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[ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

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In my experience it's definitely worth the effort to get the mods working. These missions by heroesandvillains are worth trying out; they showcase the capabilities of Alive and are a lot of fun

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Thanks for your answer.


The reason for not downloading too many mods is that I play with a group of friends and syncing all those non-steam mods (and also large steam mods) is always quite a hassle. For example a mod which adds only one vehicle is something that imo could be optional. That would allow us to test the mission for a while without too much mod-downloading / hours of hassle before we can even start. And if we love the mission we could start the mission with the vehicle mod in place.


I'm looking for alive based missions and this seems to be a great one. I'm not sure about how alive works in mission editor but if the factions can be parametrized that would be awesome, so we could choose NATO vs massi's fighters for example and leave the 3cb (british?) mods out.

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Lerbert I totally get it man. I do use some unconventional mods and it makes perfect sense your unit would prefer to try it out before committing to the downloads. Not that it matters much, but the reason I use the Burnes Foxhound (which literally takes like 30 seconds to download. It's one vehicle) is because 3CB doesn't have any vehicles with an enclosed cab. Their Coyotes and Jackals can leave you exposed so I wanted to give players an option for what they'd prefer when they patrol.

Unfortunately, like I said above, the amount of time it would take to remove those dependencies (and then replace them with something else) would be enormous. What I would do if I was you is just try it and see what you think and maybe then you can decide if it's worth it or not. That, or download PBO manager from Armaholic and unpack the mission and maybe learn from it and make your own if that suits you guys better.

That, or wait a few days(ish) and I'll release an insurgency on Diyala which is 100% made with mods from Workshop aside from RHS (which will be on Workshop soon).

Like I said, I have no problems answering any questions for you if you want to put your own mission together if that's what you ultimately decide to do. Those please, PM me if that's the case.

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Update: Highlights include the AI Recruitment Centers being redecorated, the Taliban having some new toys to play with, some custom posters being added and the mission has been slightly rebalanced. Full changelog in the first post.

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Sorry to update the mission twice again so soon, but I just learned how to optimize custom images on maps and posters. They were loading very slowly and with the change, it's now instantaneous. First post updated.

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The mission has been updated in preparation for RC 1.64. Dynamic arid weather has been added and the Muslim call to prayer has been reworked to eliminate out-of-sync sounds. Full changelog in the first post.

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The mission has been updated to be compatible with the latest 3CB updates. The player side has been changed from MTP to the new desert units to better suit the terrain.

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Thanks to Whigital over on the ALiVE forums, I think I've found a way to remove the doctor and suit wearing civs. :) Should just be the Afghani looking ones only now. Nice. :) Updated.

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Major update:

Inshallah has been revised. This is a huge overhaul. Although the integrity of the mission largely remains in tact, ALiVE's new ORBAT faction creator has allowed me to put together the Taliban faction of my dreams. As a big fan of RHS, I've made the decision to remove the Massi dependency. The body of these new units are based on Project OPFOR's Middle East Milita, and thanks to Eric J (and ALiVE for the new tool), I've been able to dress them in astounding traditional Afghan clothing, while also utilizing his incredible civilian faction as well. Now, civilians and insurgents will look indistinguishable from a distance, adding a layer of tension much needed in a mission like this. All in all I consider this change a big win but to do so, dependencies needed to be changed.

Along with the faction and mod updates, the mission has been rebalanced as well. Bases have been fleshed out further and more tools have been given to the player. The end goal is to make this the most immersive insurgency experience available in Arma 3 and I feel like this update has taken me one step closer to that.

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HI Hero,

Hah - finally got the mission to work without crashing - provably as you suspected - some of the mods being out of date... FYI on the last version - which you may already know - the resupply helicopters arrive in a huge mass - and the demolition derby ensues (limitation of alive)... Question - when playing single player - is there some way to assemble an AI team to work with the player ?

Thanks for all you do !!!



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Hi Scott! Yes, occasionally the greatest military tragedy in the history of time can happen if you are in the presence of ALiVE's automated logistics resupply choppers. I've discussed this with the ALiVE devs. They are aware the formations are too tight but said its a limitation of the Arma engine.

I'll bring it back up and see if perhaps they can take another look.

Question: Are you using the new update I posted a few minutes ago? If not, please grab it.

AI can be recruited from the whiteboards I've placed at all the bases (walk up to them and you'll see an option pop up on the screen). Although I've deleted a lot of markers from the map (for the immersions :) ) I made sure to leave "recruitment center" in place. These recruitment centers are where you get the AI recruits, so press the M key and you'll see where they are.

I'm happy you finally got it working! I honestly figured it was a lost cause due to your insistence of using Play with Six lol.

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Hi Hero,

Thanks for the response - I'll give that a shot... I'll also download your new one and give that a shot as well... Was driving through the town and an insurgent started taking pot shots at me - had to jump out and track him down - very cool...

Question - is all the British hardware real present day stuff or is it the Arma plausible futuristic equipment - not really up to speed on British armament although I know they favor bullpup rifle designs...



