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Exclude aircraft from activating triggers

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A search didn't reveal the answer I needed, but I do apologise if thean existing answer escaped me.


When placing any trigger down to be activated by BLUFOR, often a BLUFOR aircraft prematurely activates the trigger when I really only wanted ground units to activate. Quite obviously this can mess things up!


Can anybody please indicate what code might be entered in a trigger condition that help me?


Thanks all.

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The condition finds that the aircraft is above the ground.


How do I write it so that:   The condition is true therefore do not fire the trigger.



Assume I want blueforce to fire the trigger and I have a bluforce aircraft named  air1  and I don't want him to fire the trigger.



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The condition finds that the aircraft is above the ground.


How do I write it so that:   The condition is true therefore do not fire the trigger.



Assume I want blueforce to fire the trigger and I have a bluforce aircraft named  air1  and I don't want him to fire the trigger.



{isTouchingGround _x && _x != air1} count thisList > 0

Thank you tankbuster, I'm starting to understand the concept. Any idea how istouchingground may be used with 2 flying objects (array?) in the condition instead of one?

{isTouchingGround _x} count [unit1,unit2] > 0

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