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Gunter Severloh

Nebelwerfer 42 port not fully functioning need help fixing couple things

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Hello Arma3 community

I have an addon my former mod team IFR (Iron Front Revival) for IFA2 (Iron Front in arma2CO) created in 2013, the addon is an Nebelwerfer 42.

Its a static weapon, acts basically like a mortar but instead of shells you have rockets, the issues i am having are the following:

  • no sound when rockets launch
  • can get out, but cannot get in
  • has turn right or left option in action menu but neither work
  • character stands as if holding a weapons on the outside

here is a current working demonstration of it in arma3:


heres a current working version of it in arma2CO for IFA2


What do i need to do to fix the sound for starters and the other issues?

I've opened the pbo, unwrapped the config.bin and was comparing notes with other statics but i cannot find what the issues are.

If someone can tell me where to go and what to do i can fix it, im not new to configs so i have an general idea of where to look for stuff if Im told where to go.


Please help if you can, I'd be much obliged to get the small things in this fixed so the community can have it.


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I assume you have permission from the original author(s) to port it. Just because you were part of the team doesn't necessarily mean the author(s) within the team grant you permission.

Also, if you want help try posting your config, or we can all have a wild stab in the dark as to the issues but probably miss by miles.

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I assume you have permission from the original author(s) to port it. Just because you were part of the team doesn't necessarily mean the author(s) within the team grant you permission.


Original author was a member of my former mod team for IFR - (Iron Front Revival) the author was Scars09, considering I was team lead at the time, Kju was one of the developers of the IF/Arma project

along with my team, we were working on his project as well as our own content for when the conversion at the time was waiting approval by DS (DeepSilver). The conversion being the IF/Arma project was to convert Iron front game to a mod for arma2CO, BIS, X1 software, Deepsilver, and Awar (Devs of IF) the new mod was called IFA2 aka Iron front in arma2CO, my teams work for this project involved testing, fixing, updating, and many

other misc things for it, and again we were also working on our own content.


Among the many other members seen here on our roster in 2013/2014:


The content we created was for the team, by the team and all permissions to port, redistribute, and or release was for IFA2 at the time.

Even at the time I had asked the guys if any content they created if I had permissions to add it to a patch or release it, and they were fine, if necessary theres a few guys from my

team that are still floating around doing their own thing here in the community, on being Rydygier whom i worked with alot.


Other then what the main project was the IF/Arma conversion lead by Kju, this page was what we created for the IFA2 release


so far from this list I have ported the FG42

with help from a friend, now I am working on the nebelwerfer.


if you want help try posting your config, or we can all have a wild stab in the dark as to the issues but probably miss by miles.


I very much appreciate the help, but i am no coder, scripter, ect,. I did not create anything, the nebelwerfer is as is from 2013, so nothing I have done, nor know what to do or what to look for,

I have looked at the configs already but am at a loss as to what I need to change, but for your info and anyone elses these are the files and or configs:

  • CfgAmmo.hpp
  • CfgMagazines.hpp
  • CfgNonAIVehicles.hpp
  • CfgPatches.hpp
  • CfgSounds.hpp
  • CfgVehicles.hpp
  • CfgWeapons.hpp
  • config.cpp
  • data (folder)

I looked at each and compared them to working statics in arma3 for IFA3 I have and I could not determine in comparison what the issue is, obviously arm2CO uses different code vs arma3 for sound,

and function so I am at a loss as to whats right and whats wrong or needs to be updated, if i were to load this addon in arma2CO it would function np, as seen in the 2nd video,

but overall i have no clue as to what to change in order for it to work in arma3.

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I can confirm, that everything I created for IFR was given with a permission to port, redistribute, release etc. etc just like Gunther said - along "by the team for the team" formula. And AFAIK same applied to every IFR member including this Nebelwerfer 42 author (Scars09, I believe). IFR team (Gunther as a lead) couldn't release all this stuff under team's own sign (instead of particular authors' names) without such permissions given first. So porting should be OK IMO. 


Can't help with the configs though, not my expertise, I can only advice to show the whole config of this particular model so anyone willing and capable could easily check it. Under its classname, somewhere within CfgVehicles.hpp perhaps.  

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  • 1 no sound when rockets launch
  • 2 can get out, but cannot get in
  • 3 has turn right or left option in action menu but neither work
  • 4 character stands as if holding a weapons on the outside

1) weapon sound config needs to be redefined with new A3 way. Issue is in CfgWeapons. Check vanilla A3 weapon configs to see how this is done

2) either a memory point missing in the model, or the memorpoint names for get in/ get out actions defined in CfgVehicles dont match the names in the memory LOD

3) i assume this is a script to rotate the entire vehicle? i would suggest doing the turning of the weapon in a less hacky way... by using turret movement instead of moving the vehicle

4) again, either script issue, or an issue of the .rtm /animation itself. A2 animations have a different skeleton then A3 - they can't be used 1:1. You need to port them properly.

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