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Hi heros and thank you for this immersive and quite customizable mission enhancer!


I tried it 1st time today and most of the features seem to work flawlessly when trying the mission in Editor.  Only I get some script errors and on top of that, not everything works.  For example, the sleeping bag can be clicked, but doesn't do anything. 


I'm still testing around and I think alot of stuff will become clear by itself once I have meddled around a bit, but still, I'd like to know a few things that weren't in the documentation.  


1) What are suggested Eden params for revive and respawn with your medical scripts active? 


2) Can I entirely deactivate your medical system? I'm not talking ACE here, I want to use A3Wounding system by Psychobastard alongside your survival system but I guess yours simply deactivates A3Wounding System if both are in mission code. 


3) Do I really have to list ALL vehicles from my mods  that should get a repair and refuel in some sort of list? The list in HER_survive.sqf refers only to the refueling, although in param 4 there is a hint to repair: (4) Maximum distance from the vehicle for refueling with canister and repair - so is this list also the place to specify if a mod vehicle is repairable?


4) If I can repair the BIS Quadbike, why can't I refuel it with a gasoline canister?  Any "Sweet Spot" for that necessary or a siphoning item/hose? I am closer than 6 meters.


I hope you can help me with those questions and please keep on working on this great scripts!


Best Regards,




sleeping bag:

Many items are processed in the file '# _Heros_Survive.Stratis\Heros World\Her_Survive_UseItems.sqf'.

Example: Laptop.

Many objects can be used differently. In this file, a mission maker determine the purpose for an object. Many mission maker, many ideas. So that has arisen.

See class list: - Usable item -

If not with *, then the article can be used in this file. (Knowledge with SQF required)

1 revive and respawn

There should be no problems. In this addon is no revive or respawn.

After revive following parameters can be set locally (_readme.txt):

- Her_L_Thirst

- Her_L_Hunger

- Her_L_BodyTemp

- Her_L_Fieber

- Her_L_FieberRyanZombies

- Her_L_Money


2 A3Wounding

If you 'A3 Wounding' used then that is ok. There should be no problems. But not tested with 'A3Wounding'.

ACE3 or A3Wounding: Please, then only use their items and system.

3 Vehicles / Uniforms

Yes. Currently, all vehicles must be defined. I'll create a basic parameter. Next update.

For uniforms a basic parameter is present. (Her_L_UniformMainList)

If a vehicle or a uniform is not defined, then this parameter is used.

4 Quadbike

A quadbike requires Gasolina. Correct.

Distance refers to the center of an object. Look to the vehicle. It must be in front of you. Possibly a value must be adjusted. In my case, these values have works. Also repair.

Repair: It may not work with the BIS object. This has its own function.





This addon was created for two reasons;

- My military mission with the DAC- and IniDBi-addon. (Behind Enemy Lines)

- My mission: TWI (The walking Infectet). Ryanzombies and IniDBi


Refueling, repair, wounding and healing are only very simple functions.

The basic functions are to eat and drink.

Everything else has been found.


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@heros: thanks for making things more clear! :thumb:


Indeed I managed to get the A3Wounding to work.  It is a matter of init.sqf "Load Order", so to speak.  The A3Wounding code must be the very first code in init.sqf, followed by Heros Survive code below.  Then both systems work. 


Also I tried if I could manually add vehicles to the repair/refuel list and that worked, too - thanks for pointing it out! 


Repair problem probably comes from your repair kit being named exactly like BIS repair kit.  I suggest you do the lower case naming to distinguish them like you did for the first aid kits: BIS is "First Aid Kit" and yours "first aid kit".  That helps me a lot, so please consider renaming your repair kit as well. 


If you have the time,please give more detailed directions on how to get items to work that are not useable "out of the box" now. 


Best regards,



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OK. I understand.
- Next update.


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Updated mod v1.5 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey heros , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing.

To learn more, follow this guide.

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Please add the ability for people to enable and disable features easily. Say for example, some people might only want a thirst/hunger simulation without body temperature, heartrate, and money. As features are disabled the UI would need to react accordingly. If we disable money, the money icon should be removed along with check functions disabled.


This would improve your mod greatly by allowing users to customize the experience to fit specific playstyles/scenarios.

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Hello [LTC] Vegas = 21st =
I'm working on it.

In addition:
In the next update is a simple shop system. Items can be bought or sold. Details later.

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Great work, Heros! Really like how this develops. If you need sth. graphically-wise, let me know.

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Great work, Heros! Really like how this develops. If you need sth. graphically-wise, let me know.


