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Forcing Helicopters to land Under Fire

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All, thanks for your help in advance!


I'm trying to make a mission where helicopters land near a hot LZ and drop troops.  However, as soon as the helicopters approach, they start taking fire, and then they start taking evasive action and are unable to drop the troops.


Is there anyway to force helicopters to land? Should I be using something other than Transport Unload? Is there something I can put in the init line?


Thanks again! 

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You can set their combatMode to "CARELESS", but that means they wont fire (i.e. door gunners).


unitCapture and unitPlay, plus their associated functions, MAY help in your case.


There's also the land command, but I'm not sure if that will force a landing under fire or result in the same behaviour you're experiencing.

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All you have to do is wait a couple weeks. 1.56 update brings improved waypoint fidelity to helicopter pilots, and AI in general.


Until then, I spawn invisible helipads at the desired landing sites, and use the land command to force landing, in the waypoint statements of the TR UNLOAD waypoint.

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land command as said above + disableAI ("FSM", "TARGET", "AUTOTARGET") and when 1.56 release disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"


in chopper's init field:

{(driver this) disableAI _x} forEach ["FSM", "TARGET", "AUTOTARGET"];




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I just got the following to work:

  1. Create an empty Ghosthawk in the editor. Give it a name like ghawk
  2. Create two pilots grouped together. this moveInDriver ghawk for one, this moveInTurret [ghawk, [0]] for the other.
  3. Create two Helicopter Crew, grouped with each other but not with the pilots. this moveInTurret [ghawk, [1]] for one, this moveInTurret [ghawk, [2]] for the other.
  4. Give the pilots the usual Transport Unload waypoint, set to Careless.
  5. Because the gunners are in a separate group, Careless doesn't apply to them and they engage any targets they see.....
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