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Hello !


I've created a script with the "SetOwner" command. I know it can be only executed on the server, so I used remoteExecCall to call it.The call works, the file is called and it said a thing in my log (diag_log command to test). So the file is called, but objects remain remote :(


My file :

private ["_obj", "_toOwn"];
_obj = _this select 0;
_toOwn = _this select 1;
_toOwn setOwner (owner _obj);

diag_log "Called";

How I called it :

[_obj, _toOwn] remoteExecCall ["Server_fnc_Own", 2];

In my log I have : Called, but the object remains REMOTE.

How can I own the object ?


Thanks a lot !

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_obj is some non-AI object and _toOwn is a player object?

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Yes, _obj is a vehicle, I've entered in it, so the vehicle is local, but _toOwn is a vehicle which is remote

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I have also problems with this command setowner by [(_this#0),clientowner] remoteexeccall ["setOwner",2,false] not working on some AI units on dedicted, sometimes some units stay still remote after apply this command and is no any logical explanation to it (unit is not used by any other client or HC on dedicated it only one client - me and this command not work on some units, for rest it working fine so WTF?? what are circumstances to block this translation by serwer any ansver from BI possibile??

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2 hours ago, h4wek said:

any ansver from BI possibile??





Description:  From server machine, change the ownership of an object to a given client. Using command in an unintended way will log a message to .rpt file. To transfer ownership of all AI units in a group properly, use setGroupOwner instead.


Problems:  Since Arma 3 v1.40, this command should not be used to transfer ownership of units with AI with the exception of agents.



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Using setgroupowner not work too - anyway using this command on new unit joined to group of player  (client) have no sense, beacouse join group should chenge locality of this new unit in moment of join (player's group) isn't it? I think my problem and not only mine regards to some strange non player AI units, ready for JIP and seen by dedicated as players anyway - the AI units in those goups are immortal and undelatable from console or zeus, and of course blocked form locality change.

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