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[WIP] RENAMED Real Names Edit Mod

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Hi guys, here's my first attempt to create a mod, i'm very happy at this instance and expect a release very soon. :rolleyes:

The main focus of this mod is replace the default names by real names and designations as we see in real world, this patch includes vehicles, weapons and equipment (if is possible).
As we know some units don't have a real counterpart, and the names will be a mix from different "unit" designations or classes.

So here's a sneak peek of what i've done so far...







Thanks in advance.

Stay tuned!

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I've already do this since many times, and I do it for some weapons mods with the authorisation of authors.

I just used it for myself and friends that using ArmA III.


Just that in these images, that's still not the real names for some of them.

But it's just my opinion of course  ;)


Good luck for the next steps  :)

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