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TrackerIR not responding in game

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I have always used TIR when playing,but now it has decided not to work.I have unloaded all my mods,checked everything under control setting ,restarted multiple time,even changed USB ports. No Luck. I have the latest TIR software,5.4,it is operating fine in the head tracking window,even after I start the game(and get the blue light). Yet it is not working in game!!!


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Not sure what advice to give buddy, just tested on stable branch and have no issues with my TIR.   Hope you get a quick fix soon.  :)

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No issue here with mine. Does the TrackIR detect fine in its own software? Beyond that, just confirm if it's detected under the Controls - Controller menu.

In order:

1) does Windows see it?

2) does the TrackIR software see it?

3) does Arma see it?

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Mine works 10/10 too. Had to re-enable ingame it after 1.62 hit live tho, but that was it.

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Thanks for all the reply's.I don't know what I did to kill it or what has brought it back to life(I tried so many different things),But it is working fine now.


It was strange.I had been using it in A3 earlier in the day with no problems.Then for no reason it just quit.I run two monitors,so when I was trouble shooting I had the TIR software running on my upper monitor,all was fine.When I would launch the game,I would get the blue light on the Tracker and I could see it working on the other monitor,but nothing was happening in game.


I've had the TIR sine the old days before any game supported it and all you had was mouse emulation.I've never run into this before and hopefully....never again!


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