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About kaban

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  1. kaban

    Flickering map in-game?

    What shape of this black surface? Does it look like black square tile or more like mountain shadow? Does it changing while you are flying around?
  2. kaban

    High road

    I made it with this way: 1. I packed my island to PBO with PBOProject. 2. I was loading my island into Arma and exporting topography data to image. 3. I adjusted the image with image editor to make black and white mask for seeing roads only. 4. Then I applied this mask in terrain editor WILBUR to make roads little higher.
  3. kaban

    No dust on any Surface, part II

    It's allways hard to help in common case without details. Did you read this topic https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176156-how-to-customize-terrain-dust-sound-and-ocean/ ? You must be doing something wrong. You should understand what you are doing here, not just copy and paste. If you don't understand any part, you may ask for explaining.
  4. kaban

    Railway tracks

    I use a road polyline with rail texture as a placeholder. And plannig to place rail objects over it in xCam or other editor closer to finish. I don't know if better solution exists.
  5. Yes. I start my TB as admin, because I mount my P: drive as admin. I'm not sure if you should do the same or not.
  6. I have flashing terrain about every time I start TB. But then I close TB and restart it again and flashing is disappeared.
  7. kaban

    Bulldozer controls

    F2 - freelook camera mode. Hold RMB and use WASD to fly around. Hold Shift to speed up. QZ - up and down. Press F2 again to switch back to edit mode.
  8. I made a ticket on bugtracker: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26105 Please, vote if you interested in working island. Update: It looks like the issue was fixed in CUP Sahrani Island. If you want to play on Sahrani island, you need to install CUP Terrain Pack instead of AiA Terrain Pack. Sahrani island is already part of CUP Terrain Pack. http://cup-arma3.org/downloads/download-terrains-pack/
  9. The article is useful. But be careful! Doing this leftDustEffects[]={...}; rightDustEffects[]={...}; you will override global classes and get broken vanilla surfaces dust effects. Thus you will not see dust effects on Altis and Stratis. You must include all vanilla dust effects into your leftDustEffects and rightDustEffects to make your map (island) compatible with vanilla ones. Example (little part): See \a3\data_f\config.cpp for all vanilla dust effects. Moreover, if you want your map to be compatible with AiA maps (for example), you must include all AiA dust effects into your leftDustEffects and rightDustEffects and make dependency on AiA (via requiredAddons[]={...,"AiA_Worlds_DustEffects"};), thus your map config must be last loaded to override AiA settings. Otherwise (if AiA will be last loaded) you will loose all your dust effects, because AiA will override them. So if end user wants to use several islands simultaneously, they must be compatible otherwise user will not see dust effects on some of them (deepening on loading order). This problem could be solved by using operator += instead of = (for appending but not overriding). But currently operator += doesn't work (issue #21443). So you have choice: 1. Make your map compatible (and dependent on) some islands (vanilla, AiA etc.). 2. Make your map incompatible with other maps (you cannot make your map compatible with all possible maps anyway). 3. Ping BI to make working operator +=. 4. Use vanilla surface types with predefined dust effects (I don't know actually if it's possible or not) 5. To not use dust effects at all. What we have currently (some examples): 1. All AiA maps have the only common surfaces config including all vanilla dust effects. So they are compatible with Altis and Stratis. 2. Kunduz has own dust effects, but overrides vanilla ones. So it's not compatible with Altis, Stratis and AiA. 3. Bornholm has no any own dust effects. So it's compatible with all other maps. But has no dust effects at all. 4. SMD Sahrani has own dust effects, but overrides vanilla ones. So it's not compatible with Altis, Stratis and AiA. However end users always can create their own addon to solve compatible issues between several maps (islands) using them simultaneously. This addon must override global vehicle classes with all dust effects used in all maps.