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xxx.CA on my model makes ocean invisible when looking through it

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Is there something I've overlooked?  I have a sail on a boat -- when I use a xxx.CA texture for the sail, the side of the sail in shadow, when I look through the sail it allows me to see the ocean floor as if there was no water.  How do I fix this?



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Testing -- it seems fully transparent parts of the texture do not remove the water, just those that are partially transparent. 

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Select the sail in O2 and try ordering the ALPHAs (CTRL+HOME) - If that doesn't work try CTRL+END (as I can't remember which way around they are off the top of my head).

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Select the sail in O2 and try ordering the ALPHAs (CTRL+HOME) - If that doesn't work try CTRL+END (as I can't remember which way around they are off the top of my head).


In O2 I see "Sort Alpha."  Is that it?

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Iirc alpha textures have issues with water - check the vanilla Jetfighter glass cockpit in external view over water. Iirc it dissappears. Not something you can fix as far as i know. I have doubts that the sorting will fix it, as water is an external entity, not something within the p3d.

I noticed that *.ca (DXT5 compression) behaves weirdly with AO, but .co with alpha (resulting in DXT1 with 1 bit alpha) displays fine. Maybe it's the same with water? Try naming your texture .co before converting to .paa and see if this fixes the problem. 1 bit alpha doesn't allow smooth transitions however.

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Select the transparent parts of the model(glass, plastic, blur proxy etc.) then check "move top" and "move bottom" from surface*. It is like layers.


*Must be in surface. I couldn't check.

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Select the transparent parts of the model(glass, plastic, blur proxy etc.) then check "move top" and "move bottom" from surface*. It is like layers.


*Must be in surface. I couldn't check.

What parts should "move top" and what should "move bottom", and what surface?

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What parts should "move top" and what should "move bottom", and what surface?

Sorry, I couldn't check it. Now this is the actual way:


It must be in the "face" menu, not "surface". All glasses/transparent materials must be "moved top" *. It is an common face order issue.


* You can also check the move bottom.

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