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Config.cpp error, please help!

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Hello, im trying to make a reskin, standalone version of the CUP_Vehicle's Dingo 2
The config.cpp is from the CUP_Vehicle. I've only cutton down on numbers of varients to 2 and renamed all CUP dependent weapons and units to arma 3 standard one.

When i'm trying to pack the mod im getting the following error:
Build failed. Result code=1
CfgConvert task failed.
File C:\Users\CWS\Desktop\Dingo\config.cpp, line 720:/CfgVehicles/NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F.NORFOR_Dingo_MG: Undefined baseclass'NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F'
Config:some input after EndOfFile.
Error reading config file 'C:\Users\CWS\Desktop\Dingo\config.cpp'
Class destroyed with lock count 1

Thanks for all the help i may get! 

Here is my config.cpp

#define private        0
#define protected        1
#define public        2
#define TEast        0
#define TWest        1
#define TGuerrila        2
#define TCivilian        3
#define TSideUnknown        4
#define TEnemy        5
#define TFriendly        6
#define TLogic        7
#define true    1
#define false    0
class CfgPatches {
    class NORFOR_Dingo {
        units[] = {"NORFOR_Dingo_MG", "NORFOR_Dingo_GL"};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 0.1;
        requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};
class WeaponFireGun;    // External class reference
class WeaponCloudsGun;    // External class reference
class WeaponFireMGun;    // External class reference
class WeaponCloudsMGun;    // External class reference
class RCWSOptics;    // External class reference
class CfgVehicles {
    class LandVehicle;    // External class reference
    class Car : LandVehicle {
        class NewTurret;    // External class reference
    class Car_F : Car {
        class AnimationSources;    // External class reference
        class Turrets {
            class MainTurret : NewTurret {};
        class HitPoints {
            class HitLFWheel;    // External class reference
            class HitLF2Wheel;    // External class reference
            class HitRFWheel;    // External class reference
            class HitRF2Wheel;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass1;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass2;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass3;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass4;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass5;    // External class reference
            class HitGlass6;    // External class reference
    class MRAP_01_base_F : Car_F {};
    class NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F : MRAP_01_base_F {
        expansion = 3;
        dlc = "NORFOR";
        author = CUP_AUTHOR_STRING, NTF_Saetre;
        scope = private;
        side = TWest;
        accuracy = 0.3;    // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
        faction = BLU_F;
        model = "\NORFOR\Dingo\CUP_Dingo2a2_MG.p3d";
        Picture = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\Picture_Dingo2MG_CA.paa";
        Icon = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\icon_dingo2_ca.paa";
        mapSize = 5;
        displayName = "Dingo 2";
        crew = "B_Soldier_F";
        typicalCargo[] = {"B_Soldier_F"};
        armor = 150;
        armorStructural = 4;
        enableGPS = 1;
        cost = 100000;
        hideWeaponsCargo = true;
        transportSoldier = 4;
        transportMaxBackpacks = 6;
        driverAction = "Driver_High01";
        cargoAction[] = {"passenger_low01", "passenger_low01", "passenger_low01", "passenger_VAN_codriver02"};
        cargoIsCoDriver[] = {1, 0};
        castDriverShadow = false;
        radarType = 8;
        driverCanSee = 4+8+2+32+16;
        gunnerCanSee = 4+2+8+32+16;
        unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoTank";
        // threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types
        threat[] = {1.0, 0.4, 0.6};
        driverLeftHandAnimName = "drivewheel";
        driverRightHandAnimName = "drivewheel";
        dustFrontLeftPos = "stopa PLL";
        dustFrontRightPos = "stopa PPP";
        dustBackLeftPos = "stopa ZLL";
        dustBackRightPos = "stopa ZPP";
        class Reflectors {
            class Left {
                color[] = {1900, 1800, 1700};
                ambient[] = {5, 5, 5};
                position = "Light_L";
                direction = "Light_L_dir";
                hitpoint = "Light_L";
                selection = "Light_L";
                size = 1;
                innerAngle = 100;
                outerAngle = 179;
                coneFadeCoef = 10;
                intensity = 1;
                useFlare = 0;
                dayLight = 0;
                flareSize = 1.0;
                class Attenuation {
                    start = 1.0;
                    constant = 0;
                    linear = 0;
                    quadratic = 0.25;
                    hardLimitStart = 30;
                    hardLimitEnd = 60;
            class Right : Left {
                position = "Light_R";
                direction = "Light_R_dir";
                hitpoint = "Light_R";
                selection = "Light_R";
            class Right2 : Right {
                position = "Light_R";
                useFlare = 1;
            class Left2 : Left {
                position = "Light_L";
                useFlare = 1;
        aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left", "Right", "Left2", "Right2"}};
        slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1", "SlingLoadCargo2", "SlingLoadCargo3", "SlingLoadCargo4"};
        class Exhausts {
            class Exhaust1 {
                position = "exhaust1";
                direction = "exhaust1_dir";
                effect = "ExhaustsEffect";
        normalSpeedForwardCoef = 0.65;
        slowSpeedForwardCoef = 0.35;
        turnCoef = 3.3;
        terrainCoef = 1.0;
        simulation = "carx";
        dampersBumpCoef = 6.0;
        precision = 20;
        brakeDistance = 8.5;    // vehicle movement precision
        maxSpeed = 109;    // max speed on level road, km/h
        fuelCapacity = 94;
        wheelCircumference = 3.48;
        brakeIdleSpeed = 1.78;
        class complexGearbox {
            GearboxRatios[] = {"R1", -4.575, "N", 0, "D1", 8, "D2", 4.4, "D3", 3.35, "D4", 2.68, "D5", 2.2, "D6", 1.45, "D7", 1.0, "D8", 0.75};
            TransmissionRatios[] = {"High", 6.59};
            gearBoxMode = "auto";
            moveOffGear = 1;
            driveString = "D";
            neutralString = "N";
            reverseString = "R";
        changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.95, 0.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8};
        switchTime = 0.2;
        latency = 0.8;
        differentialType = "all_limited";
        frontRearSplit = 0.5;
        frontBias = 1.3;
        rearBias = 1.3;
        centreBias = 1.3;
        clutchStrength = 50.0;
        dampingRateFullThrottle = 0.15;
        dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged = 2.0;
        dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged = 0.85;
        torqueCurve[] = {{(600/2300), (0/810)}, {(1000/2300), (600/810)}, {(1200/2300), (810/810)}, {(1400/2300), (810/810)}, {(1600/2300), (810/810)}, {(1800/2300), (790/810)}, {(2000/2300), (750/810)}, {(2603/2300), (0/810)}};
        maxOmega = 400.86;
