.75;
   class schuebz_GrassCrooked: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrooked.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.75;
    scaleMax = 1.25;
   class schuebz_GrassCrookedGreen: schuebz_GrassCrooked
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedGreen.p3d";
   class schuebz_GrassCrookedForest: schuebz_GrassCrooked
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedForest.p3d";
   class schuebz_GrassBunch: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassBunch.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.35;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_DryGrassBunch: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassDryLongBunch.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.15;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_GrassDryLong: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassDryLong.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.15;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_GrassDead: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.75;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_FlowersWhite: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_Plants_White_EP1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 0.85;
   class schuebz_PapaverFlowers: schuebz_FlowersWhite
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_papaver_flower01_EP1.p3d";
   class schuebz_FlowersYellow: schuebz_FlowersWhite
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_Plants_Yellow_EP1.p3d";
    scaleMin = 1;
    scaleMax = 2;
   class schuebz_FlowersViolet: schuebz_FlowersYellow
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_Plants_Violet_EP1.p3d";
   class schuebz_WeedTall: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_weed2.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.3;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_RaspBerry: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_raspBerry.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_BlueBerry: schuebz_RaspBerry
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_blueBerry.p3d";
   class schuebz_FernAutumn: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.1;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.4;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_FernAutumnTall: schuebz_FernAutumn
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_fernTall.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.15;
   class schuebz_SmallPicea: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_picea.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0.01;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.25;
    scaleMax = 1;
   class schuebz_SmallStones: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants_e\clutter\c_StoneMiddleGroupCamp_EP1.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1.1;
   class schuebz_MushroomsHorcak: DefaultClutter
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomHorcak.p3d";
    affectedByWind = 0;
    swLighting = 1;
    scaleMin = 0.5;
    scaleMax = 1.2;
   class schuebz_MushroomsBabka: schuebz_MushroomsHorcak
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomBabka.p3d";
   class schuebz_MushroomsPrasivka: schuebz_MushroomsHorcak
    model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_MushroomPrasivky.p3d";


class CfgSurfaces
	class Default {};
			// schuebz_beton_*
 class schuebz_beton: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_beton_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.11;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.1;
  lucidity = 2.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.6;
			// schuebz_trockengras_*  Zeile 584
 class schuebz_trockengras: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_trockengras_*";
  character = "schuebz_trockengrasclutter";
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.6;
  lucidity = 2;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.75;
			// schuebz_gras_*  Zeile 590
 class schuebz_gras: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_gras_*";
  character = "schuebz_grasclutter";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_tot_*
 class schuebz_tot: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_tot_*";
  character = "schuebz_totclutter";
  soundEnviron = "drygrass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.15;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.9;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.5;
			// schuebz_sand_*
 class schuebz_sand: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_sand_*";
  character = "Empty";
  soundEnviron = "sand";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.12;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.85;
  dust = 0.9;
  lucidity = 1.5;
  grassCover = 0.01;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
			// schuebz_nadelwald_*  
 class schuebz_nadelwald: Default
  access = 2;
  files = "schuebz_nadelwald_*";
  character = "schuebz_nadelwaldclutter";
  soundEnviron = "grass";
  soundHit = "soft_ground";
  rough = 0.08;
  maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
  dust = 0.05;
  lucidity = 4;
  grassCover = 0.05;
  impact = "hitGroundSoft";
  surfaceFriction = 1.7;
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
			// schuebz_trockengras_*
 class schuebz_trockengrasclutter
  probability[] = {0.25,0.35,0.21,0.09,0.06,0.02};
  names[] = {"schuebz_GrassDryGroup","schuebz_GrassDryMediumgroup","schuebz_WeedBrownTallGroup","schuebz_WeedGreenTall","schuebz_ThistleYellowShrub","schuebz_PlantMullein"};
			// schuebz_gras_*
 class schuebz_grasclutter
  probability[] = {0.85,0.12,0.02,0.01};
  names[] = {"schuebz_GrassGreenGroup","schuebz_ThistleThornGreen","schuebz_ThistleThornGreenSmall","schuebz_FlowerLowYellow2"};
			// schuebz_tot_*
 class schuebz_totclutter
  probability[] = {0.1,0.1,0.01,0.01};
  names[] = {"schuebz_GrassDesertGroupSoft","schuebz_ThistleSmallYellow2","schuebz_ThistleThornGreen","schuebz_ThistleThornGreenSmall"};
			// schuebz_nadelwald_*  
 class schuebz_nadelwaldclutter
  probability[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,0.05,0.3,0.04};
  names[] = {"schuebz_GrassGreen","schuebz_FernAutumnTall","schuebz_FernAutumn","schuebz_FlowerLowYellow2","schuebz_GrassGreenGroup","schuebz_ThornGreenSmall"};


