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Adding a character in game. Advice/Help would be appreciated.

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Hi all,


As a personal project I am trying to add a clone trooper to A3. I've modeled the armor, helmet, black under suit & carbine in 3ds max. Then imported these into OB (faces are triangulated). Using the A3 example models/configs, I have a vague understanding of what to do (named selections, geometry etc). But its all a bit too much to take in, leaving me very confused about how to progress. I've searched online but can't find a tutorial which deals with adding a character from scratch, start to finish. 


Any help would be appreciated. 



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You need to make sure all the custom character "selections" match those of the sample character, and also weighted the same or as close as you can get it to the sample character.


There's a video made a few years back by soul assassin about creating a custom character for Arma2 but the principle is the same

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thanks, where can i find this video?

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My apologies, it wasn't by Soul Assassin


but here you go


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My apologies, it wasn't by Soul Assassin


but here you go



there is no such tutorial by S.A.

that said that YT tutorial you linked is as shit as a tutorial can be...

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there is no such tutorial by S.A.

that said that YT tutorial you linked is as shit as a tutorial can be...


It's the only one I could find, that takes a custom model, into any of the ARMA franchises, if you know of any, I'd also appreciate a link, as I've always used this, along with Stalker GB's PDF. thanks

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It's the only one I could find, that takes a custom model, into any of the ARMA franchises, if you know of any, I'd also appreciate a link, as I've always used this, along with Stalker GB's PDF. thanks

No, i am not aware of any other tutorials (never had a need for one so i haven't actually looked for). I do not do weights in O2, since weighting in external software is a lot easier - and no, i won't make a YT video of my own workflow


StalkersGB weighting tutorial - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/109501-stalkergbs-weighting-overview/is one of the best for O2 yet., that said it does not cover importing stuff over

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What software do you use, PuFu? At some point, I need to sit down and try to weight the uniform we received from Cunico. Any hints and tips will be greatly appreciated as it is something I haven't done.

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I seem to remember one of the CUP guys (Alwarren I think) posted a YouTube video in their thread a while back that detailed the processes they went through to port the ArmA2 characters - including removing the vest models and pouches etc and then replacing the 'missing' body geometry with new faces, then correcting the selections as well as correctly weighting and such. It was also miles better than the one narrated by the guy with a sinus infection... 

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Yes, that was not too bad, it was for blender. I thought about that one, but it was more to do with porting existing A2 models, already weighted and with the relevant selections applied, and not starting from the classic T pose imports.

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