        enginePower = 650;
        peakTorque = 2540;
        idleRPM = 600;
        redRPM = 2300;
        thrustDelay = 0.5;
        antiRollbarForceCoef = 5;
        antiRollbarForceLimit = 2;
        antiRollbarSpeedMin = 10;
        antiRollbarSpeedMax = 50;
        class Wheels {
            class LF {
                boneName = "wheel_1_1_damper";
                steering = 1;
                side = "left";
                center = "wheel_1_1_axis";
                boundary = "wheel_1_1_bound";
                width = 0.2;
                mass = 150;
                MOI = 12;
                dampingRate = 0.1;
                dampingRateDamaged = 1.0;
                dampingRateDestroyed = 1000.0;
                maxBrakeTorque = 22500;
                maxHandBrakeTorque = 0;
                suspTravelDirection[] = {0, -1, 0};
                suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis";
                tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_1_axis";
                maxCompression = 0.15;
                mMaxDroop = 0.15;
                sprungMass = 2690;
                springStrength = 261600;
                springDamperRate = 26780;
                longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 5000;
                latStiffX = 25;
                latStiffY = 180;
                frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {{0, 1}, {0.5, 1}, {1, 1}};
            class LR : LF {
                boneName = "wheel_1_2_damper";
                steering = 0;
                maxBrakeTorque = 18000;
                center = "wheel_1_2_axis";
                boundary = "wheel_1_2_bound";
                suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis";
                tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_1_2_axis";
                maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000;
            class RF : LF {
                boneName = "wheel_2_1_damper";
                center = "wheel_2_1_axis";
                boundary = "wheel_2_1_bound";
                suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis";
                tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_1_axis";
                steering = 1;
                side = "right";
            class RR : RF {
                boneName = "wheel_2_2_damper";
                steering = 0;
                maxBrakeTorque = 18000;
                center = "wheel_2_2_axis";
                boundary = "wheel_2_2_bound";
                suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis";
                tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_2_2_axis";
                maxHandBrakeTorque = 275000;
        class RenderTargets {
            class LeveZrcadko {
                renderTarget = "rendertarget0";
                class CameraView1 {
                    pointPosition = "PIP0_pos";
                    pointDirection = "PIP0_dir";
                    renderQuality = 2;
                    renderVisionMode = 4;
                    fov = 0.7;
            class PraveZrcadko {
                renderTarget = "rendertarget1";
                class CameraView1 {
                    pointPosition = "PIP1_pos";
                    pointDirection = "PIP1_dir";
                    renderQuality = 2;
                    renderVisionMode = 4;
                    fov = 0.7;
            class LeveZrcadkoPredek {
                renderTarget = "rendertarget2";
                class CameraView1 {
                    pointPosition = "PIP2_pos";
                    pointDirection = "PIP2_dir";
                    renderQuality = 2;
                    renderVisionMode = 4;
                    fov = 0.7;
            class PraveZrcadkoPredek {
                renderTarget = "rendertarget3";
                class CameraView1 {
                    pointPosition = "PIP3_pos";
                    pointDirection = "PIP3_dir";
                    renderQuality = 2;
                    renderVisionMode = 4;
                    fov = 0.7;
            class Gunner_display {
                renderTarget = "rendertarget4";
                class CameraView1 {
                    pointPosition = "PIP4_pos";
                    pointDirection = "PIP4_dir";
                    renderVisionMode = 2;
                    renderQuality = 2;
                    fov = 0.7;
        class HitPoints : HitPoints {
            class HitEngine {
                armor = 0.8;
                material = -1;
                name = "engine";
                visual = "";
                passThrough = false;
                minimalHit = 0.2;
                explosionShielding = 0.2;
                radius = 0.45;
            class HitGlass1 : HitGlass1 {
                armor = 2;
                explosionShielding = 3;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitGlass2 : HitGlass2 {
                armor = 2;
                explosionShielding = 3;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitGlass3 : HitGlass3 {
                armor = 2;
                explosionShielding = 3;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitGlass4 : HitGlass4 {
                armor = 2;
                explosionShielding = 3;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitGlass5 : HitGlass4 {
                armor = 2;
                explosionShielding = 3;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitLFWheel : HitLFWheel {
                armor = 3;
                explosionShielding = 4;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitLBWheel : HitLF2Wheel {
                armor = 3;
                explosionShielding = 4;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitRFWheel : HitRFWheel {
                armor = 3;
                explosionShielding = 4;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitRBWheel : HitRF2Wheel {
                armor = 3;
                explosionShielding = 4;
                radius = 0.25;
            class HitFuel {
                armor = 0.6;
                material = -1;
                name = "fueltank";
                visual = "";
                passThrough = true;
                minimalHit = 0.2;
                explosionShielding = 0.2;
                radius = 0.25;
        class Damage {
            tex[] = {};
            mat[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\karrosse_innen_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\teile_innen_des.rvmat", "NORFORDingo\data\FLW200.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\plane.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\plane_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_des.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass_dam.rvmat", "NORFOR\Dingo\data\alpha_glass_des.rvmat"};
        HiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo5", "camo6"};
        HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\data\ACR_karosse_des_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\ACR_DES_a_teile_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW100_co.paa", "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\FLW200_co.paa"};
        SoundGetIn[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\door.wss", "db-5", 1};
        SoundGetOut[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\door.wss", "db-5", 1, 40};
        soundEngineOnInt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_int_start.wss", "db-5", 1.0};
