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Need to know two things about trigger activation

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need to know how these two certain triggers can be activated.

first one i need to activate when a certain four units are destroyed

second one i need to activate when these two fuel stations get destroyed.

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ok in the trigger 1 conditoinj feild put :

not(alive tank1) and not(alive tank2) and not(alive tank3) and not(alive tank4)

just put the name of the units in the tank1,2,3,4 bit's

and for the second, if it is a fuel station that u place with the editior addon do it the same ways as the first but if it is a fuel station that is allready there i don't know smile.gif


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there is no way of making a trigger activate if the station is already on the map cuz it has no identity.

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There is an option to identify objects, already

placed on the map. I dunno exactly how to do,

but at least i know something about this.

Here is a simple explanation (and i'll head up

to get all what you nead soon).

Just place an empty heli-pad close to the fuel station

and give a name to it (i.e: fuelst1). Then you can use something with nearest building to fuelst1,

to set the identity to another variable.

This means you use i.e: fuelst=nearest building to "fuelst1" - (i dunno exactly the syntax, but i'llhave a look).


I don't think that it's necessary to use: "not (alive tank)"

instead you can use "not alive tank"

(regard no "()" were used).

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Also, the correct way would be to make four individual triggers to test the four individuals.

A lazy programmer creates bugs....or grasshoppers...or something.

Confusious told me this.

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there is no point making 4 triggers allthough it works just as well.


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amos m - you could also create 100 triggers

for getting finally this result, but as RED said,

there's no reason (look at aculausd's question)

to create more than one trigger.

btw - it could also be done without using a trigger,

by a script running in background, but that's not

what he was asking for.

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