class CfgVehicles
        class All;
        class AllVehicles : All {};
        class Land : AllVehicles {};
        class LandVehicle : Land {};
        class car: LandVehicle {
                rightDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "RDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "RStonesEffects"}, {"schuebz_sand", "RSandEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "RSandEffects"}};
                leftDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "LDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "LStonesEffects"}, {"schuebz_sand", "LSandEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "LSandEffects"}};
        class tank: LandVehicle {
                rightDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "RDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "RStonesEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_sand", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "RDirtEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "RStonesEffectsBig"}};
                leftDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "LDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "LStonesEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_sand", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "LDirtEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "LStonesEffectsBig"}};
        class Air: AllVehicles {
				rightDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "RDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "RStonesEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_sand", "RDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "RDirtEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "RStonesEffectsBig"}};
                leftDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_tot", "LDirtEffects"}, {"schuebz_beton", "LStonesEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_sand", "LDustEffects"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "LDirtEffectsBig"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "LStonesEffectsBig"}};
        class Man: Land
		rightDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "RDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_tot", "RDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_sand", "RDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "RDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "RDustEffectsMan"}};
        leftDustEffects[] = {{"schuebz_gras", "LDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_tot", "LDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_sand", "LDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_trockengras", "LDustEffectsMan"}, {"schuebz_nadelwald", "LDustEffectsMan"}};


class CfgPatches
 class schuebz
  units[] = {};
  weapons[] = {};
  requiredVersion = 1.0;
  requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
  version = "08/08/2016";
  fileName = "schuebz.pbo";
  author = "vPzBtl33_Hunger";
#include "cfgVehicles.h"
class CfgWorlds
 class CAWorld;
 class Stratis: CAWorld
  class Grid;
  class DefaultClutter;
 class schuebz: Stratis
  cutscenes[] = {};
  description = "TrpUebPl Einfelde Ost - Schuebz";
  pictureMap = "HUNGER\schuebz\schuebz_picturemap_ca.paa";
  pictureShot = "HUNGER\schuebz\ui_schuebz_ca.paa";
  worldName = "\HUNGER\schuebz\schuebz.wrp";
  author = "vPzBtl33_Hunger";
  startTime = "07:00";
  startDate = "12/09/2016";
  startWeather = 0.1;
  startFog = 0.0;
  forecastWeather = 0.1;
  forecastFog = 0.0;
  centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500};
  seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500};
  longitude = 65;
  latitude = -34;
  elevationOffset = 25;
  envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.paa";
  minTreesInForestSquare = 2;
  minRocksInRockSquare = 2;
  newRoadsShape = "\HUNGER\schuebz\data\roads\roads.shp";
  class SecondaryAirports {};
  class Sea
   seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
   seaMaterial = "#water";
   shoreMaterial = "#shore";
   shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
   shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
   WaterMapScale = 20;
   WaterGrid = 50;
   MaxTide = 0;
   MaxWave = 0;
   SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
   SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
   SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
   SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
   SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
  class Underwater
			noWaterFog = -0.01;
			fullWaterFog = -0.01;
			deepWaterFog = 40;
			waterFogDistanceNear = 1;
			waterFogDistance = 200;
			waterColor[] = {0.32,0.32,0.32};
			deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.5,0.8};
			surfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};
			deepSurfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};
		class SeaWaterShaderPars
			refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
			minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
			waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
			underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
			waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
			waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;
		class OutsideTerrain
			satellite = "HUNGER\schuebz\schuebz_satout_co.paa";
			enableTerrainSynth = 0;
			class Layers
				class Layer0
					nopx = "HUNGER\schuebz\Data\schuebz_gras_nopx.paa";
					texture = "HUNGER\schuebz\Data\schuebz_gras_co.paa";
			colorOutside[] = {0.294118,0.333333,0.372549,1};
  class Grid: Grid
   offsetX = 0;
   offsetY = 10240;
   class Zoom1
    zoomMax = 0.15;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "000";
    formatY = "000";
    stepX = 100;
    stepY = -100;
   class Zoom2
    zoomMax = 0.85;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "00";
    formatY = "00";
    stepX = 1000;
    stepY = -1000;
   class Zoom3
    zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
    format = "XY";
    formatX = "0";
    formatY = "0";
    stepX = 10000;
    stepY = -10000;
#include "cfgClutter.h"