        soundEngineOnExt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_ext_start.wss", "db-5", 1.0, 250};
        soundEngineOffInt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_int_stop.wss", "db-5", 1.0};
        soundEngineOffExt[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\Dingo_ext_stop.wss", "db-5", 1.0, 250};
        buildCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        buildCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        buildCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        buildCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_building_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0", 0.25, "buildCrash1", 0.25, "buildCrash2", 0.25, "buildCrash3", 0.25};
        WoodCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        WoodCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        WoodCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        WoodCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        WoodCrash4[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_05.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        WoodCrash5[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_mix_wood_06.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0", 0.166, "woodCrash1", 0.166, "woodCrash2", 0.166, "woodCrash3", 0.166, "woodCrash4", 0.166, "woodCrash5", 0.166};
        ArmorCrash0[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_01.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        ArmorCrash1[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_02.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        ArmorCrash2[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_03.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        ArmorCrash3[] = {"NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\crash_vehicle_04.wss", "db-3", 1, 200};
        soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0", 0.25, "ArmorCrash1", 0.25, "ArmorCrash2", 0.25, "ArmorCrash3", 0.25};
        class Sounds {
            class Idle_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_idle", 0.398107, 1, 150};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low1", db-7, 1, 250};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine1_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_low2", 0.562341, 1, 300};
                frequency = "0.9 +  ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine2_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_mid", db-3, 1, 350};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine3_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_high", db0, 1, 400};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])";
            class IdleThrust {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_idle", 0.562341, 1, 200};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))";
            class EngineThrust {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low1", db-3, 1, 350};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine1_Thrust_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_low2", db-1, 1, 400};
                frequency = "0.9 +  ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine2_Thrust_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_mid", db1, 1, 425};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine3_Thrust_ext {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_ext_exhaust_high", db2, 1, 450};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1";
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])";
            class Idle_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_idle", db-12, 1};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low1", db-10, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine1_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_low2", 0.398107, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 +  ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine2_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_mid", db-6, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine3_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_high", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])";
            class IdleThrust_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_idle", db-9, 1};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(800/ 4500),(1400/ 4500)])*0.15";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(600/ 4500),(1100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1800/ 4500),(1300/ 4500)]))";
            class EngineThrust_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low1", db-7, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(2100/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1400/ 4500),(1800/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2300/ 4500),(2000/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine1_Thrust_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_low2", 0.562341, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 +  ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2100/ 4500),(2800/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(1900/ 4500),(2300/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3000/ 4500),(2500/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine2_Thrust_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_mid", db-3, 1};
                frequency = "0.9 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2800/ 4500),(3600/ 4500)])*0.2";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/ 4500) factor[(2500/ 4500),(3100/ 4500)]) * ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(4500/ 4500),(3700/ 4500)]))";
            class Engine3_Thrust_int {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\MRAP_01\MRAP_01_int_exhaust_high", db-2, 1};
                frequency = "0.95 + ((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3600/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])*0.1";
                volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/ 4500) factor[(3800/ 4500),(4500/ 4500)])";
            class TiresRockOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_1", db3, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresSandOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-sand1", db3, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresGrassOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_dirt_soft_2", db2, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresMudOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-mud2", db1, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresGravelOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_gravel_1", db2, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresAsphaltOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_asfalt_2", db1, 1.0, 60};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class NoiseOut {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_ext_car_3", db1, 1.0, 90};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
            class TiresRockIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_1", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresSandIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-sand2", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresGrassIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_dirt_soft_2", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresMudIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-mud2", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresGravelIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_gravel_1", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class TiresAsphaltIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_asfalt_2", db-3, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
