schmoking 17 Posted August 10, 2016 i bought infiSTAR antihack a few days ago... i didnt really know what it was, someone recomended it to me. i gotta say im impressed with this, i had no idea there was an admin tool like this. if you have a hacker problem i recomend you look into this. it cost me 30 euros and ive only had it for a couple days now, but to me this is worth it. installation wasnt to hard, if you can install scripts into your mission then you should be able to use this (im a complete noob). i had some problems with it banning people for using stuff i added to my mission, but i sent a suport request to infiSTAR got a reply the same day to send in my logs and files. the next day i got an answer on how to fix it. and now it seems to run great. anyways... i been bumping up the settings to try and catch me some hackers here is what i got BANNED 10-08-2016 11:46:57 | Dimonchik(76561198200890454) onLoad changed: RscDisplayMain, _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers '\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_main\scripts\handleWelcomeScreen.sqf', ["o (v0240)10-08-2016 11:46:57 | 0h 51min | Dimonchik(76561198200890454) | onLoad changed: RscDisplayMain, _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers '\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_main\scripts\handleWelcomeScreen.sqf', ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayMain",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay') [FPS: 45.4545|THREADS: 4] (v0240)10-08-2016 11:55:55 | andro1d921(76561198090574606) onLoad changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay' (v0240)10-08-2016 11:55:55 | andro1d921(76561198090574606) onUnload changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisp (v0240)10-08-2016 11:55:55 | andro1d921(76561198090574606) onLoad changed: RscDisplayMPInterrupt, _this call (uiNamespace getVariable 'Client_OnMPPause_NewsFeed'); ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayMPInterr (v0240)10-08-2016 11:55:56 | andro1d921(76561198090574606) onUnload changed: RscDisplayMPInterrupt, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayMPInterrupt",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDispla (v0240)10-08-2016 12:35:55 | ZMEJS(76561198044848558) onLoad changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay' (v0240)10-08-2016 12:35:55 | ZMEJS(76561198044848558) onUnload changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisp (v0240)10-08-2016 14:47:39 | Laurin(76561198175209502) onLoad changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, _this call ace_markers_fnc_initInsertMarker;, ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (v0240)10-08-2016 14:47:39 | Laurin(76561198175209502) onUnload changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, _this call ace_markers_fnc_placeMarker;, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call ( (v0240)10-08-2016 15:05:06 | Mitchel(76561198172630826) onLoad changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay' (v0240)10-08-2016 15:05:06 | Mitchel(76561198172630826) onUnload changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisp (v0240)10-08-2016 15:05:06 | Mitchel(76561198172630826) onUnload changed: RscDisplayMPInterrupt, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayMPInterrupt",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDispla (v0240)10-08-2016 15:05:07 | Mitchel(76561198172630826) onLoad changed: RscDisplayMPInterrupt, _this call (uiNamespace getVariable 'Client_OnMPPause_NewsFeed'); ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayMPInterr (v0240)10-08-2016 17:47:34 | Stefan Turcu(76561198137419718) onLoad changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay' (v0240)10-08-2016 17:47:35 | Stefan Turcu(76561198137419718) onUnload changed: RscDisplayInsertMarker, ["onUnload",_this,"RscDisplayInsertMarker",'GUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisp (v0240)10-08-2016 17:47:35 | Stefan Turcu(76561198137419718) onLoad changed: RscDisplayMPInterrupt, _this call (uiNamespace getVariable 'Client_OnMPPause_NewsFeed'); ["onLoad",_this,"RscDisplayMPInterr (v0240)09-08-2016 17:08:33 | Unaman Fricca(76561198133038074) BadVar#1: BIS_fnc_arsenal_fullArsenal - true (v0240) this guy was autobanned.09-08-2016 17:07:07 | 8h 25min | Esteban Fricca(76561198199208469) | BadlbText: Infinite Ammo FOUND [infinite ammo] ON Display #12 Control #1002 this guy wasnt banned, but i added him later to banlist10-08-2016 12:02:45 | Fahad(76561198171743210) Modified MPInterrupt: bin\config.bin/RscDisplayMPInterrupt/controls/CBA_Credits_Cont_C | CBA_Credits_Cont_C (v0240) this guy i knew from before had been teleporting, when i saw him join i imediately tried to spectate him, but infistar beat me to it and autobanned him before i could even spectate i also saw these in the loggs im pretty sure they have been teleporting, or could something else give this message? 10-08-2016 11:42:18 | 0h 47min | Smile丶一å¨ç¿â€Ã¯Â¿?