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The British gear/assets are all 3CB and they are incredibly meticulous with their various packs.

Although it would have been "easy" for me to change the BLUFOR faction to RHS's US Army or Marines - which would reduce the amount of required mods substantially, making my missions more "popular" - I adore the work of the 3CB so much that it was important for me to leave them in.

I'm not a military gear expert or aficionado by any means, but I do my best based on documentaries I've seen :) . If you have any specific requests I can definitely do my best to make that happen, but to answer your question, I leave the tools and gear up to the 3CB team (which is more modern and not futuristic, from what I can tell) and Burnes for his (older version) Foxhound.

For those that may prefer RHS US assets, I have some new projects coming soon. :)

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Hi Hero,

Ahh - it works for me - kind of nice seeing warfare from a different perspective than I'm used to (once the downloads are done)... The only thing I could definitively say looks futuristic in your mission are the vanilla chinook-like helicopters - which is where my question came from...

Those big open 3CB combat vehicles (forget what they are called) are pretty darn cool - reminds me of the desert rats during WWII...

Personally - would love to see someone do a present day South China Sea - US vs China on Tanoa mission - with all the bells and whistles... Don't know if there are enough Chinese assets though...

I'll certainly keep an eye out for whatever you produce...



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Thanks for the feedback!

All of those choppers are stock 3CB, so I'd assume they should resemble real life British Apache's and Wildcats. If you have some time, and want to look at the available helicopters for the 3CB Army Desert section in the editor, and if you see some others you may prefer I replace the ones I'm using with, definitely tell me the helicopter name, and what you want its role to be (CAS, Transport, Medevac) and I'll change it for sure.

Regarding a Chinese faction, stay tuned. *Pretty sure* AuTigerGrad is working on one using ALiVE's ORBAT but don't quote me on that. Feel free to request one here: http://alivemod.com/forum/2406-orbat-creator-general-faq/unread

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Hello  HeroesandvillainOS !

I got a little prob. with your mission.

When i try to start it up (lan singleplayer) there are no playable slots to chosse from.

Only one option there to enable ai.

Am i doing something wrong??

P.S. all required Addons are installed and uptodate.

(Sorry for my bad english) :huh:

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On the top left corner of the LAN/Dedicated Server player selection screen, you'll see an icon that says BLUFOR. It's blue.

Click that and the player slots will appear. The default screen is for the headless client so you need to click the icon to change it to select the roles.

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Grrrrr!! <_<

I feel like an idiot!!!

Thanks for the quick answer :)

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Hi Hero,

Been really enjoying your mission - I still haven't upgraded to the newest version as I need to download the new content... I'm still running the last version before the new content requirement... One question though - you seem to have three spawn points defined - the two airbases and the outpost... The outpost is well equipped like the air bases - however - I can't seem to utilize any of the ammo crates or supplies as I can at the airbases... I click on the inventory as I would anywhere else and none of the content is transferred... Is this by design or is this an issue with me and/or the mission ?




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Hi Hero,

Been really enjoying your mission - I still haven't upgraded to the newest version as I need to download the new content... I'm still running the last version before the new content requirement... One question though - you seem to have three spawn points defined - the two airbases and the outpost... The outpost is well equipped like the air bases - however - I can't seem to utilize any of the ammo crates or supplies as I can at the airbases... I click on the inventory as I would anywhere else and none of the content is transferred... Is this by design or is this an issue with me and/or the mission ?




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Hi Scott!

Hmmm. Not sure really. No that isn't by design. The ammo crates at the small outpost are definitely meant to function normally. I'll take a look after I get out of work. Is it just those crates inside the small bunker where you'd replenish your ammo for yourself and the AI? I take it the recruitment and Virtual Arsenal/Loadout Manager still work there and the other two base's ammo and supply boxes work as intended?

For future reference, with Spyder's Loadout Manager, you can make several different loadouts and transfer them to the AI. Not an ideal workaround but it could help if you're dying to play today until I have a chance to fix it. That or high tail it back to the FOB LOL! :)

Thanks for the bug report! It helps me a lot!

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Hi Hero,

Yep - I tried all the crates inside the bunker - I couldn't get any if them to work - maybe it's me... The inventory screens on the ammo crates all open up - I can see the contents - it's just none of it transfers... I could recruit AI at the site... No rush in any of this - I only get time for Arma here and there... Your dedication, help, and enthusiasm is really appreciated...



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I went ahead and just deleted and replaced those ammo boxes. I honestly didn't even check if they were working before hand. Figured it would be safer to just do that and after checking the new ones, they work just fine.

So when you're ready for the new version with the new mods, the problem will be addressed.

Let me know if you see any other bugs like that and thanks for the report! :)

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Hey Scott613! Good catch. I took a closer look and it was almost all the 3CB supply boxes with this issue. Sorry to update again so quickly but upon further inspection, it wasn't just happening at the one outpost.

Thanks man.

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