Thank you. I will make. :)

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Updated mod v1.5 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey heros , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing.

To learn more, follow this guide.


Thank you. :)

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Version 1.6 (07.09.2016)

ADDED:      - Shop system and Parameter for Shop system: More information in the file '_readme.txt'
IMPROVED:   - Some icon can be disabled: Money, Fatigue, Injury, Body temperature

With this release some icon can be disabled. For this a new start-up parameters is required. See Example Mission.
- Disable body temperature: In the background, all calculations are stopped.
  Also data for Zombies are not calculated in this addon.

- Disable money: In the background, all calculations are stopped.

- Shop system: Parameter: Her_L_SellList = []  List of items the player can sell
                          Her_L_BuyList = []   List of items the player can buy

Example Shop system: See example mission. (Table) Each shop has to be defined.

                                      0 Sell list
                                      | 1 Buy list
                                      | |
Init: this addAction ["Sell - Buy", {[0,0] call her_fnc_DialogOpenSellBuy}];

                                                              Number Sell list
Sell list = 0 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_SellList_0.sqf'
Sell list = 1 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_SellList_1.sqf'
Sell list = 2 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_SellList_2.sqf'

                                                            Number Buy list
Buy list = 0 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_BuyList_0.sqf'
Buy list = 1 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_BuyList_1.sqf'
Buy list = 2 = required SQF 'HerosWorld\Her_Survive_BuyList_2.sqf'

In the example can be used 0 to 3

Sell or buy: Double-click object

Currently, only items and magazines can be traded.

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Hats off to your dedication and skill!


I enjoy your Mod's previous version in my mission & it's working perfectly!   The new features sound really cool - getting better and better, your addon!


If only other editing chores would work so smooth as integrating your addon... :blink:

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I just noticed an error: The icon and text flash. :huh:
I try to fix the problem quickly.

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Outstanding update. That was totally the right move. Adding so much more playability to your already outstanding addon. The Arma community needs more people like you. Quick-thinking, and responsive to other community members.


Just for documentation, what's the process of disabling certain features and icons?


07 salute.

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Outstanding update. That was totally the right move. Adding so much more playability to your already outstanding addon. The Arma community needs more people like you. Quick-thinking, and responsive to other community members.


Just for documentation, what's the process of disabling certain features and icons?


07 salute.


Hello [LTC] Vegas = 21st =

Please read the 'readme.txt' and look out the file 'init.sqf' in the example mission. I think it's all described.

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Version 1.7 (09.09.2016)

FIXED:      - In version 1.6, the icon and the text blink. This is now fixed.

Sorry. A logic error on my part. Small errors big impact.

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@sonsalt6  ? Faster than the police allowed.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thank you

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Hello Heros!


Another congrats on where your addon is heading.


I found an incorrect translation when drinking water.


It currently says "Drinkung water" when it should say "Drinking water."



I also seem to have found a bug. You cannot drink while in the driver seat of a vehicle.



In addition, have you ever considered making a camelback item to carry water? Most military carriers have water bladders in 3liters. Could be minimal weight (as they attach to vests) and refillable at water sources.

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Hello Heros!


Another congrats on where your addon is heading.


I found an incorrect translation when drinking water.


It currently says "Drinkung water" when it should say "Drinking water."



I also seem to have found a bug. You cannot drink while in the driver seat of a vehicle.



In addition, have you ever considered making a camelback item to carry water? Most military carriers have water bladders in 3liters. Could be minimal weight (as they attach to vests) and refillable at water sources.


Hello [LTC] Vegas =21st=,


Spelling mistakes found. Will be correct in the next update. Thank you.


"You cannot drink while in the driver seat of a vehicle." I've just tested it. It works.

Tested vehicles: B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F, B_Heli_Light_01_F, B_MRAP_01_F, B_G_Quadbike_01_F, B_Truck_01_fuel_F


I've found: In vehicles and first person view is not a sound to hear when one eats or drinks. I'll edit it.


"camelback" I thought about it. I have no solution.

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The eating and drinking sounds are very loud in multiplayer, and can be heard from very far away. Perhaps look into evening out the sound levels and the distance these can be heard.


It is very funny when you have 10+ people eating and drinking at the same time!

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The eating and drinking sounds are very loud in multiplayer, and can be heard from very far away. Perhaps look into evening out the sound levels and the distance these can be heard.


It is very funny when you have 10+ people eating and drinking at the same time!


Correct. It has struck me long ago. I've forgotten it. Of course, this will also changed. :)

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