(76561198071753044) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 16m in 0.503967s speed was 31.1299.10-08-2016 12:12:38 | 1h 17min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 30m in 0.560547s TopSpeed was 53.4818.10-08-2016 12:18:40 | 1h 23min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 29m in 0.522461s TopSpeed was 55.6224.10-08-2016 12:21:31 | 1h 26min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 13m in 0.5s speed was 25.8328.10-08-2016 15:24:24 | 4h 29min | Kerem(76561198019673779) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 13m in 0.515869s TopSpeed 25.357.10-08-2016 15:27:02 | 4h 31min | Kerem(76561198019673779) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 21m in 0.51709s TopSpeed 40.4564. i dont wanna ban innocent players, so if any of you see anything here that might not have been caused by cheat/hack please let me know *EDIT if you have a hackerproblem... use this in your server config: VerifySignatures = 2; :banghead: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted August 10, 2016 god I can't believe somebody paid for a script like this. the scripts are probably suuuuuuuuuper simple, anyone who knows what they're doing could whip one up for free in 5 minutes. is this a program or just a set of scripts? It looks like scripts to me, they tried so hard on the ingame admin menu to make it look like its worth 30 euros, when really its just fluff. A simple button with nothing but text would've been just as effective and easy to use. theres no way a teleporter from what I've seen would have a velocity of over 20, that would only occur if they're inside a vehicle. They would simply do setPos which topspeed would = zero, unless they're becoming less brain dead and more creative ^^ Any script kiddies were banished long ago by Battleye when A3 was in alpha. The BE Launcher further increased that security now, It's been over a year since I've encountered a single ass that decided to hack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted August 10, 2016 Any script kiddies were banished long ago by Battleye when A3 was in alpha. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 10, 2016 god I can't believe somebody paid for a script like this. the scripts are probably suuuuuuuuuper simple, anyone who knows what they're doing could whip one up for free in 5 minutes. well... i dont know your situation, but to me 30 euros isnt that big of a deal, its about what i spend having a pizza delivered, or a month server rent. i could never write a script like this, and i cant find anyone else doing it. if you could take 5 minutes out of your day and write one, il happily pay you 30 euros for it then we can compare. theres no way a teleporter from what I've seen would have a velocity of over 20, that would only occur if they're inside a vehicle. They would simply do setPos which topspeed would = zero, unless they're becoming less brain dead and more creative ^^ this is me teleporting using the spectator part of this script, and im not in a vehicle. does this mean that he who wrote it is less braindead and more creative? POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 32m in 0.500977s TopSpeed was 64.8057. POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 28m in 0.523926s TopSpeed was 53.0283. POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 21m in 0.51709s TopSpeed was 41.2459. POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 41m in 0.512207s TopSpeed was 79.201. POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 15m in 0.514893s TopSpeed was 30.0867. this player i had a conversation with.. he told me how much he hated hackers/cheaters. i then left the server, about two minutes later this show up in the log: 10-08-2016 12:12:38 | 1h 17min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 30m in 0.560547s TopSpeed was 53.4818. 10-08-2016 12:18:40 | 1h 23min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 29m in 0.522461s TopSpeed was 55.6224. 10-08-2016 12:21:31 | 1h 26min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 13m in 0.5s speed was 25.8328. he was on the server a good while... and this is the only time this logged. now... i really dont know what im doing here,and you not seeing any cheaters for a year is great,and i could be wrong, that is why i was asking, but this looks like teleporting to me. seems to me youre bashing these scripts really hard without knowing much about them. i wasnt looking for a fight here... so feel free to not reply if thats all you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted August 11, 2016 Oh trust me I wasn't looking to fight. Nobody else is writing scripts like this, because it makes little sense (my opinion). SQF anti-hack is kinda silly to begin with, especially when you are trying to have it automatically catch people. Anybody who has some brains when it comes to hacking that can get around battleye will have no problem whatsoever circumventing the scripts (hell, they could overwrite it with their own script even), once they're past battleye they can do whatever they like pretty much. (a script kiddie = somebody who knows nothing about actually circumventing battleye, but uses paid/public hacks to trash servers - a legit hacker = somebody who is capable of finding a security hole in the anti-cheat and exploiting it, usually more mature than the script kiddie and won't trash random servers for fun) The spectator camera would be considered a vehicle since it is very capable of travelling faster than a soldier running full sprint. It also doesn't make a lot of sense to see somebody 'teleporting' a whopping 72 meters, over a span of several minutes. Prehaps the settings you changed made it start picking up innocent players doing normal actions. If you use spectator cam and follow him around next time he's on you can see if he's teleporting for sure with your own eyes. He won't be in one spot then suddenly end up halfway across the map. You can pay for scripts if you want, it does have some useful functions like the spectator cam