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1.85 flashpointserver.exe crash in some missions

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Two missions out of three crash the exe so far, I expect many more WILL crash it. Please MODERATORS DON'T LOCK THREAD then I won't be able to give input to the BIS developers.

My other thread was misunderstood as being ONLY about not seeing missions and then locked. FlashpointServer.exe crashes in some missions during play. This time it happened in another mission (VulturesNest).

Again here is the Flashpoint.rpt (Hope this helps):


== F:\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointServer.exe


Exe version: Tue Oct 01 08:35:36 2002

graphics:  No

resolution:  160x120x32


 VoiceRH in voicerh\, Bizon in bizon\, Su25 in su25\, 6G30 in 6g30\

 BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, BMP2 in bmp2\, Kozlice in kozl\, Steyr in steyr\, AH64 in apac\

 Vulcan in vulcan\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\, Mini in mini\, Trabant in trab\

 G36a in g36a\, BRDM in brmd\, Ch47D in ch47\, HMMWV in humr\

 LaserGuided in laserguided\, Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, XMS in xms\

 BIS_Resistance in o\, Flags1 in flags\, MM1 in mm-1\, Bradley in m2a2\

Mods: RES


Date: 10/15/02  Time: 20:29:25


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0065FA59

Version 1.85

Fault address:  0065FA59 01:0025EA59 F:\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointServer.exe

file:     INF3_1-8c_Sidewinder (cur_mp)

world:    noe

Prev. code bytes: 89 46 08 80 27 00 B0 01 EB C5 53 8B 5C 24 08 56

Fault code bytes: 8B 73 14 85 F6 57 8B F9 74 03 FF 46 04 8B 4F 14


EAX:00000000 EBX:00000004

ECX:0012F7F4 EDX:010F0400

ESI:00000004 EDI:058ADFB8


SS:ESP:0023:0012F7AC  EBP:0012F7E0

DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:0038  GS:0000




== F:\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointServer.exe


Exe version: Tue Oct 01 08:35:36 2002

graphics:  No

resolution:  160x120x32


 VoiceRH in voicerh\, Bizon in bizon\, Su25 in su25\, 6G30 in 6g30\

 BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, BMP2 in bmp2\, Kozlice in kozl\, Steyr in steyr\, AH64 in apac\

 Vulcan in vulcan\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\, Mini in mini\, Trabant in trab\

 G36a in g36a\, BRDM in brmd\, Ch47D in ch47\, HMMWV in humr\

 LaserGuided in laserguided\, Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, XMS in xms\

 BIS_Resistance in o\, Flags1 in flags\, MM1 in mm-1\, Bradley in m2a2\

Mods: RES


Date: 10/16/02  Time: 00:01:12


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0065FA59

Version 1.85

Fault address:  0065FA59 01:0025EA59 F:\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointServer.exe

file:     INF2_1-8c_VulturesNestv3 (__cur_mp)

world:    Noe

Prev. code bytes: 89 46 08 80 27 00 B0 01 EB C5 53 8B 5C 24 08 56

Fault code bytes: 8B 73 14 85 F6 57 8B F9 74 03 FF 46 04 8B 4F 14


EAX:00000000 EBX:00000004

ECX:0012F7F4 EDX:010F0100

ESI:00000004 EDI:06B2FEF8


SS:ESP:0023:0012F7AC  EBP:0012F7E0

DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:0038  GS:0000



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I don't know all the contents in the rpt, but Access Violation I think I know.

Atleast in Windows-terms access-violation is ususally caused by an overheated cpu, defective/unstable memory-module or some sort of 3rd-party crack in the software.

You tried removing one mem-module at a time and checked the cpu-temp? smile.gif

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Access Violations really dont need to have anything to do with faulting hardware... Our server started to do the same kind of crashes after 1.85, in missions which worked fine with 1.75

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rexxenexx @ Oct. 16 2002,09:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Again here is the Flashpoint.rpt (Hope this helps):<span id='postcolor'>

I am sorry, but posting Flashpoint.rpt here will not help us identifying the bug. Please, post both Flashpoint.rpt AND context.bin to [email protected]. See this topic or Troubleshooting FAQ forum section for more information.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Oct. 16 2002,11:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Access Violations really dont need to have anything to do with faulting hardware... Our server started to do the same kind of crashes after 1.85, in missions which worked fine with 1.75<span id='postcolor'>

Exactly Kegetys!

They did work perfectly in standalone server 1.75.(btw thx Kegety for making the spec. script biggrin.gif I use it in some of my missions)

I tested all the missions and only the two crash the new server.exe. BUT (very strange) I set the Priority in the Task Manager to "High" on FlashpointServer.exe and went through both missions with no problems! I then set in to "Normal" and still the missions worked perfectly confused.gif I even reset both the server and my client computer and off the bat the missions work perfectly. I'm going to send the files to support anyway just in case someone else runs into this, or you never know it could crop up again on my server wow.giftounge.gif

Thx guys

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