            class NoiseIn {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_int_car_3", 0.562341, 1.0};
                frequency = "1";
                volume = "(damper0 max 0.1)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
            class breaking_ext_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04", db-3, 1, 80};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])";
            class acceleration_ext_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
            class turn_left_ext_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class turn_right_ext_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02", db-3, 1, 80};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*asphalt*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class breaking_ext_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking", db-3, 1, 60};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])";
            class acceleration_ext_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_ext_1", db-3, 1, 60};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
            class turn_left_ext_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class turn_right_ext_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt", db-3, 1, 60};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*camPos*(1-asphalt)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class breaking_int_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])";
            class acceleration_int_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
            class turn_left_int_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class turn_right_int_road {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*asphalt*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class breaking_int_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_14_dirt_breaking_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])";
            class acceleration_int_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\acceleration_dirt_int_1", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
            class turn_left_int_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
            class turn_right_int_dirt {
                sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_18_dirt_int", 0.630957, 1};
                frequency = 1;
                volume = "engineOn*(1-asphalt)*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
        maximumLoad = 4000;
    class NORFOR_Dingo_MG : NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F {
        scope = public;
        side = TWest;
        faction = BLU_F;
        vehicleClass = "Car";
        displayName = "Dingo 2 (MG)";
        author = "Community Upgrade Project, NTF_Saetre";
        class Turrets : Turrets {
            class MainTurret : MainTurret {
                gun = "mainGun";
                body = "mainTurret";
                weapons[] = {"HMG_127"};
                magazines[] = {"200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red", "200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red"};
                minElev = -25;
                maxElev = +60;
                gunnerAction = "gunner_MRAP_01";
                viewGunnerInExternal = true;
                castGunnerShadow = true;
                stabilizedInAxes = 3;
                turretInfoType = "RscOptics_crows";
                discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500};
                discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;
                gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Gunner_02_F";
                gunnerForceOptics = false;
                usePip = 1;
                memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PIP4_dir";
                class ViewOptics : RCWSOptics {};
                class ViewGunner : ViewOptics {
                    initAngleX = -15;
                    minAngleX = -45;
                    maxAngleX = 45;
                    initFov = 0.9;
                    minFov = 0.42;
                    maxFov = 0.9;
                    visionMode[] = {};
                soundServo[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\turret-1.wss", "db-40", 1.0, 10};
                selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
        class AnimationSources : AnimationSources {
            class ReloadAnim {
                source = "reload";
                weapon = "HMG_127";
            class ReloadMagazine {
                source = "reloadmagazine";
                weapon = "HMG_127";
            class Revolving {
                source = "revolving";
                weapon = "HMG_127";
            class muzzle_rot {
                source = "ammorandom";
                weapon = "HMG_127";
    class NORFOR_Dingo_GL : NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F {
        scope = public;
        side = TWest;
        faction = BLU_F;
        vehicleClass = "Car";
        displayname = "Dingo 2 (GL)";
        author = "Community Upgrade Project, NTF_Saetre";
        model = "\NORFOR\Dingo\CUP_Dingo2a2.p3d";
        Picture = "\NORFOR\Dingo\data\Picture_Dingo2_CA.paa";
        class Turrets : Turrets {
            class MainTurret : MainTurret {
                gun = "mainGun";
                body = "mainTurret";
                weapons[] = {GMG_40mm};
                magazines[] = {"96Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "96Rnd_40mm_G_belt", "96Rnd_40mm_G_belt"};
                minElev = -25;
                maxElev = +60;
                gunnerAction = "gunner_MRAP_01";
                viewGunnerInExternal = true;
                castGunnerShadow = true;
                stabilizedInAxes = 3;
                turretInfoType = "RscOptics_crows";
                discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500};
                discreteDistanceInitIndex = 5;
                gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\Optics_Gunner_02_F";
                gunnerForceOptics = false;
                usePip = 1;
                memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PIP4_dir";
                class ViewOptics : RCWSOptics {};
                class ViewGunner : ViewOptics {
                    initAngleX = -15;
                    minAngleX = -45;
                    maxAngleX = 45;
                    initFov = 0.9;
                    minFov = 0.42;
                    maxFov = 0.9;
                    visionMode[] = {};
                soundServo[] = {"\NORFOR\Dingo\Sounds\turret-1.wss", "db-40", 1.0, 10};
                selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
        class AnimationSources : AnimationSources {
            class ReloadAnim {
                source = "reload";
                weapon = GMG_40mm;
            class ReloadMagazine {
                source = "reloadmagazine";
                weapon = GMG_40mm;
            class Revolving {
                source = "revolving";
                weapon = GMG_40mm;
            class muzzle_rot {
                source = "ammorandom";
                weapon = GMG_40mm;
            class muzzle_hide_GMG {
                source = "reload";
                weapon = GMG_40mm;