and some other stuff for people that aren't powerusers and don't know how to use the debug console. Basically: Take what the script says with a grain of salt and use the spectator camera/some investigating work to confirm if somebody's actually hacking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 when i first was told about this, the thing i was most interested in was the spectator part... when i bought it i didnt even know it would ban anyone on its own. i see this thing might not work on a legit hacker, but if it deals with the script kiddie problem then thats not bad... that seems to be a bigger problem for me anyway its throwing players i know are cheating out of my server, i dont know enuff to say about all of them tho. ok.. i might misunderstand you here, but that is not the camera, that is my actual character teleporting across the map! and it looks like the other guy did exactly the same, just minutes after i left the server. knowing this do you belive that he was not teleporting? what normal action could cause this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted August 11, 2016 What gamemode is this? It makes no sense to me for anyone to be teleporting themselves a total of 72 meters over the course of 10 minutes ^^ you could run that distance in less than 30 seconds. If it was wasteland/PvP/close-quarters then it would be more believable that somebody was teleporting to get behind opponents. you could go incognito and change your profile name/make a dummy profile that you can switch to whenever, then watch his behaviour ingame and see if you can catch him teleporting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 ok.. im getting really confused. and this is new to me. 10-08-2016 12:12:38 | 1h 17min | [11-98] David Mason(76561198296441320) | POTENTIAL-TP-REVERTED: Moved 30m in 0.560547s TopSpeed was 53.4818. i read this as at 12:12:38 he moved 30 meters in 0.5 seconds and top speed was 53 kmph Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bloodwyn1756 130 Posted August 11, 2016 If you want to be kinda professional you should script your admintools yourself. Many Hacks have "InfiSTAR bypass", or "InfiSTAR undetected" in their "Features" list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 im not a professional... and i dont want to spend years becoming one, so i can script admin tools for one arma server. my only experiense with having a server or scripting, is one arma 2 server i had running for a few months(i gave it up because all arma 2 free, script kiddies completely ruined it), as far scripting abilities, im only capable of installing others scripts in to my mission, not actually write them. and i struggle to make that work. i get it... this thing isnt a very good anti hack tool. but it does seem to take care of some script kiddies.... there is 4 players banned that i know was up to no good, i knew them from before. and they have been messing up the server. but other than that... it may just ban random people, i dont know. if you guys say that this player is not teleporting then il just take your word for it... just looked to suspicious to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 after some research, i found that my server config was wrong. VerifySignatures = 2; // Important security setting in my config this was set to 0. is this why you havent seen any hackers for a year? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted August 11, 2016 after some research, i found that my server config was wrong. VerifySignatures = 2; // Important security setting in my config this was set to 0. is this why you havent seen any hackers for a year? ... your server was wide open to any and all addons. people didn't even need to hack, simply use addons and run whatever scripts they desire. Many people look for servers like this that are full of people so they can troll/trash it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 well... looks like my hackerproblems are solved, and i have a nice spectator script. could be worse :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak69 5 Posted August 11, 2016 Oh trust me I wasn't looking to fight. Nobody else is writing scripts like this, because it makes little sense (my opinion). SQF anti-hack is kinda silly to begin with, especially when you are trying to have it automatically catch people. Anybody who has some brains when it comes to hacking that can get around battleye will have no problem whatsoever circumventing the scripts (hell, they could overwrite it with their own script even), once they're past battleye they can do whatever they like pretty much. (a script kiddie = somebody who knows nothing about actually circumventing battleye, but uses paid/public hacks to trash servers - a legit hacker = somebody who is capable of finding a security hole in the anti-cheat and exploiting it, usually more mature than the script kiddie and won't trash random servers for fun) The spectator camera would be considered a vehicle since it is very capable of travelling faster than a soldier running full sprint. It also doesn't make a lot of sense to see somebody 'teleporting' a whopping 72 meters, over a span of several minutes. Prehaps the settings you changed made it start picking up innocent players doing normal actions. If you use spectator cam and follow him around next time he's on you can see if he's teleporting for sure with your own eyes. He won't be in one spot then suddenly end up halfway across the map. You can pay for scripts if you