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Starting with your squad in a Heli..

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Just put a waypoint with "Get in" for the officer. Or name the heli: heli1 and put this line in the init field of every soldier to get in:

this moveincargo heli1


this moveingunner heli1


this moveindriver heli1

There ya go... smile.gif

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Which would that be? :-P Also, doing some experiments with the unload waypoint, I noticed that the thing actually drops the entire heli crew. Is there any way to make it so they don't drop w/ the squad?

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Thanks alot, that works great. Is there any way that I can get them all to unload once they arrive at the waypoint and then have the chopper fly off WITHOUT landing?

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How bout an example for that.. also, if I place a trigger, is the circle around the flag the radius they will land at? Sorry about this im not good at triggers..

(Edited by MotherRussiaAK74 at 11:40 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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Well i am sorry if you know this but, you have to make the trigger activated by the heli it self, you can do this by holding down F2 and dragging from the heli to the trigger and selecting present.

hope that helped smile.gif


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There is also the land command.

heli1 land "land"

will make the heli stop.

heli1 land "getIn"

Will make the heli hover and wait for unit to get in.

heli1 land "getOut"

I reckon you can guess this one.

Well, I been trying this anyway, couldn't get it to work properly. If you can, tell us how.

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NONONONONO u lot r so confusing for the begginers.

motherRus if u give me ur e-m address even by messenger if u dont want other people to view it i have a lil map right here that does wot u want and only took me 5.

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MotherRussia - wot he means is the messenger on

this forum, not MSN Messenger. Take a look at top

of the forum, there you find a button called "messenger"

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