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Custom GPS

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I am wanting to make a custom GPS and am having difficulties of finding the correct config to inherit from.  From what I am understanding, it looks like I have to find the RscMiniMap config.  I do not know where that would be located?  I need help in getting started.


How do I change the ingame gps picture to a custom picture?




My bad for creating another thread with the same name...

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I found this script in the functions_f.pbo and it seems that it would change the frame of the GPS.  However, I have tried many ways to enter my texture but it is not working.  It says to make the texture _this select 0.... how would I do that?

	Author: Karel Moricky

	Replaces GPS frame.
	Following line have to be defined in mission Description.ext:
	onMinimapScript[] = {"BIS_fnc_customGPS_Spawn"};

	_this select 0: STRING - Image path
	_this select 1 (Optional): NUMBER - Delta X
	_this select 2 (Optional): NUMBER - Delta Y


BIS_fnc_customGPS_Params = _this;

BIS_fnc_customGPS_Spawn = {scriptName "fn_customGPS.sqf: Loop";

	_params = BIS_fnc_customGPS_Params;
	_frame = _params select 0;
	_dx = if (count _params > 1) then {_params select 1} else {0};
	_dy = if (count _params > 2) then {_params select 2} else {0};

	#define GPS_DISPLAY	(_this select 0)
	#define GPS_MAP		(GPS_DISPLAY displayctrl 101)
	#define GPS_FRAME	(GPS_DISPLAY displayctrl 101000)

	_posMap = ctrlposition GPS_MAP;
	_posMap set [0,(_posMap select 0) + _dx];
	_posMap set [1,(_posMap select 1) + _dy];
	GPS_MAP ctrlsetposition _posMap;
	GPS_MAP ctrlcommit 0;

	_posFrame = ctrlposition GPS_FRAME;
	_posFrame set [0,(_posFrame select 0) + _dx];
	_posFrame set [1,(_posFrame select 1) + _dy];

	GPS_FRAME ctrlsetposition _posFrame;
	GPS_FRAME ctrlsettext _frame;
	GPS_FRAME ctrlcommit 0;


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According to that page you pass the texture path to the function with an array. "_this select 0" is saying the the image path needs to be the 0th (first) index in the array so you'd call the function with.

["PathToTexture"] call BIS_fnc_customGPS;

Or if you need to use the other optional parameters to include a "Delta Y" or "Delta X" value (not sure exactly what it means by the delta values - I think it's some positional offset) you'd call it with

["PathToTexture",ΔX,ΔY] call BIS_fnc_customGPS;
Where ΔX and ΔY are numbers.

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Hmmm... still not working.  I placed this in the init.sqf 

["acc_soc_garmin401_dialog.paa"] call BIS_fnc_customGPS;

and the BI GPS shows when i click RT CTRL + M

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Hmmm... still not working.  I placed this in the init.sqf 

["acc_soc_garmin401_dialog.paa"] call BIS_fnc_customGPS;

and the BI GPS shows when i click RT CTRL + M

Woul;dn't you need the FULL path to the texture (i.e with PBO name and relevant folder structure) too?

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Woul;dn't you need the FULL path to the texture (i.e with PBO name and relevant folder structure) too?


At the moment I am doing my testing in a mission so the path would be "acc_soc_garmin401_dialog.paa".


It is working, but I had to use a different method.  I used this mission as an example:




Basically it is creating the satellite map and placing it on top of an image.  


I would still like for the GPS to replace the RT CTRL + M, and the player's current position is not being displayed.



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I have the players position marked on the GPS now.


How do I make it accessible by RT CTRL + M 

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