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EDEN - MOD Identifier for Entities

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Hiya.  I'm loving the EDEN editor.  It's everything I've been hoping for.


The thing I'm missing is a way to identify an Entity that is coming from an "unloaded" mod.


Sometimes I mistakenly edit a Vanilla mission when I have a mod loaded, and I place an Entity from the Mod down in the editor. 


In the old editor if this occurred, you could just open the mission.sqf and delete the loaded Mod and search the file for the Entity itself and replace it with something Vanilla.  Then you could save the mission in Notepad and reopen it as Vanilla in the editor. 


With EDEN and the new mission.sqm, I can't seem to do this, and their isn't a way to determine what I accidentally placed down in the scene.  The feedback notification only tells you the mod that is missing.


The scene below is something I'm working on and it's meant to be straight Vanilla A3.  But I accidentally had the "RESIST" mod and campaign loaded and must have placed something in the scene from that mod.  I love the Resist missions, but I am not wanting my mission to require it.  So I have spent hours going through trying to find the Entity that I placed down.  :(


I've saved multiple files and deleted portions of the Mission to try and isolate the Entity.  This hasn't seemed to work either.


Does anyone know of a way to completely identify the used Entities from a mod?


 As you can see in the Screenshot, there is no Identifier in the Entity Listing so I can't find the object that is causing the missing-mod-notification.  There is one in the Assets Listing though however. 





Thanks for any advice and tips.

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Always in the last place you look. :D  Apparently I chose the wrong KUMA.  Since the KUMA didn't show in the Empty Assets, I didn't realize RESIST had modified the Tank in the Independent Faction.  


Solved for me, but a "MOD identifier" in the Entities list would be nice.   ;)


EDEN 4life yo.



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This could be solved in most cases by adding the mod logo nex to the object name in the entity list, as we already have it for the asset browser. An other solution would be, to ask the player if he wants those items to be removed (right after the notification, see above)

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the question is still, how do you edit the mission sqf.

to delete a bad MOD broken my the last update.

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It would be very helpful if there was an Icon beside the Entity to show what Mod is it originating from. 

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