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[MP][RPG] Red Venus RPG: Post-Apocalyptic RP Game Mode

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The world as we know it is gone. Within days, Red Venus spreads like The Plague, infecting millions. Those who are infected later die and come back and feast on the living. Fast forward to 2 years after the outbreak, (2 A.Z) The People's Survivor Army, an advanced military organization on Altis took up arms to restore order and beat back the infection once and for all. The year is now (3 A.Z), the PSA have failed to stop the infection. They pulled back to their last operational base, Fort Huxley, and turned it into a safezone for survivors. It is currently the last known functioning PSA facility on the island. Will you join the ranks of the PSA? Become another survivor? Take up arms against the PSA? Or flee far away and establish your own faction/tribe/community? It's all up to you in this harsh Roleplaying world!


What Exactly Is Red Venus?

Red Venus is an Apocalyptic Life sim where you RP one of three modes (You can swap between them). Military, survivor/civilian, and mercenary. Military personnel have to enforce laws, ensure safety in safezones, and attempt to take Altis back from the dead and rebuild civilization. Civilians are basic survivors who must choose between a safe life within the safezones, or a hard life of banditry away from the safezones. Finally, Mercenaries are basically survivors who do not trust the military anymore, and decided to take matter into their own hands, where safety of civilians is their number one priority.

Red Venus is the first ever gamemode meant to immerse the players into a heavy Roleplay environment based in the zombie apocalypse. Rather than throwing the players into an open world with the basic survival mechanics with no real idea of who you are or what you're supposed to do, instead Red Venus puts the players into one of three factions, fighting the undead and struggling for survival.

Red Venus relies heavily on Roleplay. It puts the players into a post-apocalyptic world, but also prohibits RDM and pointless killing; "Forcing" players to roleplay.

What Makes This Different?

So first of all, this allows you to play as someone we barely ever see in zombie games: The government. They will have to coordinate and execute side missions and large military objectives to eliminate the undead threat. While also having to worry about Civil-control, settlement management (Think State of Decay-Style), and even combating the local resistance based on the player's moral choices.

For mission makers and server owners:

Red Venus RPG is fully customizable. With an easy-to-use system, you can remove and add the features you would like to use in your server. Feel free to completely customize it and host it on your server for others to play.

Experimental release for editors and players ------ Click To Download

As of 5/7/2016, you can now distribute and/or upload your edited scenario to the workshop. However "Red Venus RPG" has to be somewhere in the name.

What Features are in the current experimental release? (As of today)

- Three playable factions.
- Safezones.
- Fast-roping from choppers for a quick and safe insertion of military personnel.
- Random air drops and helicopter crashes.
- Situational ambient music system.
- Custom character classes (Doctor, Hunter, Mechanic, etc...).
- Day/Night cycle.
- Dynamic weather.
- Money system. (You currently start with $500, and get $200 every few minutes).
- Fully lootable world.
- Zombies spawn all over Altis. There are currently 3 different zombie types.

- Horde mechanic.
- Shops system.
- Interaction menu system (ACE).
- Advanced medical system (ACE).

And a lot more...

What Mods/Addons do I need to play/edit this?


Available on this page up there!

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PSA Survival Guide For The People:


The PSA has compiled a list of helpful tips to keep you alive until help arrives. Made by the people, for the people.


Tip #1: Destroy the brain. Or damage/sever the top of the spinal cord.

Tip #2: Stay away from the city, and other public places. Police stations, supermarkets and hospitals will be the first to be overrun.

Tip #3: Keep a radio at hand at all times. Listen for any PSA broadcasts.

Tip #4: There’s nothing worse than stepping into a room only to be set upon by a horde of brain-hungry undead. A team of four armed shooters can easily clear a room if they all stand against the nearest wall: one body in each corner and two in the middle. This position proves optimal for quickly dispatching a room full of the reanimated.

Tip #5: Shambling isn’t just for the undead. Three live humans can stand with their backs together and carefully rotate through the room, ensuring that all eyes are facing outward and no one falls victim to a surprise attack.

