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Trouble with layer.cfg - Layers generation - Unable to load file "P:\"

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I am getting an error with my layer.cfg


Layers generation- Unable to load the file "P:\"

Can't load image from file 'P:\': file does not exist.

Layers generation - PNGOVerlapV3Style.cpp   bool V3PictureDataMod::LoadFromFile( const char*filename = "P:\") Unable to open the image file.

Layers generation - Unable to load the file "P:\".


From what I read I more than likely have a misspelling or some other small error that I'm over looking or I need to reset up my P drive and before I set up my P drive I was hoping someone could just check behind me on my layers and maybe see something I missed.


class Layers
	class green_grass
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat";
	class sea_bed
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_seabed.rvmat";
	class beach_sand
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_beach.rvmat";
	class desert_sand
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_dirt.rvmat";
	class deep_desert
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_desert.rvmat";
	class desert_rocks
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_stony.rvmat";
	class cliffs
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_rock.rvmat";
	class lush_grass
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_forest_pine.rvmat";
	class desert_cliffs
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_rock.rvmat";
	class coastal_grass
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_dry_grass.rvmat";
	class desert_sand2
		texture = ;
		material = "TestMap\data\gdt_dirt.rvmat";

class Legend
	class Colors
		grass_green[] = {{140,195,80}};
		sea_bed[] = {{0,0,255}};
		beach_sand[] = {{230,230,120}};
		desert_sand [] = {{220,210,102}};
		desert_sand2 [] = {{220,210,100}};
		deep_desert [] = {{236,230,149}};
		desert_rocks [] = {{228,215,137}};
		cliffs [] = {{196,177,123}};
		lush_grass [] = {{110,180,80}};
		desert_cliffs [] = {{181,158,111}};
		coastal_grass [] = {{160,200,90}};

Here is a screenshot of my source folder




Any help would be appreciated


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Make sure to change

texture = ;


texture = "";


texture = #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,cdt);

but the best solution is

texture = "m1lkm8n loves clowns";

Not sure if it fixes your problem tho

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It can't find it because it appears to me you have the files set up like this:


But in your layers config you have just :


I would remove the projects folder and just place the testmap folder directly in your root p drive. Also check to make sure your rvmats reflect the same change

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Yeah tried both of those. got rid of Projects folder and moved it to the root drive and updated everything. Also added the "" to textures and still having the issue. Currently at work right now though so I'll try to get some more info on here for yall when I get home.

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try this with the file names that you have in your data folder

class green_grass
    texture="TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.paa"; //your paa file

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and dont forget to check your rvmat files (right click -> edit or open with notepad) pointing at your file names

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try this with the file names that you have in your data folder

class green_grass
    texture="TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.paa"; //your paa file

that won't do anything, texture is ignored

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my layer works with this ....

Yes but that most likely is because that line is ignored. That used to be for the a1 days when you needed to defined per ground texture mco's.

Since they decided to go with a overall mco texture defined in your island config that line is ignored. I'm pretty sure you can have "m1lkm8n loves clowns" in there and it will still work lol

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Sorry didn't get a chance to work on it yesterday because I was really busy. Going to jump on in a couple hours when I get home from work.


Lol Lappi.

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Heres some more photos for yall to look at.


an example of an rvmat




my new layers.cfg




and a copy of my data folder




Still no luck. Thinking I may need to wipe the P drive and reinstall it.

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Ahh. Remove the "P:" in the rvmat and the layers config

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Except P: removal as m1Ikm8n says, check your Layers.cfg the class name of the layer green_grass with the name of the class colors (must be the same)

i see in your first post that the names is different . (   green_grass on top , and grass_green[] = {{140,195,80}};  on bottom  )


if all above fails, then try



(Here you declare the layer texture and the mask colour of the layers. The file must be in your DATA folder)

class Layers
  class green_grass
        texture = "for_test";
        material = "TestMap\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat";
class Legend
    class Colors
        green_grass[] = {{140,195,80}};
        sea_bed[] = {{0,0,255}};
        beach_sand[] = {{230,230,120}};
        desert_sand [] = {{220,210,102}};
        desert_sand2 [] = {{220,210,100}};
        deep_desert [] = {{236,230,149}};
        desert_rocks [] = {{228,215,137}};
        cliffs [] = {{196,177,123}};
        lush_grass [] = {{110,180,80}};
        desert_cliffs [] = {{181,158,111}};
        coastal_grass [] = {{160,200,90}};



(Here you declare the clutter for each layer.Also the file must be in your DATA folder)

class CfgSurfaces 
	class Default {};
	class Water{};
	class gdt_grassgreen_surface : Default
		 access = 2;
		 files = "gdt_grass_green*"; //name of the file in folder DATA
		 character = "gdt_grassgreen_character";
		 soundEnviron = "grass";
		 soundHit = "soft_ground";
		 rough = 0.05;
		 maxSpeedCoef = 1;
		 dust = 0.15;
		 lucidity = 8;
		 grassCover = 0.05;
		 Impact = "hitGroundSoft";
		 //surfaceFriction = 1.6;
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class gdt_grassgreen_character


(and Here you declare the clutter types for  CfgSurfaceCharacters.  Not the layer textures . Note that you can have many clutters for each character and you can use the same clutters on different characters)

class clutter
		class gdt_grassgreen_clutter: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_GroupSoft.p3d"; //clutter of your choice
			affectedByWind = 0.5;
			swLighting = "true";
			scaleMin = 0.3;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

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So I have a feeling now that the problem now lies in my Surfaces and Clutter files. So in the interest of saving a bit of time I don't have much in there would yall mind looking at it and tell me where I need to make changes before I throw a bunch in there

class CfgSurfaces
	class Default
	class Water
	class GdtStratisConcrete: Default
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class StratisForestPineClutter
class DefaultClutter;
class clutter
	class StrBigFallenBranches_pine: DefaultClutter
	class StrGrassDry: DefaultClutter

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Just use for test all that i posted in #16. If this works , then we can do the changes you really need.

can you post like #16 all your code (layers , surfaces , clutter and a list of your files in DATA folder) to understand what you have and what you need?

so far I have not figured out  



Note that layers,surfaces and clutters is interdependent.


Edit: dont  upload images.... just post the codes with copy paste....   Also in need to know if the colours (rgb values.as example.........green_grass[] = {{140,195,80}};.................) that you have in your layers.cfg is the correct colours that you have in your satmask picture.

where you find those values?

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I found a typo in your surfaces, at 'class CfgSurfaceCharacters'. You haven't closed all of your brackets. I fixed it by adding one more right-bracket-semicolon at the end of the file:

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
	class StratisForestPineClutter

It's the little things that kill you!


Clutter seems fine to me. Fix that bracket and try again.

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I'm going back to my first question being "do you use pboproject" because this could have all been avoided if you do ;)

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hi there,


you set your clutter right.

your surface Character looks also good

but your surface itself tries to load clutters from a class "empty" that I don't see to be defined anywhere.

"StratisForestPineClutter" would do

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Dragon - tried your fixes and still a no go.


m1lk - since I don't know what that is going to say no.


Should I start over from square 1? Feel like that is the only option right now.


Sorry for the delay. School is starting in a couple of days and I'm trying to get ready for it.

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Pboproject is a pbo packing utility creating by mikero. I believe there is a free version as well as a paid version. However I recommend the paid version as it allows for more options and updates for a year. It's only like 30$ And that includes access to the other tools As well.

What pboproject does vs addonbuilder is that it WILL NOT let you pack a addon into a pbo if there are errors. It will also spit out a text file of what the error is. Trust me it will save you multitudes of headaches if you are serious about making mods for arma

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