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Permissions problem

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Greetings to all,


I have a question regarding permissions to porting stuff from one game to another. When CUP (beautiful addon, by the way, love all their work) recently included good old OFP (or ArmA CWA, if you want) maps in its pack, I got an idea that I might be able to port some of the old community made campaigns to A3. Just because I have the time and I would love to see it under the new engine. I am sure not only me.


The problem is, however, I seem not to be able to reach people who stand behind these campaigns, thus I cannot ask for permissions to do so. I've been searching a lot on this forum, they are either inactive or unnable to reach completely. Specifically, I have the Retaliation campaign in mind, and in the future, maybe Shadows of the Motherland, too. I can't find any of the original authors here on the forums, only some people related to it's translation into English, but they are mostly inactive, too.


Second thing is, both campaigns were developed by the russian community, and because my Russian is even more horrible than my English, I don't orientate very well on their forums so I can't try my luck there.


To port the campaigns without permission is a no-go, and to do it only for my own use is a) selfish and b,) useless.


My question therefore is, if someone here could point me in the right direction where to ask and get permissions for porting.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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First check how they licensed their work : unless they use another one, I think the Arma Public License applies.


If they did licensed and restricted modifications on their work, it's pretty much a no-go...

How about porting the old missions & campaigns from BIS?

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First check how they licensed their work : unless they use another one, I think the Arma Public License applies.


If they did licensed and restricted modifications on their work, it's pretty much a no-go...

How about porting the old missions & campaigns from BIS?


Thanks for your reply.


Unfortunately, Retaliation license is very clear in this matter:





Using any parts of this campaign without permission from it's authors is prohibited.


I've tried writing e-mail that is listed in the contacts, but the email address does not exist anymore. I can still try writing to administrative contact listed under domain WHOIS of the domain which hosted the mailbox, but I am unsure of the results.


I'm unsure about porting old campaigns from BIS, as there are much more missions than in Retaliation (it would take much more time to complete), and maybe CWR are already on it, as they helped CUP team porting their OFP maps into A3. Because of that, I am aiming to port less-known and interesting campaigns from OFP.


EDIT: Oh, flashpoint.ru is behind Cloudflare, no contacts then... :-(

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i'd advise you to start with the A1/A2 conversions I had made (less scripting issues to worry about)

you should be able to reach the author via fp.ru

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Okay, thanks all for answers. I wrote at fp.ru forum and obtained some contacts.

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