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Looking for a script that finds building names

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I am looking for a script that scans the terrain and outputs the results to the RPT or clipboard. It would list all the building names. I need it for loot spawn systems. Im using the Lingor A3 terrain.


Maybe something that automates this:

typeof BIS_fnc_camera_target?
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Well you could have searched for like 10 of these results, but here is the code for your unit (just point and click):

player addAction ["House to RPT", {diag_log format ["Building: %1", typeOf cursorTarget]; hint format ["%1 Saved!", typeOf cursorTarget]}];

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yeah, i saw several like that but as far as I can tell, you have to look at each and every building to do that. I want a script that I can run that will scan the map and post the building names to the RPT or clipboard or sqf file.

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that and there is the issue that some buildings dont show a class name. They just give me the "" and no classname.

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You could try something like this, I'm not sure if it works, and it probably isn't very efficient overall, but it is a one and done deal so...:

_buildingClasses = [];
_trackerVar = 0;//just so you can see progression of the script, as well as how many classnames there are in the end
_buildings = nearestObjects [[0,0,0],["Building"],(worldSize/2)];

	if !(typeOf _x in _buildingClasses) then
		_buildingClasses pushBack (typeOf _x);
		_trackerVar = _trackerVar + 1;
	hintSilent str(_trackerVar);
} forEach _buildings;

diag_log str(_buildingClasses);//rpt
copyToClipboard str(_buildingClasses);//clipboard

hintC format ["Building Search Complete. Buildings Found: %1",count _buildingClasses];
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that and there is the issue that some buildings dont show a class name. They just give me the "" and no classname.


That is because the item is either a classless object (e.g. vegetation and rocks) or it was given no class when placed in the Map Builder. 



Haven't tested the below, but try it in your mission. :) (But take note that this process will take some time. After that it should all be populated in your .RPT)

//init.sqf or unit's init
player addAction ["Populate RPT", "search.sqf"];

buildings = [];
Houselist = nearestObjects [player, ["House_F"], (worldSize / 2)];
	_houseClass = typeOf _x;
	HouseExists = false;
	for "_i" from 0 To (count buildings) - 1 do {
		_index = (buildings select _i);
		_selClass = typeOf _index;
		if (_houseClass isEqualTo _selClass) exitWith {HouseExists = true};
	if (!HouseExists) then {diag_log format ["Building Classname: %1", _houseClass]; buildings = buildings + _houseClass};
} forEach Houselist;

hint "Search Complete!";



EDIT: Darn, too late again. Well just try both examples to see if you can find what you were after. :D

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21:03:53 "Building Classname: Land_Lampa_ind"

21:03:53 Error in expression <1", _houseClass]; buildings = buildings + _houseClass};

} forEach Houselist;


21:03:53   Error position: <+ _houseClass};

} forEach Houselist;


21:03:53   Error Generic error in expression

21:03:53 File missions\testcrash.lingor3\search.sqf, line 12

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You could try something like this, I'm not sure if it works, and it probably isn't very efficient overall, but it is a one and done deal so...:

_buildingClasses = [];
_trackerVar = 0;//just so you can see progression of the script, as well as how many classnames there are in the end
_buildings = nearestObjects [[0,0,0],["Building"],(worldSize/2)];

	if !(typeOf _x in _buildingClasses) then
		_buildingClasses pushBack (typeOf _x);
		_trackerVar = _trackerVar + 1;
	hintSilent str(_trackerVar);
} forEach _buildings;

diag_log str(_buildingClasses);//rpt
copyToClipboard str(_buildingClasses);//clipboard

hintC format ["Building Search Complete. Buildings Found: %1",count _buildingClasses];

This one seems to have done something. It said it found 162 buildings.


Here is what it found:

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21:03:53 "Building Classname: Land_Lampa_ind"
21:03:53 Error in expression <1", _houseClass]; buildings = buildings + _houseClass};
} forEach Houselist;

21:03:53   Error position: <+ _houseClass};
} forEach Houselist;

21:03:53   Error Generic error in expression
21:03:53 File missions\testcrash.lingor3\search.sqf, line 12


Try this:

//init.sqf or unit's init
player addAction ["Populate RPT", "search.sqf"];

buildings = [];
Houselist = nearestObjects [player, ["House_F"], (worldSize / 2)];
	_houseClass = typeOf _x;
	HouseExists = false;
	for "_i" from 0 To (count buildings) - 1 do {
		_index = (buildings select _i);
		_selHouse = str _houseClass;
		if (_houseClass isEqualTo _index) exitWith {HouseExists = true};
	if (!HouseExists) then {diag_log format ["Building Classname: %1", _houseClass]; buildings = buildings + str _houseClass};
} forEach Houselist;

hint "Search Complete!";

EDIT: Made some changes.

