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Triggers and waypoint. Moving an Ifrit help

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I've seen the other posts regarding this similar issue but I think mine is more a simple question.


I simply want an Ifrit to load with GET IN and that works. I don't want the Ifrit to move until triggered by the player or player group (Blufor). To test I set the trigger to activate with civilian who I play as in the editor to activate the trigger.


Rather than the Ifrit waiting to be triggered to move on its waypoint it will wait to load then just takes off, no trigger activated. I don't recall this issue in the 2D editor and I can't now load this new scenario  in the 2D editor to debug further. The trigger is connected to the first move waypoint in front of the Ifrit.


Hopefully these pics will show enough that somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.






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This same sequence works as expected in the 2D editor perfectly.


Guess I'm off the 3D if it can't do simple stuff. This sequence is so simple can't believe no-go in 3D plus not receiving any help. <_<

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The only thing I can figure there must be a distance limitation of the trigger to the Ifrit first move point. Put a trigger relatively close to the first move waypoint and the sequence worked. Move the same trigger several hundred meters away, resize it from 10 x 10 to 50 x 50 and it doesn't work meaning the Ifrit loads then takes off on its WP right away.

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be careful when using civilian as the activation of a trigger as it includes things like snakes and other animals and even objects.

You may need to filter  the object so as not to get the wrong result.



{_x isKindOf "man"} count thislist >0

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be careful when using civilian as the activation of a trigger as it includes things like snakes and other animals and even objects.

You may need to filter  the object so as not to get the wrong result.



{_x isKindOf "man"} count thislist >0



Triggers will be fixed in next update

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Thanks guys. Can't believe trigger issues made it this far without discovery by the testers.

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