Tip #6: For those lucky enough to amass a relatively large army of live humans, the Fine Line is the best way to fend off roving zombie hordes. Simply form two lines of armed persons, one line in front of the other. Have the front line shoot while the back line holds. When the front line runs out of ammo, the back line steps in while the front line reloads.

Tip #7: Avoid brain spray-back by wearing goggles and covering your face with a non-porous material. Use plate mail or leather to create a bite-proof body suit. Kevlar gloves (provided to some food industry workers) can be worn as is or refashioned into impenetrable sleeves, allowing you to fend off zombie bites by holding up your forearms. Riot shields also add an extra layer of protection.

Tip #8: It is important to slowly work towards building a small team of individuals that will help your cause of survival. Nothing can be achieved alone, and that sentiment doubles during an apocalypse. You will need people to stand guard while you sleep, at the very least, so finding a team is a must.

Tip #9: The team building process never stops. Even after you think you have settled on a team, there are bound to be differences that will surface in different ways. You need to constantly stay on guard and protect the interests of the group.

Tip #10: It is absolutely vital to establish a strong base before you can plan any further. A base guarantees survival which is important to carry out any plan. This includes finding a spot that is least infected while staying closest to multiple resources. Scouting for a base is a long ordeal but it will be worth it in the long run.


And remember, the PSA will be here for you. Don't lose hope in the PSA!

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Reports of civil unrest on our Stratis safezones has shook the nation. Deploying Riot Control teams to attempt to resolve the situation.

Infected personnel have been sighted entering the  Stratis safezones. Initiate RED VELVET.

Standby for further information...

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January 7th 2019 (3 A.Z):


Desert Falcon: The situation on Stratis is critical. Civil unrest is growing, with over 25+ casualties to our security forces on the island. We are extracting all important military and government personnel to Camp Blackout on the mainland.


January 8th 2019 (3 A.Z):


Desert Falcon: RED VELVET has failed. Undead have taken Fort Connors. Casualty rate is around 30-50 military personnel. Commencing a tactical withdrawal from Southern Stratis. All units, secure and hold a line from The Kamino Firing Range to the main airfield. Godspeed.


January 10th 2019 (3 A.Z):


Desert Falcon: The situation on Stratis is beyond critical. Fortification lines have fallen. We are commencing a full tactical withdrawal from the island of Stratis.....God forgive me....



Standby for further information...

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Thanks to everyone who helped me test this gamemode!

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Updated the main post with A LOT more info and clarification about the gamemode.

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Congratz on the release CrazyDude!

Looks like a lot of work went into it. One friendly advice though : try to get rid of the post-apo music pack. Pretty much all of it violates copyrights.

The amateur & independent music scenes are very much alive - you should have a look there, a lot of them do release their work under a share-alike license. ;)

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Thank you! and will do! It'll probably be replaced within a few hours if I'm able to.

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Just host it in MP, or de-pbo it and edit it, then host :)




I'm also working on replacing the music with royalty-free music to avoid copyright.


EDIT #2:


I'm currently uploading a Red Venus mod pack which will be required to play. Thanks to Ryan, I got permission to include his zombies in the mod files, so you no longer have to separately download Zombies & Demons. I will update the main post with the Armaholic link when it has been approved, and the Steam version of the mod pack is now live.

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Are there already some dedicated servers running? Does it run on a dedi box?

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There are currently no official servers, however I've been speaking to a few people who are interested in running their own servers with this mod soon.

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PPMC - Hosting Red Venus

New server, hosting Red Venus RPG mod.
All mature and RP willing players welcome !

If your interested in joining
Please join the server group and follow the joining instructions.


See you in the field!

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I'll be more active on my Steam Group and Workshop page.





For anyone looking for a server to play on, try the PPMC server:

Server IP:
Port: 2302

Teamspeak Info:

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Hello everyone!

The long awaited official server is now online. Feel free to join, and have fun!


The one and only OFFICIAL server!
40 Slots
Running the latest build of Red Venus RPG.

Please leave any feedback in the Steam group.

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This looks quite interesting. I see it contains Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod, which is downright awesome.  Even though there's a ton of zombie survival missions out already, this one looks like it was done well.  Will have to try it sometime and see.  Tough part is gonna be getting everyone to download and run it!

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