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You miss the }; for class NORFOR_Dingo_Base_F -- right before class NORFOR_Dingo_MG declaration.


PS. And use spoilers, please.

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Thanks for the help! The pbo. has now been packed. But when i load it up ingame it does not want to spawn in the eden editor. and when i load it up in the 2d it seems like the texture wont load. Any idea why?

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Thanks for the help! The pbo. has now been packed. But when i load it up ingame it does not want to spawn in the eden editor. and when i load it up in the 2d it seems like the texture wont load. Any idea why?

Have you changed the textures?

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Yes i've modified the texture following this guide: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/151777-tutorialsimple-re-texturing-guide-from-start-to-finish
But i've not modified the file name other than the start NORFOR\Dingo instead of CUP\CUP_Vehicle...


I basiclly added a V and a couple of norwegian flags on the exterior. a bit of text modifing on the gunner seat, nothing major ....

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Yes i've modified the texture following this guide: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/151777-tutorialsimple-re-texturing-guide-from-start-to-finish

But i've not modified the file name other than the start NORFOR\Dingo instead of CUP\CUP_Vehicle...


I basiclly added a V and a couple of norwegian flags on the exterior. a bit of text modifing on the gunner seat, nothing major ....

Well does your .pbo have those texture files in it? Are you packing in the editing tools? Using a P drive?

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Well, i swaped out the old texture with the new one since they are basiclly the same but with more flags and stuff ? I'm using BinPbo personal edition since the arma 3 one crashes on me... No im not using a P drive

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