class Names
	#include "schuebz.h"     
	loadingTexts[] = {"Das Schiessuebungszentrum bildet das Fundament der Ausbildung in der Lehrbrigade 16", "Das SchUebZ ist eine um 1908, zum Erproben chemischer Kampfmittel, kuenstlich angelegte Halbinsel, ihr ausgedehnter Gefahrenbereich erlaubt es saemtliche Munitionsarten zu verwenden", "Das SchUebZ ist Teil des Truppenuebungsplatzes Einfelde und bildet den ostwaertig gelgenen Teil der Anlagen", "Die LuK befindet sich im Truppenlager Koersten und ist 24/7 erreichbar. Schiessvorhaben sind rechtzeitig anzumelden", "Dank und Anerkennung an 323-JackSmith, 33-Diehl, 33-Albrecht und 323-Lynx fuer die Hilfe beim Bau dieser Karte!"};				

class CfgWorldList
 class schuebz{};

class CfgMissions
 class Cutscenes
#include "cfgSurfaces.h"

The map is 100% done and ready, just no damn dust

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your config is very basic.... missing too many things like weather,envir,ambient etc..... maybe the problem is there....

see altis config.cpp

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just see this for stratis and add the entrys that you dont have...


btw , i use the altis config and works fine

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dust for custom surfaces need to be defined in vehicle class