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Here is a small update to it, to check for any that return "", and it will place a marker on that position, so you can visually see where and what it is so possibly you can find the classname elsewhere:

_buildingClasses = [];
_trackerVar = 0;//just so you can see progression of the script, as well as how many classnames there are in the end
_unknown = 0;
_buildings = nearestObjects [[0,0,0],["Building"],(worldSize/2)];

	if !(typeOf _x in _buildingClasses) then
		_buildingClasses pushBack (typeOf _x);
		_trackerVar = _trackerVar + 1;
	if (typeOf _x == "") then
		_unknown = _unknown + 1;
		_mrk = createMarker [format["building%1",_forEachIndex],(getPos _x)];
		_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mrk setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
		_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";
	hintSilent str(_trackerVar);
} forEach _buildings;

diag_log str(_buildingClasses);//rpt
copyToClipboard str(_buildingClasses);//clipboard

hintC format ["Building Search Complete. Buildings Found: %1\nUnknown Found: %2",_trackerVar,_unknown];
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now I just have to sort through these classnames and figure out what category each falls into: Civilian, Military, Industrial, or Research.


Im currently using the Na Palm Lootspawn script. I wish I had a better one though.

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h = [] spawn {

_buildingsInfo = [];

_mapRadius = worldSize / 2;

_mapCenter = [ _mapRadius, _mapRadius ];

_found = nearestObjects [ _mapCenter, ["Building"], _mapRadius * 1.4142 ];


if( isClass( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x ) && ( _x call BIS_fnc_isBuildingEnterable ) ) then {

_buildingCat = getText( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "vehicleClass" );

_data = _buildingsInfo;


systemChat format[ "Finding - %1", _x ];

_index = _data find _x;

if( _index isEqualTo -1 ) then {

_index = _data pushBack _x;

_nul = _data pushBack []


_data = _data select ( _index + 1 );

}forEach [ _buildingCat, typeOf _x ];

_buildingPos = if( productVersion select 2 > 154 && productVersion select 3 >= 133934 ) then {

count ( _x buildingPos -1 )


_pos = 0;

while { true } do {

if ( _x buildingPos _pos isEqualTo [0,0,0] ) exitWith { _pos };

_pos = _pos + 1;



_data pushBack [

getPosATL _x,


getNumber( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "numberOfWindows" ),

getNumber( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "numberOfDoors" )


_mrk = createMarker [ str getPosATL _x, getPosATL _x ];

_mrk setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";

_mrk setMarkerSize [ 2, 2 ];

_mrk setMarkerColor "ColorRed";


_red = linearConversion[ 0, count _found, _forEachIndex, 255, 0, true ];

_green = linearConversion[ 0, count _found, _forEachIndex, 0, 255, true ];

_hex = [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" ];

_red = format[ "%1%2", ( _hex select floor ( _red / 16 ) ) , ( _hex select ( _red % 16 ) ) ];

_green = format[ "%1%2", ( _hex select floor ( _green / 16 ) ) , ( _hex select ( _green % 16 ) ) ];

hintSilent parseText format[ "Working<br /><t color='#%2%3%4'>.%1</t>", ( "........................." select [ 0, _forEachIndex % 25 ] ), _red, _green, "00" ];

} forEach _found;

comment "copyToClipboard str _buildingsInfo;";

hintSilent "Please wait formatting to clipboard";

_info = format[ '/*"Editor Class"%1"Building Class"%2[ postion, num building positions, num windows, num doors ]*/', toString[ 13, 09 ], toString[ 13, 09, 09 ] ];

_info = format[ "%1%2[", _info, toString[ 13 ] ];

for "_c" from 0 to ( count _buildingsInfo ) -1 step 2 do {

_info = formatText[ "%1%2%3,%4[", _info, toString [ 13, 09 ], str ( _buildingsInfo select _c ), toString [ 13, 09 ] ];

for "_t" from 0 to ( count ( _buildingsInfo select ( _c + 1 ))) -1 step 2 do {

_info = formatText[ "%1%2%3,%4[", _info, toString [ 13, 09, 09 ], str ( _buildingsInfo select ( _c + 1 ) select _t ), toString [ 13, 09, 09 ] ];


_info = formatText[ "%1%2%3", _info, toString [ 13, 09, 09, 09 ], _x ];

if ( _forEachIndex < ( count( ( _buildingsInfo select (_c+1 ) ) select ( _t+1 ) ) -1 ) ) then {

_info = formatText[ "%1,", _info ];


}forEach ( ( _buildingsInfo select ( _c + 1 )) select ( _t + 1 ) );

_info = formatText[ "%1%2]", _info, toString[ 13, 09, 09 ] ];

if ( _t < ( count( _buildingsInfo select (_c+1 ) ) -2 ) ) then {

_info = formatText[ "%1,", _info ];



_info = formatText[ "%1%2]", _info, toString[ 13, 09 ] ];

if ( _c < (( count _buildingsInfo ) -2 ) ) then {

_info = formatText[ "%1,", _info ];



_info = formatText[ "%1%2];", _info, toString[ 13 ] ];

hint "Done";

copyToClipboard str _info;


Just run it from the debug console when previewing the map you want building info from.
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