want, it does have some useful functions like the spectator cam and some other stuff for people that aren't powerusers and don't know how to use the debug console. Basically: Take what the script says with a grain of salt and use the spectator camera/some investigating work to confirm if somebody's actually hacking Battleye is not the kind of fortress you see it as, it's more likely the locked front door that many people simply don't even try to take. The door can be there and be closed when there is still other ways to get into the house. Those ways are sold from different hacking communities and allow you to pretty much do anything scripting wise. Therefore it is highly recommend to have some kind of script base anti-cheat system. Obviously it's always easier to break things then trying to keep things running well while blocking hack attempts. But you can't just go ahead and say something is bad when you have not invested time into the topic as it currently is. There's also ways to inject script code without you even being on the very server you inject the code to. The network package encryption in arma isn't the best.. even after their patch 2 month ago. Well and regarding paying or not paying. If there is somebody putting time into something, if it is painting a stupid picture, making a website, repairing your car or simply writing a script and he wants to sell it afterwards. Don't go ahead and tell people that it is stupid to do that. He said he's happy with it and that's just how the world works. If you're from a country like germany and have no self-esteem you could probably go ahead and don't work for any money all life long and still have a good life. But in most parts of the world you are working for something in return. please don't get me wrong, I've just read a few of your post and I have very much respect for you! after some research, i found that my server config was wrong. VerifySignatures = 2; // Important security setting in my config this was set to 0. is this why you havent seen any hackers for a year? VerifySignatures = 2; is not much better than VerifySignatures = 1; but it costs alot more performance - you should be good with 1 in this case! To get hackers on your server, your server needs to have players and for the most part the script kids love to "troll" streamers who play live on twitch while they are getting "hacked" maybe his server is just uninteresting. If you want to be kinda professional you should script your admintools yourself. Many Hacks have "InfiSTAR bypass", or "InfiSTAR undetected" in their "Features" list. even in the world of professional development you can't just reinvent the wheel daily. There is always set of tools that you kind of rely on. Also you should't believe what's written on the internet - most of the hacks you find wouldn't even inject through battleye but still state "bypass for this and bypass for that". They can't sell the hack easy if they say "will get you banned in 1 day" :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmoking 17 Posted August 11, 2016 ok.. i dont know what to make of this anymore. either way im happy with the spectate part, thats what i wanted in the first place. and did he just call my server uninteresting? man... i feel like im taking flak from every direction in here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak69 5 Posted August 11, 2016 ok.. i dont know what to make of this anymore. either way im happy with the spectate part, thats what i wanted in the first place. and did he just call my server uninteresting? man... i feel like im taking flak from every direction in here. haha hell no that wasn't what I wanted to say! :) I just wanted to say that most hacker/scripter kids I came across are doing it on servers where streamers are playing on (for whatever reason) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkensor 96 Posted August 11, 2016 VerifySignatures = 2; is not much better than VerifySignatures = 1; but it costs alot more performance - you should be good with 1 in this case! Default = 0. Weak protection = 1. Full protection = 2. From Arma 3 use only level 2 (level 1 is outdated and not efficent) Also using 1 or two has nothing to do with performace ... You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The addon check, which is VerifySignatures, saves you from the easiest way to inject code. On server without it, you can just join and have a menu or so injected. Nothing more nothing less. --- There are many other kinds of injection, the time to invest into research an development are not 10 minutes. All people flame infistar, but if it would be so bad, why do hacker have to have something like a "InfiSTAR bypass" if not, because otherwise they would be detected that instant. Infistar offers admin tools, which are far more useful than many others and a detection for low skilled scripers. Battleye takes care about memory injector, other game manipulations etc. Not about if someone has a cheat menu open. --- If you are a skilled scripter, then yes you do not need something like infistar, but for 99% of the arma users it is not the worst thing to do ;) Also if it is so easy to do, why is there no one else offering such service? Regards Arkensor 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
