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Animation in motion

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I had problems with animations in motions.




As seen in the video, the character moves, but moves on the spot.


Step by step what I did -


1. Animated in 3ds Max.

2. Export to FBX.

3. Import FBX (animation and sceletion) to Object Builder.

4.Export Matrice (in OB export to .rtm)




Set walk.rtm and run.rtm to animation config Men A3.


What am I doing wrong?

Where can I find a tutorial on character animation?



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I dont understand how edit step and xStep


In Object Builder go to the "Named Properties" window (lower right side of your screen shot), double click the property "step" and change it's value from 0 to something that is, um, not 0.

Do the same with the property "xstep".

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@romzet Dont know if you allready solved it, becouse of the date ;) . But maybe for others coming to look for solutions. Indeed you need step and xStep values. If you have imported your fbx animation, put in the named sections: step and its value for example 4 (it depends how your model is orientated in the x axe, if you look in object builders topview and your model is facing up then you need a positive value, facing down you need a negative value lets say -4) this last orientation BIS is using (The orange arrow sticking out of your character will point in the right direction when you change direction of your game object in the 3D editor) . 

Another thing you will need in your model is a ground contact lod, otherwise your character still stay's on the same spot.

The xStep value is i believe for sidestep animations, dont know for sure, i did'nt used it yet.



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Step moves your character forward and back. xstep moves them left and right. A mix of the two gives you any angle in between.

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