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Adjust Facewear Model Orientation for GroundWeaponHolder

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Hi all,



I was curious to know, is there a way to adjust a model's orientation (in this case, a facewear item) when it is on the ground. For example, if you have a set of headphones, when they're on a unit's head, they're obviously in a vertical direction - which is great, but when they're on the ground, they stay in that position - is it possible to rotate them to a horizontal position via the config? Or substitute them for another model? I know with uniforms, they have a surrogate model - can something like this be achieved with a facewear object?


Thanks ever so much for any pointers or help! :D

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This thread hasn't gotten much attention, but I'm facing pretty much the same problem right now (although not with goggles). I've got an item that uses a model from the vanilla game. But the item, when placed on the ground, is turned 90°, clipping into the the ground.

If placed in editor you can use the cfgVehicles-Item_Base_F-class to put it down (turned the right direction), but with the put action (cfgWeapon-class inside a groundweaponholder) it gets turned.


That's how they should look like when placed on the ground: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/883126315888925393/DB5A993F1103EC772599F58CDF64BA0A974FD055/

And that's how they actually DO look like when placed on the ground: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/883126315888925842/152CE6752DA431B416F4D7319D6EC79A734BDBE8/


Maybe now someone knows something?

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I reckon it can be done by manipulating the groundweaponholder itself : the "put" EH can be used to retrieve it.

Not tested though.


EDIT : woops, didn't realize we are in the 'config' section... ^^'

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