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Multiplayer Filming

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What is the best way to capture video in multiplayer? Not talking about software, fraps, etc. I'm looking for a way to use something like the splendid camera or other free-hand camera on a multiplayer mission to get unique cinematic camera angles. Something like a physical camera mod would be interesting also, I had this in OFP but have seen nothing for ARMA 3 yet.


Hope you can help.


Thank you,

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There is one called gcam that works. There are a few outstanding issues with it for arma 3, but it is reported to work, and I tried it as recently as a week ago in Arma 3 and it seemed to work fine for me.


Perhaps that, and an xbox controller would give you the result you are after.

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Bumping this thread. I tried GCam awhile ago and could not get it to work in Multiplayer. Any other suggestions anyone?



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Bumping this thread. I tried GCam awhile ago and could not get it to work in Multiplayer. Any other suggestions anyone?




GCam has worked flawlessly for me in the past, even in multiplayer. Usually when you run it you will just get an action in the action menu saying "Start GCam" or something along those lines. The server doesn't even need to run it. Alternatively, have a look at this video, and either use the camera.sqs script or Zeus with some kind of gamepad or Xbox controller, like mobile_medic mentioned above. That should give you very smooth and customizable camera movement.


You mention the Splendid Camera in the main post, which can be used as well. Holding the left mouse button and moving it around gives you a very special kind of smooth pan that I enjoy a lot. It may not be very practical, but you can use this one feature for filming something. Either way, that's about all I've figured out after messing around with this for a while.

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The new official spectator mode could also work. You would need to prep the mission though.

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