{"surface name","surface effect you want to see"}

rightDustEffects[] = {{"GdtGrassShort","RDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassShort","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassTall","RDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassTall","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtRedDirt","RDustEffects"},{"GdtField","RDustEffects"},{"GdtForest","RDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcano","RDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcano","RStonesEffects"},{"GdtCliff","RDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcanoBeach","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadDirt_exp","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadConcrete_exp","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadTarmac_exp","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisConcrete","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisConcrete","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisBeach","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisBeach","RStonesEffects"},{"GdtStratisDirt","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDirt","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisSeabedCluttered","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisSeabed","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","RGrassDryEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtConcrete","RDustEffects"},{"GdtConcrete","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtAsphalt","RDustEffects"},{"GdtAsphalt","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtRubble","RDustEffects"},{"GdtRubble","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtSoil","RDustEffects"},{"GdtSoil","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtBeach","RDustEffects"},{"GdtBeach","RStonesEffects"},{"GdtRock","RDustEffects"},{"GdtRock","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtDead","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDead","RDirtEffects"},{"Default","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert","RStonesEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","RSandEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","RStonesEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","RSandEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtDirt","RDustEffects"},{"GdtDirt","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","RDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","RDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","RGrassDryEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","RDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtWildField","RDustEffects"},{"GdtWildField","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtWildField","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","RDustEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","RDustEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtThorn","RDustEffects"},{"GdtThorn","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtThorn","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStony","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStony","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStony","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","RDustEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","RGrassEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","RDirtEffects"},{"GdtSeabedDeep","RDustEffects"},{"GdtSeabed","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadDirt","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadConcrete","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadTarmac","RDustEffects"},{"SurfWood","RDustEffects"},{"SurfMetal","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoofTin","RDustEffects"},{"SurfRoofTiles","RDustEffects"},{"SurfIntWood","RDustEffects"},{"SurfIntConcrete","RDustEffects"},{"SurfIntTiles","RDustEffects"},{"SurfIntMetal","RDustEffects"},{"dirtrunway","RDustEffects"}};
leftDustEffects[] = {{"GdtGrassShort","LDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassShort","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassTall","LDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassTall","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtRedDirt","LDustEffects"},{"GdtField","LDustEffects"},{"GdtForest","LDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcano","LDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcano","LStonesEffects"},{"GdtCliff","LDustEffects"},{"GdtVolcanoBeach","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadDirt_exp","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadConcrete_exp","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadTarmac_exp","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisConcrete","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisConcrete","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisBeach","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisBeach","LStonesEffects"},{"GdtStratisDirt","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDirt","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisSeabedCluttered","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisSeabed","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","LGrassDryEffects"},{"GdtStratisDryGrass","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisGreenGrass","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisRocky","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStratisThistles","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtConcrete","LDustEffects"},{"GdtConcrete","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtAsphalt","LDustEffects"},{"GdtAsphalt","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtRubble","LDustEffects"},{"GdtRubble","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtRubble","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtSoil","LDustEffects"},{"GdtSoil","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtBeach","LDustEffects"},{"GdtBeach","LStonesEffects"},{"GdtRock","LDustEffects"},{"GdtRock","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtDead","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDead","LDirtEffects"},{"Default","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert","LStonesEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","LSandEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtDesert1","LStonesEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","LSandEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtDesert2","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtDirt","LDustEffects"},{"GdtDirt","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","LDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassGreen","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","LDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","LGrassDryEffects"},{"GdtGrassDry","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","LDustEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtGrassWild","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtWildField","LDustEffects"},{"GdtWildField","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtWildField","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","LDustEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtWeed1","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","LDustEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtWeed2","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtThorn","LDustEffects"},{"GdtThorn","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtThorn","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStony","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStony","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStony","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStonyGreen","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","LDustEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","LGrassEffects"},{"GdtStonyThistle","LDirtEffects"},{"GdtSeabedDeep","LDustEffects"},{"GdtSeabed","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadDirt","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadConcrete","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoadTarmac","LDustEffects"},{"SurfWood","LDustEffects"},{"SurfMetal","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoofTin","LDustEffects"},{"SurfRoofTiles","LDustEffects"},{"SurfIntWood","LDustEffects"},{"SurfIntConcrete","LDustEffects"},{"SurfIntTiles","LDustEffects"},{"SurfIntMetal","LDustEffects"},{"dirtrunway","LDustEffects"}};

extened array syntex could be used here to maintain compatibility (like leftDustEffects[] =+ )

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Did you get the dust to work?  I'm working on a custom map myself and haven't been able to get dust to work, except on the dirt roads for some reason.  Tried all the above steps, forum threads suggesting writing a cfgVehicles to call in all the dust but nothing seems to work...   Let me know if anyone figures this out, I'm tired of banging my head against a wall

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Tried all the above steps, forum threads suggesting writing a cfgVehicles to call in all the dust but nothing seems to work...

It's allways hard to help in common case without details.

Did you read this topic https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176156-how-to-customize-terrain-dust-sound-and-ocean/ ?

You must be doing something wrong. You should understand what you are doing here, not just copy and paste. If you don't understand any part, you may ask for explaining.

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