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[FIXED: bones Issue] Turret & Gunner optics problem

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Need some help to find bug in my cfg, I'm trying to make gunner optic in my plane. When I switch to gunner optics I can only watch up/down, but in 3d buldozer & game, "gun" model moves in all directions perfectly. I was trying to find out for serveal hours why it doesn't works corectly in gunner optics. I was checking my memory lod names and config few times, need someone's "fresh eye" for this.


Config.cpp turret:

class NewTurret;
		class Turrets
			class MainTurret: NewTurret
				weapons[] = {"Twin_Cannon_20mm","missiles_Zephyr","missiles_ASRAAM","CMFlareLauncher"};
		        magazines[] = {"300Rnd_20mm_shells","2Rnd_AAA_missiles","4Rnd_GAA_missiles","120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};
				weapons[] = {"Laserdesignator_mounted"};
				magazines[] = {"Laserbatteries"};
				commanding = -1;
				GunnerAction = "Plane_Fighter_03_pilot";
				GunnerInAction = "Plane_Fighter_03_pilot";
				isCopilot = 1;
				gunnerName = "Gunner";
				primaryGunner = 1;
				primaryObserver = 1;
				proxyIndex = 1;
				CanEject = "true";
				memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
				memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
				castGunnerShadow = 1;
				viewGunnerShadow = 1;
				gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "throttle_rear";
				gunnerRightHandAnimName = "stick_rear";
				gunnerleftleganimname = "pedal_rear";
				gunnerrightleganimname = "pedal_rear";
				maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 8.2;
				maxVerticalRotSpeed = 8.2;
				stabilizedInAxes = 0;
				startEngine = 0;
				body = "OtocVez";
				gun = "OtocHlaven";
				animationSourceBody = "OtocVez";
				animationSourceGun = "OtocHlaven";
				minElev = -90;
				maxElev = 15.0;
				initElev = -45;
				minTurn = -350;
				maxTurn = 350;
				/*gunStabilized = true;*/
				initTurn = 0;
				soundServo[] = {"",0.01,1};
				outGunnerMayFire = 1;
				inGunnerMayFire = 1;
				gunBeg = "usti hlavne";
				gunEnd = "konec hlavne";
				memoryPointGunnerOptics = "usti hlavne";
				selectionFireAnim = "";
				turretInfoType = "RscOptics_UAV_gunner";
				gunnerForceOptics = 0;
				class OpticsIn
					class Wide
						opticsDisplayName = "W";
						initAngleX = 0;
						minAngleX = -360;
						maxAngleX = 360;
						initAngleY = 0;
						minAngleY = -350;
						maxAngleY = 350;
						initFov = 0.7;
						minFov = 0.03;
						maxFov = 1.2;
						directionStabilized = 0;
						horizontallyStabilized = 0;
						stabilizedInAxes = 3;
						visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"};
						thermalMode[] = {0,1};
						gunnerOpticsModel = "A3\drones_f\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UGV_01_Optics_Gunner_F.p3d";
					class Medium: Wide
						opticsDisplayName = "M";
						initFov = 0.093;
						minFov = 0.093;
						maxFov = 0.093;
						gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_medium_F";
						directionStabilized = 1;
						horizontallyStabilized = 1;
						stabilizedInAxes = 3;
					class Narrow: Wide
						opticsDisplayName = "N";
						gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F";
						initFov = 0.029;
						minFov = 0.029;
						maxFov = 0.029;
						directionStabilized = 1;
						horizontallyStabilized = 1;
						stabilizedInAxes = 3;
				class OpticsOut
					class ViewGunner
						stabilizedInAxes = 0;
						directionStabilized = 0;
						horizontallyStabilized = 0;
						initFov = 1;
						minFov = 0.6;
						maxFov = 0.85;
						initAngleX = 0;
						minAngleX = -35;
						maxAngleX = 85;
						initAngleY = 0;
						minAngleY = -130;
						maxAngleY = 130;
						minMoveX = -0.2;
						maxMoveX = 0.2;
						minMoveY = -0.025;
						maxMoveY = 0.1;
						minMoveZ = -0.2;
						maxMoveZ = 0.2;
						visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
						gunnerOpticsModel = "";
						gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};


                        class OtocVez 
			axis="osa veze";
			minValue="rad -360";
			maxValue="rad +360";
			angle0="rad -360";
			angle1="rad +360";

			class OtocHlaven 
			axis="osa hlavne";
			minValue="rad -90";
			maxValue="rad +90";
			angle0="rad -90";
			angle1="rad +90";

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I've found out that if I declare "OtocVez" first, I can move my turret optics up/down, if "OtocHlaven" is higher in bones then I can view only left/right. Any ideas what that may be? Gun model moves corectly, but gunner optics is locked to one axis... 

class CfgSkeletons
	class cfgVehicles;
	class L159_ACR: cfgVehicles

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verify the axis, selection, class names etc (use Dep3d from mikero)

get sample configs and model.cfg from BI and CUP to compare

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Also, your formatting is a mess. Bones are defined in pairs so put the pairs on the same line:

			"rotor", "",
			"flapL", "",
			"flapR", "",
			"elevatorL", "",
			"elevatorR", "",

It makes the code so much easier to read, and its easier to spot inheritance issues.

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As I said I've spent serval hours trying find out what may be wrong with model/cfg, so I wouldn't ask for help without any effort. I'll give more informations about my selections so maybe someone will be able to figure out what is going on with my optics.. I've also checked sample models/configs.
1. OtocHlaven & OtocVez selections (they are the same):


----------------- Memory LODS---------------------
2. Gunnerview


3. Usti Hlavne & Konec Hlavne


4. Nabojniceend/start


5. OsaVeze (axis)


6. OsaHlavne (axis)


7. OtocVez 


8. OtocHlaven


Object builder + in-game test:
It is my first mod, I took model.cfg from BI samples. I thought that they know what they do with "formatting", but now when I understand more I'm sure ur right about it. Thanks for helpful advice.

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One needs to be parent of the other.

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One needs to be parent of the other.



That works now! I was trying everything, but didn't tried this one before. Thanks for helping me fix this :)

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