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Weird glow from weapons, like an aura

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I'm running the game vanilla in this example. Launched the show case "Supports" and took the screen shots at the spot I spawned.


The first picture is with the gun lowered:




The second picture is with the gun raised:




It is not as obvious in these screen shots as it is in games, but if you look at the grass in the lower right corner next to the gun, and the grass in front of the barrel, you notice that it appairs much brighter than the same spots when the rifle is lowered. I have experienced this with other guns as well, and it's also true for the pistol. I don't know what's causing this, but if anyone has any idea I would be glad to hear them. I get that the weapons are nice and all, but from what I know they are not holy and should not have a glowing aura around them.


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Probably Anti-Aliasing/ambient-occlusion. Try turning those two settings down/off one at a time and then you'll know which...

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It's caused by HDOA/HDOA+

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Definitely, that method is known to be the most friendly on FPS but at the cost of visuals, play around with the various ambient occlusion settings and see which one you like most.

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