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AI Ignoring Teammate shooting at me

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Why is only one of the AI shooting at me. The AI in the tower should shoot at me too. Instead he just stands around doing nothing.



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He's probably so disappointed by your use of pixelated red letters on a green background that he just can't deal with you right now.  If you must caption an image always use white text with a black outline.


That said it's night, he's facing away from you and you're in concealment.  What kind of weapon were you using, did it have a suppressor?  There's a lot of reasons he wouldn't react right away.

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I think the problem is that they are not in the same group, so they do not communicate at all. But when I group them together they try to form up in a formation. Can I just group them and force them to not care about the formation?

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Has player actually killed you? AI starts to attack team-killers when their rating drops after shooting friendlies or civilians

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The AI in the tower seems to have a blue icon over him implying he is blueforce?

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Are all those units BLUFOR or is the "player" doing the shooting OPFOR?  I did some tests and even ungrouped the guy in a tower reacted to gunfire.  They never saw me or shot at me since i was behind a bush, but they both reacted.


If everyone in that picture are on the same side, then what longbow is saying is true.  It'll take two actual kills for them to care that you're shooting someone friendly.



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In this scenario BLufor if bad and OPFOR is good (player is OPFOR)

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Group the two Blufor units. Now to stop them going into formation. Put in the init of the guy in the tower: doStop this; (tower guy not being the group leader). Otherwise put that in both of the blufor init fields, should work. (Can't test this cause I'm on my phone). If you want the guy in the tower always standing while engaging you put in his init field again: this setunitpos "up"; that should all work

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Group the two Blufor units. Now to stop them going into formation. Put in the init of the guy in the tower: doStop this; (tower guy not being the group leader). Otherwise put that in both of the blufor init fields, should work. (Can't test this cause I'm on my phone). If you want the guy in the tower always standing while engaging you put in his init field again: this setunitpos "up"; that should all work

Grouping them and `doStop this;` works well. Thanks

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One last problem. Even though they do not regroup they still change their direction from what it is set to in eden.

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The setdirection won't work. I tried and he just looks back.
You could also put in a script that the Blufor in the tower is:this enablesimulation false; until they detect opfor.
In the trigger:
size: X=50, Y=50, Z=0 (100m2)
ActivationType:Detected by Blufor
onactivation: man1 enablesimulation true;
man1 being the soldier in the tower.
I tested this and it works.
Happy grouping  :D

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The setdirection won't work.


Use setFormDir.

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