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Best way to smoothly flatten out terrain?

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I have this hill i wanna flatten out, whats the best way to smoothly do that?


In buldozer or in terrain builder?

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If it's a big hill i'd use L3DT, then reimport the .asc or .xyz file back in TB, remember to rebuild after importing.

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For everything elevation related, in case you want it to look realistic, use L3DT. 

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Thanks for the info. I did try loading the height map into L3DT again but everything appeared flat in the 3D view.


I managed to get it done with buldozer but now im facing another problem...


When playing on the map in ArmA 3 the game freezes when i reach a certain part of the island, got any idea whats causing that?


If i place the player in that area in the editor game freezes when loading mission!

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Thanks for the info. I did try loading the height map into L3DT again but everything appeared flat in the 3D view.


Check the horizontal and vertical settings under operations in L3DT




When playing on the map in ArmA 3 the game freezes when i reach a certain part of the island, got any idea whats causing that?


If i place the player in that area in the editor game freezes when loading mission!



Check your client side RPT, it might show what went wrong at the time of the crash.

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My RPT file says:

11:25:44 Starting mission:
11:25:44 Mission file: santo1
11:25:44 Mission world: jwc_Santo
11:25:44 Mission directory: C:\Users\JW\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\santo1.jwc_Santo\
11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list
11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit
11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit
11:25:45 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile
11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal
11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal
11:25:46 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow
11:25:46 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
11:25:47 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0

Anyway im starting another island to see if the problem is still there.

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I have no idea what that means, are you just using the editor or trying to run a mission when it crashes ?

There was a bug report Here with the same error message 'Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0' but it was closed for lack of info.

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No it works fine in the editor and mission load/play fine until i reach a certain part of terrain then it freezes and i have to close arma from taskmanager  :huh:


Later today i will make a new terrain to see if it was a one time screw up or i'm doing something wrong along the process.

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Try the same area with just the editor, it could be something with the mission.

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Thanks for the info. I did try loading the height map into L3DT again but everything appeared flat in the 3D view.




The reason your terrain was flat is because you didn't set it any height values. When you load a map into L3dt you need to define the highest and lowest point, i:e sea level to the top of the highest peak.


What you can do is when you load your asc or xyz file, you need to go to operations/heighfield/verticlescale. A dialogue box opens and you see a cross section of your island, denoting sea level and the highest peak. You then have two boxes the one of the left is the lowest point, example; 0 then the one of the right is you highest point. You need to find out what the value is and enter that for the highest point, you can get this either in L3DT or in game from the map. This will then adjust your terrain in accordance with the horizontal scale and size of the map.


I have a map which is 2048x2048 at 10m/px my height range is 0 to 850. If I was to resize my terrain to 4096 at the same values I would get a flatter terrain. If I were to lower the terrain size to 1024 or 512, I would get  very steeper looking mountain range and or possibly spikes.


Little bit of a tip there. Check your scales and find out your values.

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The reason your terrain was flat is because you didn't set it any height values. When you load a map into L3dt you need to define the highest and lowest point, i:e sea level to the top of the highest peak.


What you can do is when you load your asc or xyz file, you need to go to operations/heighfield/verticlescale. A dialogue box opens and you see a cross section of your island, denoting sea level and the highest peak. You then have two boxes the one of the left is the lowest point, example; 0 then the one of the right is you highest point. You need to find out what the value is and enter that for the highest point, you can get this either in L3DT or in game from the map. This will then adjust your terrain in accordance with the horizontal scale and size of the map.


I have a map which is 2048x2048 at 10m/px my height range is 0 to 850. If I was to resize my terrain to 4096 at the same values I would get a flatter terrain. If I were to lower the terrain size to 1024 or 512, I would get  very steeper looking mountain range and or possibly spikes.


Little bit of a tip there. Check your scales and find out your values.



Thanks for info, will have this in mind :)




Try the same area with just the editor, it could be something with the mission.


There is nothing in the mission than a player, no scripts no nothing and the map is empty and only with clutter. I tried preview from editor and loading mission normally with same outcome.


I have now tried generating 2 new islands with L3DT using same settings as in this tutorial




and i have exactly the same problem :(

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I've already read and done that tutorial, now im trying to create my own terrain using what i learned. So im trying to generate a terrain with L3DT following the youtube video i posted as the atlas tutorial doesn't cover L3DT.

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I use L3DT all the time you need any help post me a pm. ;)


Thanks i might do that but for now i post here, the more eyes the better chance of finding out whats going wrong.


I might have found something that has to do with my freezing:



This picture shows the left side of my terrain and the terrain end line is normal





This picture shows the right side of my terrain and the terrain end line is further out than on left side and the terrain this area look like blurry lines




Whenever i get too close to right side of the map the game freeze!


Any clues why it looks like that on the right side?

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