austin_medic 109 Posted August 11, 2016 Also using 1 or two has nothing to do with performace ... You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. The addon check, which is VerifySignatures, saves you from the easiest way to inject code. On server without it, you can just join and have a menu or so injected. Nothing more nothing less. --- There are many other kinds of injection, the time to invest into research an development are not 10 minutes. All people flame infistar, but if it would be so bad, why do hacker have to have something like a "InfiSTAR bypass" if not, because otherwise they would be detected that instant. Infistar offers admin tools, which are far more useful than many others and a detection for low skilled scripers. Battleye takes care about memory injector, other game manipulations etc. Not about if someone has a cheat menu open. --- If you are a skilled scripter, then yes you do not need something like infistar, but for 99% of the arma users it is not the worst thing to do ;) Also if it is so easy to do, why is there no one else offering such service? Regards Arkensor 1. I thought verifysignatures had jack to do with performance, regardless even if it did take more cpu power it wouldn't matter unless your server hardware was insufficient to operate it in the first place. 2. It wasn't really my intention to bash infistar, it has uses, sure, my perspective is biased towards 'I can code everything I could possibly need on my own', so I guess you can take what I say with a grain of salt if you aren't into coding at all. To my knowledge Battleye (supposedly) has particular SQF scripts commonly used by hacks inside its database (or at least it did, nowadays probably not so relevant since some hacking has been extinguished thanks to steam), though if its a homemade script then it wouldn't pick it up I suppose. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak69 5 Posted August 11, 2016 1. I thought verifysignatures had jack to do with performance, regardless even if it did take more cpu power it wouldn't matter unless your server hardware was insufficient to operate it in the first place. 2. It wasn't really my intention to bash infistar, it has uses, sure, my perspective is biased towards 'I can code everything I could possibly need on my own', so I guess you can take what I say with a grain of salt if you aren't into coding at all. To my knowledge Battleye (supposedly) has particular SQF scripts commonly used by hacks inside its database (or at least it did, nowadays probably not so relevant since some hacking has been extinguished thanks to steam), though if its a homemade script then it wouldn't pick it up I suppose. 1. which most game-server providers provide to their customers - insufficient systems :D 2. yeah BE has some signature checks.. also for things like Cheat Engine and such but for the most part, if you get around it by having your hack load as child class or have a driver with a signature you are using to remove the callbacks of be - well then you're free to go on the script engine and the checks for the scripts are as easy as having the virtual container which the script engine runs in point to a nullpointer instead to BE callbacks.. if that is easy enough. I am just saying that the people who are bypassing BE / unloading BE are completely free to go without a second line of defense however - no need to discuss this topic, just giving away too much information on it would not help anybody B) one thing is very important tho - Run BE and Run verify of your files :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDoctor63 0 Posted November 11, 2016 There are times I wish I would see these threads when they are unfolding... It seems pretty simple to me that your fail antagonist is one of 4 things.. First.. Innocent of ill intention, and equally innocent in the realm of Hacks/Bots/Scripts.. (in this case we do as it seems everyone has, overlook and move on) Second.. Just out to pester someone and try to give them buyers remorse.. (A move along and ignore what u cant fix) Third.. A salty hack wannabe who makes their own code, which fails at bypassing anything. (case in point the weird that was Teleporting 70m or whatever, FYI that is just a fail catch by the software (script as you call it) due to the manner ARAM saves player location in and out of vehicles. Hackers don't bother with porting short hops unless they are just bored and see someone to shoot, but seriously 100m?? that's why there is a scope on the rifle..yes? Hackers, or at least the few actual hacks I know, Jump in the server, locate the players, locate bases, then choose to port and destroy the bases, kill all the players at once, or make a game of it via "The old Invisi Port, stabbed in the back trick." .. (This is one of those peeps who you will never be as great as them, as smart as them, as old, tall, or strong as them, UNTIL you happen to meet them. also an ignore and move along. FORTH.... I bonified coder, who prefers to code for the dark side with their ninjitsu magic... Who puts on the sheeps clothing, and the fox hoodie while out making silly posts like these. They appear, at a glance, to be someone you can merely "walk on by"... while the reality of it is; they are the dragon seeking whomever they can devour.. (this is a rare find, for most this would be a "back away slowly" moment, for some it is their "moment of truth" challenge. and for a hand full of old bulls it's a "I sure hope my new dragon chew toy last longer than the others" yearning). Anyway, just thought I would throw my boredom out there at ya'll as I noticed this post in my search for the solution to my own problem.... lol Later. TheDoctor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites