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Where did my Steam Workshop Mod folders go?

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That's not where the mods are actually at, though, that's just a shortcut or link to them.  Where are they saved?

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23 minutes ago, Reticuli said:

Where are they saved?

I can access all mod files here

H:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop

might be on C drive for you, wherever you have steam installed.

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Those are just links, though.  Where are the files and how can I back all of them up?

Nvmd, Power shell to the rescue.

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19 minutes ago, Reticuli said:

Those are just links, though.  Where are the files and how can I back all of them up?


This was answered in the first few posts.


<DRIVE LETTER>:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410

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10 hours ago, Reticuli said:

Those are just links, though.

Whats the difference, can you not access the files from those "links"?

Its no different then if you had a files on your computer somewhere but then didn't want to open 10 folders to access

the content in that folder, why you make a shortcut on your desktop or wherever to access that folder directly.

     You can still back them up by just making a copy of the mods in the workshop folder in the Arma 3 directory itself.


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7 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Whats the difference, can you not access the files from those "links"?

Its no different then if you had a files on your computer somewhere but then didn't want to open 10 folders to access

the content in that folder, why you make a shortcut on your desktop or wherever to access that folder directly.

     You can still back them up by just making a copy of the mods in the workshop folder in the Arma 3 directory itself.


It matters because it makes it difficult for Windows to copy the workshop folder if the contents aren't actually in that folder and the folder is just a bunch of links.

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5 hours ago, Reticuli said:

it difficult for Windows to copy the workshop folder if the contents aren't actually in that folder

Hmm maybe it has to do with your windows settings, idk, but i have no issues with opening a mod folder, or copying a

mod folder and doing whatever, i do it all the time. With my own mods i'll make a copy of it from the workshop folder and

put it into the directory itself or elseware.

Assuming your on win10 64 like myself, at least from my own perspective i have direct access to the mod folders regardless

them being links.

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